It's that good, I am more than happy to play from the start.Anybody got a working save to start from v0.08 content?
Kinda funny. In my sister, my roommate-I'm wanting to set a better example for the such pressure, here.The best news of the year!
I'm looking forward to banging again one of my favorite milf and in another position.
There's still hope. If she becomes a widow, she won't be "married" anymore. (I will miss you, doc)
With all the "free time" you now likely have on your hand due to the virus outbreak. I'm sure you will make an adult game for us all, because, no effort needed right?Though i loved this game once ad was waiting for every single release of it.
But let's say it out and clear : " Here we have someone coming back for money again "
specially after the ( Quarantine ) in every country nowadays and the lack of the Ones income which decreases in some companies.
I bet that : " if he/she will release another update in future ( Skeptical ), it will take at least ( 4 : 6 ) months for the ext release ". To make it short >>>> It's a Trap for milking newcomers patreons mostly and milking the old ones whom will have hope of the continuous updates that will come again and re_pledge again ( like me ). _ Sorry for my honesty _