
Apr 6, 2018
Been going around and got lost in some church looking for the Golden Outfit XD
Anyone know where I can actually find it?


Sep 16, 2017
Been going around and got lost in some church looking for the Golden Outfit XD
Anyone know where I can actually find it?
Golden outfit can be bought from the oriental store, the one with the seer. I've also found parts of the set in orc and deep one lair loot chests. Just be aware that each piece is something like 16,8k trade points.

Unless you are on some actual quest to find some other golden outfit.


Apr 6, 2018
Golden outfit can be bought from the oriental store, the one with the seer. I've also found parts of the set in orc and deep one lair loot chests. Just be aware that each piece is something like 16,8k trade points.

Unless you are on some actual quest to find some other golden outfit.
Thanks for the heads up! To add though, is the oriental store the one with the crystal ball thing and the woman that can show you memories? How would I buy it from there? maankamara
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Sep 16, 2017
Thanks for the heads up! To add though, is the oriental store the one with the crystal ball thing and the woman that can show you memories? How would I buy it from there? maankamara
Shouldn't have any special conditions. Or do you mean how the trading system works in general?

The game uses a form of barter system where money isn't common. Essentially you trade items for other items. If you sell stuff worth of 1k then you can buy items worth 1k. Just be mindful that you always have to take your part of the trade in right there and then, all extra points left are lost when you leave the area. As an example you could sell food for 1k, but only buy something for 900. If you then leave you will lose the 100 unused trade value.


New Member
Aug 3, 2017
Why can not I take this skill? In the first walkthrough, it was available, now not. How does the skill system work here?



Apr 6, 2018
Shouldn't have any special conditions. Or do you mean how the trading system works in general?

The game uses a form of barter system where money isn't common. Essentially you trade items for other items. If you sell stuff worth of 1k then you can buy items worth 1k. Just be mindful that you always have to take your part of the trade in right there and then, all extra points left are lost when you leave the area. As an example you could sell food for 1k, but only buy something for 900. If you then leave you will lose the 100 unused trade value.
Nevermind, found that going there at night works. Thanks again!
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Mar 16, 2018
Gotta say I rather like the game, even though the combat is kinda janky. Any combat involving ranged weapons in particular gets things worse. Stamina just doesn't feel like it's in a good spot and I'm not certain how ambushes and sneak attacks work, if at all.

Also the way perks can lock each other out without clear reason why and some being mutually exclusive despite no logical reason for it is really frustrating. I want to be able to play a spellsword and don't really feel like I can get much sword out of such a build if I can't take both quality weapons and magic weapons.


Oct 11, 2019
I want to ask about when I want to recruit the outlaws/criminal to join as my party member is that they require 'golden water' is that what I think it is ? the outlaw/criminals wanted to be paid with 'urine' ?

So how does one acquire it ? and I turn off the scat and hardcore and stuff I want to enjoy the game.

also rat meat ? I didn't know we can eat it lol seriously I thought the meat was only to be sold only for a mere pocket change.


Apr 4, 2020
I found this to be a very fun game, and got up as far as being able to enter the Golden Bar for the next quest line legitimately without needing to buy a fake pass after doing so many of those tough single time quests (and a ton of careful CAREFUL grinding). This game really fit the premise of the MC being nearly helpless, and it was enjoyable to see her grow up from a complete weakling to a person who can sorta take of themselves but still be at risk of dying with just one wrong move. The feeling of not being invincible was great! I was getting goblin slayer vibes the entire time, and was chuckling when I found a certain npc on the 3rd floor of the barrel inn while I was thinking about this lol. (For those who are wondering how to access this npc, enter the bar, go in front of the second set of stairs after going up the first set, and press enter to activate the prompt to go up).

I like how there is more to the game than just ero stuff, and how taking up different styles of survival/combat can influence how you'll approach dungeons and dangerous situations down the line. I initially went with a melee style (using a short sword), but later added magic to my arsenal and switched between the two styles after making a small living doing other activities. I learned to be INCREDIBLY cautious before doing any quest, and figured out the hard way after so many deaths that proper preparation and being properly stocked on supplies is key before going outside of town or into an orkin nest (those guys are assholes, especially the tall and fat ones). I also liked getting to know how Big Mom is really like once you rescue a certain npc, it was quite heartwarming and funny in a game where everything wants to kill you!

