Yeah, for me the deeper fundamentals of the minds of the girls are always what makes them special, relate-able and attractive and all emotions have there roots somewhere deeper. The games that do not pay attention to this parts of the girls are boring to me, you may call me a dork but I believe the sexiest part of a woman's body is always their brain.
Don't worry, the first thing you come to learn when you visit F95zone is developing a good game takes a lot of work and a long-ass time. We know building a story does not happen overnight. Personally I am more scared you will go too fast than too slow. For me getting to know the girls (if they are written well) is just as much fun as the adult parts of the game. Show me their hopes dreams (so I can take satisfaction from crushing them), show me their deepest fears and insecurities (so I can use those for transforming their lives in a hell), show me what brings them joy (you get the picture by now :closedeyesmile
. I have stated this before but if there has not been put thought in the 'psychological profiles' of the girls you are in risk of making them too bland and unhumanlike while they should always be the main draw for these kind of games, at least that is how I feel.