Is there anything that raises Perversion / Arousal levels? Or just alt tab while "trapped" by mobs for a bit? From reading around random posts here see there's different forms and unlocks off stuff.
Also the pink and red bars under the HP / shield, what are they?
From that F4 menu pink seems to be Arousal, but not sure the red one guessing her climax?
Pink bar = arousal, red bar = climax. If those get pegged you can use the bathtub in the Gallery room to clear them (takes some time to go down.)
Afaik, everything that raises the pink and red bars adds to perversion, which I think there is some kind of internal fractional value that's not being displayed. It does seem that Lora climaxing does a lot more for it. Some interactions seem to raise both bars much faster (seems to be mainly some forms of vaginal penetration, but the laboratory traps are very fast -- maybe due to the fact that she's being basically spit-roasted by the thing? idk)
I've noticed that you can use the ero-attack mechanism to avoid damage from most enemies. Most other costumes don't protect from it, so once your shield is down they'll mostly no longer attack you. risk is that her perversion gets too high and the pink bar gets pegged, meaning you paradoxically need to avoid most ero-attacks or get stuck in a "self care loop" while trying to do something important.
Noticed the last boss seems bugged?