
Lover of Giantesses
May 14, 2018
You had me at incest and pregnancy... Definitely putting this on my watch list, because these two tags together are like stars and a night sky, beautiful in all it's glory <3


Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
I liked the tags and liked the characters, I just hope there are no tags that I dislike,
I'll check it out, and good luck with your game.(y)

Deleted member 2325256

Active Member
Game Developer
May 11, 2020
The girls kinda look like prostitutes with all that make up on. I hope i can tell them to take it off...
Same here. too much lipstick.
Okay, okay...I can take a hint. I was planning on toning down the makeup on the twin girls and long lost daughter anyway as part of the story. As for the classroom girls, the pastor might tolerate that stuff but not Azaleah...

Deleted member 2325256

Active Member
Game Developer
May 11, 2020
Still pregnancy would probably be along the lines and not in-game yet right? Like most of these games...

Still... game looks funny... dunno why but that’s the first impression I got from the pics... funny.
I have the pregnancy mod so there will be baby bumps.

This game is based on a cartoon strip, so there are cartoony elements. But I'm guessing you are talking about something else?


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2020
Okay, couple things i want to say about the game so far, and no, i haven't played the entire chapter yet, but as an atheist, i like it and i don't at the same time, i like it because it discusses religion in a way that isn't preachy, i don't like that i could not choose the Mc's beliefs, and i hope we can change or views as the game goes, i also liked how the atheistic daughter was portraid, she asked questions, and didn't just plain told her sister that she was wrong and that is the right way to go about it, asking questions and searching for logical/ scientific solutions.

Now about the writing, the game feels like an essay, the characters don't feel like they are talking, it feels like they are reading, it is rare that people will talk like that in real life, and even so normally not in their house, sprinkling the formal way of talking during an explanation is fine, but when all the conversations are like that, it takes alway the humanity of the character.

So far that is my take, i'm liking the game and might use this in a review soon, but so far it is fun.

Bullet points: When making a game so focused on talking about religion it is a good idea either to make your character unsure(agnostic) or let the player choose their religion or lack there off. And try for a more personal aprouch to writing so that the characters don't seen to be a bunch of people speaking in podium, go for more informal language, and sprinkle the formal one in the middle.

Tangent: about the biblical prophecy that the pastor talks about, it wasn't uncommon to people be marked even at that time, look at india, or how slaves were marked, in exodus it talks about piecing the slaves year to mark him, so it wasn't really unthinkable that a tyrant would do such a thing at some point, slaves couldn't buy or sell, because they were marked, and the opposite could be thrue if someone was trying to control an entire population. now, i came up with this reasoning in seconds after reading the profecy, with a little research you can find better arguments, i recoment Mathew Dilahanty as he was training to be a minister before becoming an atheist. (sorry, i was really religious at one point, and this kinda matters to me)
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Apr 16, 2020
I gotta say, outside of some of the make-up being overdone at times, which is an easy fix, I really enjoyed the story. Planning to check out the strip it's influenced by, because that fascinates me. I'm really curious to see where things are going to go, especially with the big reveal at the end of this chapter....

May write more after another play-through, and a good-night's sleep....had more thoughts, but brain says bed....Keep up the good work though, I'm gonna keep my eye on this one!


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I am positively surprised! While there are many things that are weird and will require time to be understood, I am very interested to see what is coming.

I specially like the deep meaningful discussions. While I could not care less about religion from a religious perspective, I nonetheless enjoy the logic and philosophy behind the discussion themselves and I welcome a game that is a bit more than "let us corrupt and fuck our family" (not that I do not like that, of course, yummie yummie).

Hope you have a lot of success!


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I legit thought it was going to be a "so bad it's good" trash read when I read the premise but by fuck I enjoyed it.

I mean, I cried at a certain point but i'm a soft bitch, I cry at most emotional things but that was a really good read.


Mar 18, 2018
Out of curiosity, what art asset/program/whatever did you use?

Because I absolutely love it!

harem - king

Feb 26, 2018
The blue text was a bit interesting with a discussion of the tangle between Jehovah/YHWY's omniscence/foreknowledge and how that can somehow imply its fallibility. That said, if you're going to nail the 7th Day Adventist Church on something, there's so much more that you could have pulled from. Hell, just reading multiple verses in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles clearly delineates that the disciples of Christ met oft on Sundays (specifically the day of Christ's resurrection). So the adventists are not following what the disciples of Christ did after his resurrection, but rather following the ancient Law of Moses (and as the curtain being rent in the Temple clearly symbolizes, the Law of Moses was fulfilled through Christ), so hopefully the MC can point out how dumb these people are for following the Law of Moses still in Current Year. And that's before getting into the nutcases like Ellen G White or Anna Phillips, the former of which declared that medicinal drugs don't actually cure illness/disease but just move it to a different location in the body (she's nuts).

