
Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Dec 30, 2017
Here's a weird thought or fucked up twist that @Belle could do to throw us completely off.
Thaddeus is the one who used the scales to transform. He transformed into the old witch lady, to gain access to the library room.
Obviously to kill Merric, who could expose him, either by having seen in visions Thaddeus plan, or could be able to deduce through knowing the lies that he would tell.
His plan was to kill Merric and get rid of the only other truthsayer, by implicating you. Also by using the transformation spell as an old lady, he could also implicate the Crone too. As she is another that can expose him, so he is killing multiple birds with one stone.
Now I haven't played the route where Rose actually goes to jail, so I don't know for sure if Rose actually tells them about the old lady or not. I suspect that's exactly what Thaddeus wants, so he can bring in the old crone, and have them both executed.
He's not so much worried about you now, since he knows the you are a crap truthsayer, and poses no threat to his plans.

So I think that all the evidence pointing now to the Crone, is just to throw us off. It seems to well of a coincidence, that even Belle is questioning it herself.
I know there's a lot of people here that think that the Princess sister is in fact the Crone and lady at the river.
I suspect that it may be unknown to Thaddeus as well, and is the one variable, besides the MC, that will be his downfall.

At the coronation, I'm getting the vibe that, not only will the MC and the secret order expose Thaddeus, but that the Crone will show the Princess her true identity after.
Maybe due to the fact, that she never wanted to take the throne, and was going to be forced to, as the next in line to the throne.
If she played dead, it would then default to the Princess/ her sister, and release her of the obligation.

I also get the vibe, that the MC is the dark mage or sorcerer that initially put the Princess under this spell. From the story sake, it sounds as if it deals with the demon realm, that Samara was talking about.
I believe that Thaddeus actually hired the MC to use the spell, and the MC found out his plans. Then he wiped his own memories, with the same intentions as the Crone, to put a stop to Thaddeus. It would still have to tie in and restore the secret order again.

Then again, I could be way off base here, but I enjoy the guessing game.
@Belle has done an amazing job, much love for you!!……………………………..Peace!!
Possibly Thaddeus murdered the sister (or thought he did) to get her out of the way because he has the princess under an enchantment and is using her like a puppet ruler. The old crone is the sister who went to ground after her attempted murder and is working alone to undermine the traitors.

The MC may have had his memory wiped by Merric to protect him.

And Belle is just a totally cool hottie smart ass with whom the MC should hook up.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2018
Should I still investigate the 3 clues in the library, even though I want to unlock the Primrose dungeon route?


Jun 5, 2018
Do you know if the dungeon is available in this update?
If you're on .10 then yeah, it is. You can meet and speak with Prim down there if she gets taken in. Have to get there by talking to Samarra, and it opens up another remove inhibition option on Samarra.
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Jun 18, 2017
At some point, sure. I have barely enough time to push out monthly releases as it is, so don't expect it anything right now. That's something that it's more likely that I'll add after the game is complete.
Thanks for the reply :D

sloppy gonzo

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
@Belle Just realised something. Old releases went as far as 0.6 before going down to 0.10. Was I blind and missed a zero or did you realise you were further away from finishing the game than you first thought?


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
@Belle Just realised something. Old releases went as far as 0.6 before going down to 0.10. Was I blind and missed a zero or did you realise you were further away from finishing the game than you first thought?
None of those options. 10 is a larger value than 6. You're making the mistake of assuming that just because there's a dot in there, it's a decimal number. It's not. If it helps, read the entire version number: 0.10.0. Now it doesn't look like a decimal number any more. These are merely 3 different values separated by dots.

I can easily see why you're confused about it though. I went back and forth with it in my head for several months before I decided to just plow ahead regardless. It's not a mistake, but in hindsight, I should have used a different way of showing version numbers that wouldn't confuse non-programmers in particular.

Edit: Just to be perfectly clear, once and for all: The version numbers for LLtP have never indicated, and will never indicate, distance to the final release. They only indicate how far we are from the first release. Separate your mind from decimals and percentages.

sloppy gonzo

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2018
None of those options. 10 is a larger value than 6. You're making the mistake of assuming that just because there's a dot in there, it's a decimal number. It's not. If it helps, read the entire version number: 0.10.0. Now it doesn't look like a decimal number any more. These are merely 3 different values separated by dots.

I can easily see why you're confused about it though. I went back and forth with it in my head for several months before I decided to just plow ahead regardless. It's not a mistake, but in hindsight, I should have used a different way of showing version numbers that wouldn't confuse non-programmers in particular.

Edit: Just to be perfectly clear, once and for all: The version numbers for LLtP have never indicated, and will never indicate, distance to the final release. They only indicate how far we are from the first release. Separate your mind from decimals and percentages.
Well that's put me in my place lol. I was think the numbering system now would put it like around pre-alpha stage when with the content you've put in, it's gone way beyond that and other games with similar numbering formats.

