It is nice to know somebody from team TwistedDominantSadist will be present to slowly
poison change
@veqvil's mind about the game and help him to make Love and Submission the sickest (in more than one way) game on F95zone!
I am just kidding of course, nobody will poison anything. Except maybe me Carol if team TDS gets it's way :biggrin:
I believe there is an American saying that says "the fastest way through a woman's heart is through poisoning her stomach." Think about it, by making her sick and helpless she could become totally dependent on the MC, unable to refuse anything he says. Forcing somebody to be with you through making them ill really is one of the most romantic gestures one can make and I am nothing if not an hopeless romantic :happyblush
This is inspiring... so I can actually make use of your comment and have an additional way to get a character submissive.
So far the plans to get to submission with Amy are playing the helpless, insecure brother and build up a more and more perverted secret you will later make use of to get what you want. With Becky, the MC will force her to do what he desires by offering "forgiveness" if she does this and that.
And the Team TwistedDominantSadist alternative would be breaking and destroying a person and rebuilding her to your imagination XD. As I always say, keep all your ideas and thoughts coming at me! Even if I hate the idea I will soak it up like a sponge and get inspired by new things and concepts!
Just played v. 0.03.1 and i really liked! :FeelsGoodMan:
I'm glad you're doing this project and I wish you luck and success with it.
I'll definitely support this one, but i will need some time to make sure you will stay true to your project.
We have soooo many devs here that completelly changes their games after drop a v0.something and starts to get a lot of "sugestions" about the story, game mechanics...
I will play this game again to try all the different paths and give you a proper and less emotional feedback, because i think your game deserves. All i have to say now is:
Geez, thank you
@Andarilho for those kind words!

Yes, I totally agree with you. IMHO, feedback is very valuable and ideas/suggestions keep ones brain and creativity from getting rusty. Still, if a Dev doesn't stick to their core vision the whole game experience can start to feel "strange". And to me, it's all about creating the best possible game experience, with those two clumsy hands of mine XD.
C'mon man what is this a DT aftermath?We are team TwistedDominantSadist after all where are the bruises the red cheeks the blood dripping from the mouth nose and/or fresh wounds also fear is good but despair and terror are far better.
@veqvil Great start for the game if you continue to do it with the same level of choice and complexity in the future it can become one of the greatest adult games.
Absolutely agree i really don't get people ho play adult games just for the sex scenes i mean if you just want to watch sex it freely available all over the internet why bother clicking through a VN.
Also if you are really planning on including more fringe content i suggest you open a backup account on Hatreon and/or Maker Support and encourage some of your patrons to migrate there.All the big internet companies are really working overtime to censor the internet so it's best not to rely on them.
Thank you for your encouraging words! Guess Team TDS is starting to grow XD. And even though smoke is coming out of my ears looking at my own "code", I really want to have complex and interesting choices.
I'm also working on a feature to show you which scenes u might have missed out (going that path) and how you get to see them. I'm implementing this in 0.05 though, but
@GaLaLa05 got you covered with an awesome walkthrough

The thing with censorship on patreon might force me to edit the story a little (If the changes are too big, I have to make 2 versions).
Again a thank you for your feedback