Character models could be better, the Bunni Zone just seems to be an infinite supply of more daughters to potentially fuck, so that's pretty neat. Not bad, will be watching for more.
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Deleted member 2325256

Active Member
Game Developer
May 11, 2020
Okay, couple things i want to say about the game so far, and no, i haven't played the entire chapter yet, but as an atheist, i like it and i don't at the same time, i like it because it discusses religion in a way that isn't preachy, i don't like that i could not choose the Mc's beliefs, and i hope we can cahnge or views as the game goes, i also liked how the atheistic daughter was portraid, she asked questions, and didn't just plain told her sister that she was wrong and that is the right way to go about it, asking questions and searching for logical/ scientific solutions.

Now about the writing, the game feels like an essay, the character don't feel like they are talking, it feels like they are reading, it is rare that people will talk like that in real life, and even so normally not in their house, sprinkillyn the formal way of talking during an explanation is fine, but when all the conversations are like that it takes alway the humanity of the character.

So far that is my take, i'm liking the game and might use this in a review soon, but so far it is fun.

Bullet points: When making a game so focused on talking about religion it is a good idea either to make your character unsure(agnostic) or let the player choose their religion or lack there off. And try for a more personal aprouch to writing so that the characters don't seen to be a bunch of people speaking in podium, go for more informal language, and sprinkle the formal one in the middle.

Tangent: about the biblical prophecy that the pastor talks about, it wasn't uncommon to people be marked even at that time, look at india, or how slaves were marked, in exodus it talks about piecing the slaves year to mark him, so it wasn't really unthinkable that a tyrant would do such a thing at some point, slaves couldn't buy or sell, because they were marked, and the opposite could be thrue if someone was trying to control an entire population. now, i came up with this reasoning in seconds after reading the profecy, with a little research you can find better arguments, i recoment Mathew Dilahanty as he was training to be a minister before becoming an atheist. (sorry, i was really religious at one point, and this kinda matters to me)
Thank you for the thoughtful response. I like your idea of the MC being to choose his own belief system and perhaps that can be incorporated when the time arrives to start branching out. I understand that having a real choice in a VN is more fun, but I also need to be careful not to make this VN into a monstrous Gordion knot that will be too much for me to handle, so real branching and choices are still a ways away.

I think your observation that the game "feels more like an essay" is on the mark. I will try to make it more conversational from this point forward, but that will be difficult since I've had this writing style for so long. But that's one of the reasons I'm making this game is to stretch myself and try new things.

My own wife helped to cure me of being too preachy so I'm trying my best to avoid that. My goal is to have fun and interesting discussions, not to be right. There have been so many times in my life where I was sure I had all the answers only to find out the hard way that I didn't. I consider everyone's journey to be equally valid.

The mark of the beast thing scared the shit out of me when I was very young and spurred me to try Christianity in various forms. Like the MC, I find it disturbing that this particular prophecy seems to be close to being realized in form. Thank you for your research recommendation. I'll definitely check it out.

Deleted member 2325256

Active Member
Game Developer
May 11, 2020
The blue text was a bit interesting with a discussion of the tangle between Jehovah/YHWY's omniscence/foreknowledge and how that can somehow imply its fallibility. That said, if you're going to nail the 7th Day Adventist Church on something, there's so much more that you could have pulled from. Hell, just reading multiple verses in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles clearly delineates that the disciples of Christ met oft on Sundays (specifically the day of Christ's resurrection). So the adventists are not following what the disciples of Christ did after his resurrection, but rather following the ancient Law of Moses (and as the curtain being rent in the Temple clearly symbolizes, the Law of Moses was fulfilled through Christ), so hopefully the MC can point out how dumb these people are for following the Law of Moses still in Current Year. And that's before getting into the nutcases like Ellen G White or Anna Phillips, the former of which declared that medicinal drugs don't actually cure illness/disease but just move it to a different location in the body (she's nuts).

Character models could be better, the Bunni Zone just seems to be an infinite supply of more daughters to potentially fuck, so that's pretty neat. Not bad, will be watching for more.
Thank you for sharing your point of view. I'm not here to nail the 7th Day Adventist Church or any other belief system, though. I'm just sharing my own experience through the characters as I've been a member of every religion described in this VN at some point, including being atheist/agnostic. I don't pretend to be a religious scholar. Making this game is kind of like therapy for me as I am dealing with my own sexual issues as they relate to my spiritual pursuits.

While having religious and spiritual discussions within the game is fun, this is mainly a porn game and I plan to experiment with a wide variety of combinations. The main focus will be on the family unit since incest is of particular interest to me. Using the timeline trick to bring in more daughters would become ridiculous very quickly, and I'm already stretching things here. I brought in the new daughter because she's going to add some much needed sexual tension as she's not down to fuck like the rest of the family seems to be. Gotta have some corruption to spice things up.
3.70 star(s) 50 Votes