Hardcore mode was still a bit too difficult for me after a few hours of giving it a go, so it's only recommended for veterans looking for a challenge of course. The melee combat is a little frustrating at times since the enemies tend to run away from you a lot (resulting in a lot of missed strikes and wasted stam), traps require a bit of patience and sometimes herding to use (which is fine, though I wish traps could be set up a little bit faster), and magic takes some casting time to use before firing (which is fine, though it makes it a situational weapon to use since a lot of enemies are fast and just rush at you, resulting in your casting being interrupted). Because the introductory tutorial for sneaking is still untranslated during one of the quests, I get the feeling some people won't be able to understand how to use it properly atm, but sneak attacks are quite handy! (Press ctrl to enter sneak mode, creep right behind an enemy while not entering any enemy's line of sight, then strike them from the back to make them dizzy for a few seconds which gives you an opening for more strikes). Another minor thing might be that there could be some more clarification in the trait page regarding what skills get locked out and what skills aren't locked out, or their requirements that are needed.

The only real thing I could wish for atm for the game, is for the rest (or more) of it to be translated. On the main storyline quest where I was invited to enter the Golden Bar (not as a prostitute, but as a mercenary), the npc's script was still untranslated and the part right after that as well, so I decided to hold off playing any further until then. A lot of the quests in the settlements to the east are also untranslated, so I can't wait to go explore that area one day. I did get to try out the shooting mini game (at the tower to the east of town) and the caravan escort quest, both of which were pretty cool. Kinda' blew up some of the friendly npcs though (whoops). It was pretty fun!

I look forward to the further development of this game, and sincerely thank the creator for bringing this to us. Thank you!!!

As for anyone else reading this.... a small post script.

1) If you're able to unlock the quest regarding miasma in the graveyard after doing the other single time quests, be sure to collect ALL the letters and read them in both parts of the building. Otherwise, you'll pass up on being able to recruit a new npc and might accidentally kill them instead! Also, be sure to destroy the corpses sitting at the table and collect their heads before escaping (if you did the previous step correctly), and investigate the small holes near you afterwards if you did the previous step correctly. Doing all this correctly will open up more quests at the inn later with the bartender!

2) There's another way to deal with traps than just pressing Z next to them.

3) In the rain forests, some trees will have fruit. Press enter while facing them (not attack) to make the fruit fall down up to 3 times.

4) Discard any extra junk tattered clothes you don't need; they take up weight space and can't be sold. :(

5) In a certain quest where you're ordered to kidnap an orkin baby, deal with all/the majority of the orkins before attempting to do so. Should be possible if you lure an orkin to the quest npc (they can use magic from a distance, but be sure not to be in the way or you'll get hit too) while you whale on them, or engage them 1 by 1 while being in good health. Pick up the baby with enter afterwards.
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Oct 11, 2019
@ Restln : Oh it's beer, thanks. and do you know what sort of weapon or how to defeat the ogre ? I hit with the rake and it give off 1 damage tops.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I really dig that the personalities/corruption are optional traits instead of forced. Game will offer a lot of roleplay variety if it's balanced well. I was never a fan of the "The girl gets raped once, aheagos and turns into a slut who can only think about cock" types of games (Short of it being explained with drugs/corruption magic or something), lol. Sometimes rape should just feel like a terrible thing for the character. For a game that doesn't completely revolve around sex, that makes more sense. It's a great penalty for failing in combat.

Being able to choose how your character reacts to being raped is surprisingly rare in H games.


