I updated the cheat mod for the newest game version (at the time of writing, Loser_v0.10.01_PC64x, it *should* work for future versions until the dev changes something fundamental) [...]
FYI I was able to get this latest cheat mod running with the Mac version without much trouble. I can put together some details if anyone cares, but it's basically: drop the Linux Bepinex files from GitHub in a folder with the latest Loser.app, update run_bepinex.sh to point at the game app, chmod the script to make it executable, run it to launch the game, then quit. This updates the BepInEx folders, including adding the /plugins folder. Drop the LoserCheatMod.dll in the BepInEx/plugins folder and run the script again to play with the mod installed. I've only just started this runthrough so I might run into trouble later but for now, the mod pops up with the C key just like it should, modifying money and stats behaved as expected, everything seems to be working fine.
Many thanks noxtek, Bibifoc and 7493349837893 for your work on the mod... I appreciate what Night City is aiming for here but man I would really hate to have to play it without cheats.