Can someone explain the changelog of pls?
the important parts
-*fixed, AnimalRattus now a hp1 OBJ npc.
the small grey rats (in goblin lairs and such) now can be killed, meaning you can kill some accidentally fighting the goblins before getting opportunity to pick them up, minor inconvenience
-*added, add equip_part_covered verb to item_config and remove most old state block setup by equip, state effect block by equip now more reasonable.
-*fixed, Lona nude check from with any Mid dress to equip_part_covered check, must with "Chest" and "Groin" or "Vag" or it count as nude.
changed how game calculates if Lona feels naked - old version was simple "wearing anything on Mid" check so even though wearing just Civilian Top had her nethers poking out, Lona would think she's dressed enough, now the new version checks if the clothing "does visually cover chest and groin on the paper doll", effectivelly meaning she needs both Bot+Mid (or Bot+a paticular piece of Mid Extra) to feel sufficiently dressed
this also updates how game calculates which injuries and piercings are visible (for the purposes of counting them towards Lona's total Weak and Sexy)
overall should make the whole clothing system "more realistic" and easier to maintain, and if I were an optimist (which of course is a pure speculation) I'd say this overhaul should also make any further additions to the clothing system easier to implement
-*fixed, mood decrease max by nude from -100 to 0.
going naked (without Exhibitionism) makes Lona less happy, but doesn't push her into sad territory, this assumes you already know how mood system works
-*fixed, Lona default move speed to 4.3, and each mid,bot,midext dress part now -0.1 moveSpeed.(nude move speed bouns)
less clothes, go faster, simple as
-*fixed, Exhibitionist now increase 0.03 move speed for each private part without block by equip.
no clothes + exhibitionism =
sanic speed (except not really, 2x 0.03 is barely noticeable, this is such an arbitrary miniscule balance tweak I'd expect it comes from moba changelog)
the rest is either progress on quests in Coastal Fortress region, yes, even the
-*fixed, all dogs now with anal sex pose slot.(beacuse some weird reason)
or minor tweaks to skill effects and game mechanics
And now that I've spelled it out, I can see why he doesn't bother to. One of the dilemmas a solo dev (and to lesser extent every dev) faces is that every minute spent polishing your progress report and making it "human readable" is a minute spent not making progress - on code, art, whatever. You do need some sort of internal documentation for your own tracking/understanding, but that can be a pile of cryptic cliffnotes only person actually working on the project can fully understand. Which is basically what we are getting in the changelogs. Eccma has no PR skills, which can get annoying, but he's not a grifter. Because grifters are quite the opposite, making no real progress and having the PR skills to sell it anyway.