Aug 24, 2017
With my assassin build i receive a quest at golden bar. I use google translate and it seem this npc ask me to assassinate someone. Some previous post above said that this quest at golden bar invite Lona to become prostitute. If that true then the replay value of this game is high. The questline can change depend on how you play the game


Oct 10, 2018
The mine and convoy are too difficult for a loooong time it seems.
Those are the only quests I bother with to start with, graveyard one is mainly good for getting a set of dirty clothes if you don't expect to meet enough undeads otherwise but after that doesn't seem worth it.
For escort while doing it with just 3 Scoutcraft shouldn't be too hard but once you know what the objective there is you can just walk past the first goblin without being noticed and then just run to where you need to go and when leaving dodge the goblins blocking the exit, if you're careful and fast enough you might even make it out before the goblins block the exit, after that mine quest is nice since you'll be going there at some point anyways and if you bring the free companions hanging left of the quest board it should be pretty easy(though perfectly doable alone at the start if you picked strong will trait), at least if the world difficulty hasn't gotten too high.
it's compounded because every rest dirties you, every rest requires food, just about every rest requires you to leave your current area and move back and forth on the map, which opens you up to losing way more stamina.
Do you actually clean off dirt often? That seems like a waste of stamina. Also what do you mean move back and forth? Isn't resting usually safe when in the overworld(and even if there is an enemy you can probably just pick approach and run away maybe taking 1 hit if that) so if you just wait until time of day change there's no need to move to another tile to rest.

if you are unlucky then you can't take any food with you if you leave the map
Are you playing with hardcore/survival mode on? That makes it so raw food rots away as soon as you leave a map.

Anyway since trap tutorial isn't translated what does it say about activating them from the tile next to one, is there some stat that gives you a chance of not triggering a trap that way or is throwing stones the only way to deal with traps?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Do you actually clean off dirt often? That seems like a waste of stamina. Also what do you mean move back and forth? Isn't resting usually safe when in the overworld(and even if there is an enemy you can probably just pick approach and run away maybe taking 1 hit if that) so if you just wait until time of day change there's no need to move to another tile to rest.
Everything is a waste of stamina. Your stamina is going to be wasted in an instant regardless of what you do. You're actually agreeing with me here about how much of an issue the stamina system currently is, lol. That you have to either waste stamina constantly or take debuffs is part of the problem (And I personally bathe when near 0 stamina anyways and before a rest when away from town). The moving back and forth on the map is talking about how you can't rest in the graveyard or find food there. Trying to complete quests like that or the mine quest means you'll have to regularly leave eventually because all the resting drains your food too fast. Any quest area that you can't find food in has this issue. Any time you move across the map, you risk being ambushed, and you won't have the stats to flee (From the options menu), more stamina loss.

As I've said, individually, dealing with any of the micromanagement stats would have been fine, it's when they're all combined and overtuned that there's a problem. A bunch of tiny things adding up to a major thing. Dev could probably cut the cost of all stamina actions in half and I'm not sure that'd still be enough, but it'd be a start. The stamina/sleep system is the major hitch that makes all the other stuff much much worse.

30 seconds of combat means needing a full rest to recover, walking halfway across the city needs a rest. You never want to go into combat without full stamina because it reduces that 30 seconds of combat and makes entering the map almost pointless, so more resting. I've never played a game where I had to sleep at least 5 times just to get through the first little tutorial dungeon. Going out of the city? More resting. Returning to the city? More resting. Trying to explore? questing? Resting. All that resting increasing your need for food, to urinate, to bathe, that also needs to be dealt with. Dealing with them means: more resting, lmao.

It's an endless cycle. The micromanagement itself isn't the issue, it's the overwhelming amount of it that ruins the ratio of gameplay to management ratio. Game almost feels like a sleeping simulator, haha.

For clarity again, my perception of the game comes from somebody who hasn't amassed stats or wealth from sex work, it's all just trying to do combat/survival type stuff. I've heard of plenty of people in this thread having issues with the stamina system during sex work too though.
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2017
Are you playing with hardcore/survival mode on? That makes it so raw food rots away as soon as you leave a map.
the first time i played it on hardcore, then i disabled it. the second time i was able to take food with me and in the third play (where i had hardcore disabled) i wasn't able to take it with me and also had that weird trade bug i described in my former post.
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