That issue was already fixed (by 2 people, myself in the version on github and then again for the version on MEGA by Ricordi here)Hello, has anyone else come across the error 'undefined method "group" for 0:Fixnum'?
I encountered it while using the cheat menu for the first time after the latest patch.
Specifically, the error occurred when I tried to acquire items through the cheat menu.
View attachment 3290325
I was able to resolve the issue by altering the 'group' method that was being invoked on a number. This solution came with some assistance from ChatGPT.
View attachment 3290329
The resolution involved utilizing these two lines of code:
"number = $game_party.item_number(item)
text = sprintf("×%s", number.to_s.reverse.gsub(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/, '\\1,').reverse)"
View attachment 3290330
Additionally, I incorporated the revised version of the cheat for items into a archive to download if somebody needs it"
In both fixes all that was needed was to remove the
from following line of code:
text = sprintf("×%s", $game_party.item_number(item).group)
In any case, thanks for trying to fix bugs.