Thinking on it, perhaps a first initial "flag" could be placed on the MC during the cab ride while he's thinking about things. The trip finding himself thru the Asia could have revealed to himself that he was essentially "good", "perverted" or "evil".
That yields a 3x3 grid of possibility when combined with the Fit, Psy and Tech routes:
Good Fitness: Just a big clueless loving hero jock, chicks dig heroes.
Perverted Fitness: Didn't work this hard to look good and NOT get laid!
Evil Fitness: Meat-head bully, even perhaps a little forceful and 'rape-ish'
Good Psychology: MC wants to help everyone else "know" and "accept" their kinks.
Perverted Psychology: MC wants to get into everyone's pants, slutmaking's his thing.
Evil Psychology: MC wants to control everyone absolutely, mindbreaking a definite plus.
Good Technology: Sure, he may spy and creep, but it's for their own good!
Perverted Technology: The future is now, and he's going to use it to get laid!
Evil Technology: The internet is great, it needs content though, so #SexTapes!
Might be a fair bit more work though, so just good/evil may be a little more realistic and just assume that he's a pervert regardless if good or evil, this is a sex game, after all. The option to do "truly bad things" is rare in games though, and I definitely think there's an untapped market for it. Sleep Creeping, forced masturbation, blackmail, and rape-ish stuff don't get nearly the game representation they deserve, imo. After all, I think a lot of us play these games to do things and act in ways we never would in real life and if it's all optional/player choice, even the "sex game playing prudes" (yeah, that's a thing!) should have little to say about it.
Wow, that got a little long, sorry about that. I really shouldn't post things 35 hours into no sleep...