Good to know it doesn't need to be version 1.00. you'll simply tell us when you've finished. That settles that 'mystery' for me.

Adding any video animations in future?


Developer of Long Live the Princess
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2017
I was think the numbering system now would put it like around pre-alpha stage when with the content you've put in, it's gone way beyond that and other games with similar numbering formats.
I don't subscribe to the way AAA publishers have turned terms like "alpha" and "beta" into marketing slogans this past decade, making something sound more exclusive than if they simply called it a "demo." I use the classic definition of these terms: A game has reached Alpha when it's feature complete (from then on out it's all about perfecting those features and fixing bugs). It has reached Beta when it's ready for external testing. Those definitions don't fit with the iterative development schedule I use for LLtP, since each "iteration" (ie. update) is fully developed and tested in its own right. We're going to go directly from "pre-alpha" to "final" the day I pull the trigger and call one of my releases 1.0.0.

Good to know it doesn't need to be version 1.00. you'll simply tell us when you've finished.
Indeed. You'll have a pretty good idea of when we're getting close to that though, because the end-game itself is probably going to occupy a few updates alone.

Programmers are so weird.
I know you mean it tongue-in-cheek, but what's really happened is that gamers in particular are so interested in how game development works that a kind of bastardized version of programmer lingo has become part of regular lingo, and it causes all kinds of confusion since the two don't always match up perfectly (with regular lingo heavily influenced by marketing). Using the kind of versioning I did for LLtP was business as usual for me, but I didn't take into consideration (enough, anyway) the idea that some of my own expectations and language won't match up with the expectations and language of the players.

The version numbers for LLtP work like this:

The first value represents the major version of the game. It will always be either 0 or 1. 0 means the game isn't finished. 1 means it is. That doesn't mean development will stop at that point, but anyone playing it when the first value is 1 will experience a complete game.

The second value started at 1 and increases by 1 for each new minor (ie. monthly) release I put out. I broke that with the second version of this game, when I was still figuring things out, but I've followed this system since then.

The third value represents hotfixes. It resets to 0 with each monthly release, and increases by 1 whenever I put out a minor update that does nothing but fix bugs.

Some developers think of the 0.1 to 1.0 scale as a kind of percentage value. If the version is 0.3, their game is 30% done. The result is that most of them start increasing version numbers by smaller and smaller values for every update they put out, making the whole thing rather confusing. With LLtP, the version numbers should always be predictable and logical. In other words, if you see something like LLtP version 0.10.1 (a version that doesn't exist, thankfully), it means that it's the 10th monthly release of the game (disregarding the 0.15 anomaly that was the second release) and that it includes a hotfix for a bug that cropped up in that version.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2017
I know you mean it tongue-in-cheek, but what's really happened is that gamers in particular are so interested in how game development works that a kind of bastardized version of programmer lingo has become part of regular lingo, and it causes all kinds of confusion since the two don't always match up perfectly (with regular lingo heavily influenced by marketing). Using the kind of versioning I did for LLtP was business as usual for me, but I didn't take into consideration (enough, anyway) the idea that some of my own expectations and language won't match up with the expectations and language of the players.

The version numbers for LLtP work like this:

The first value represents the major version of the game. It will always be either 0 or 1. 0 means the game isn't finished. 1 means it is. That doesn't mean development will stop at that point, but anyone playing it when the first value is 1 will experience a complete game.

The second value started at 1 and increases by 1 for each new minor (ie. monthly) release I put out. I broke that with the second version of this game, when I was still figuring things out, but I've followed this system since then.

The third value represents hotfixes. It resets to 0 with each monthly release, and increases by 1 whenever I put out a minor update that does nothing but fix bugs.

Some developers think of the 0.1 to 1.0 scale as a kind of percentage value. If the version is 0.3, their game is 30% done. The result is that most of them start increasing version numbers by smaller and smaller values for every update they put out, making the whole thing rather confusing. With LLtP, the version numbers should always be predictable and logical. In other words, if you see something like LLtP version 0.10.1 (a version that doesn't exist, thankfully), it means that it's the 10th monthly release of the game (disregarding the 0.15 anomaly that was the second release) and that it includes a hotfix for a bug that cropped up in that version.
I did not mean for me actually as I'm studying to be a programmer, but you still got to admit that we are a weird bunch. Like it's natural now, but starting to count from 0 with my first arrays was... weird.

That said your way of assigning version number is actually the most common I feel, which is always a good thing.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
I never understood why boob jobs are a thing. It's an anime porn trope isn't it? I guess the joke is it's a petite character doing the boob job. Anyway it's a turn off for me, I'd just want the characters to do something more useful with their time.
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