
Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
People here can be so unkind. I guess a community composed of horny fragile dudes is bound to be spiteful and frustrating.

Veqvil is a developer who, as those who have accompanied him from the start know, struggles with mental health issues and worked on this game as an hobby besides his job, family and personal life. When he first abandoned the game, he made it clear he was trying to overcome severe mental health issues, and walked away to try and regain his footing. He returned earlier this year presumably because he thought he could take it on. He was motivated and eager to get back to work on his project - but at some point, he failed. He couldn't keep up with it. So what?

It's alright to fail. It's alright to make mistakes. It's alright to struggle and lose sometimes. Anyone who has had a project knows how frustrating, tiresome and bland it can become after some time. Renders are work. Python coding is work. Posing is work. These games require a lot of time and effort, and it drains you. But you know what's even worse, and what drains you the most? You, struggling with your mental health, opening your game's forums, and reading how much of a lying, scammy, piece of shit you are.

“BuT He Is ScAmMiNg PatRoNs” - yeah, 99% of people who say this aren’t his patrons. That’s between him and his patrons. If they feel scammed, they can stop donating. If they feel they were lied to, it's still between them and Veqvil. But let's be real here: you're not mad because of Patreon, you're upset you didn't get to see a plastic 3D virtual doll created by the developer being posed in sexual positions that simulate her having intercourse with a male 3D doll which you use as a self-insert. This is what this is all about. And no matter how childish it is, the hate, drama, anger, rage, it's all horrible for a developer to deal with. And you know what? I hope this game remains abandoned for good, and that Veqvil doesn't have to deal with the toxicity again.

In fact, let me give you a guide on when it's alright to be mad at a developer:

Did you pay for his project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you contribute for the development of the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you actively endorse, advertise and support the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you offer help, counsel or craft but the developer turned you down and Abandoned the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Is the reason you're mad because someone is earning more than you are, even though that's more of his support's choice?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?

Is the reason you're mad because you can't tug your wiener at plastic Daz3D dolls?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?
Yeah, another fucker in my ignore list. (y) (y) (y)

fuckers = people whose main and only argument is "you don't pay, so you mustn't argue", in the end.


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Trapezio And it's getting worse, I've recently read on Facebook and Twitter (when NISA messed up the digital release of Trails of Cold Steel IV) that people are way too entitled because they expect to play games on release for which they paid full price :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2017
People here can be so unkind. I guess a community composed of horny fragile dudes is bound to be spiteful and frustrating.

Veqvil is a developer who, as those who have accompanied him from the start know, struggles with mental health issues and worked on this game as an hobby besides his job, family and personal life. When he first abandoned the game, he made it clear he was trying to overcome severe mental health issues, and walked away to try and regain his footing. He returned earlier this year presumably because he thought he could take it on. He was motivated and eager to get back to work on his project - but at some point, he failed. He couldn't keep up with it. So what?

It's alright to fail. It's alright to make mistakes. It's alright to struggle and lose sometimes. Anyone who has had a project knows how frustrating, tiresome and bland it can become after some time. Renders are work. Python coding is work. Posing is work. These games require a lot of time and effort, and it drains you. But you know what's even worse, and what drains you the most? You, struggling with your mental health, opening your game's forums, and reading how much of a lying, scammy, piece of shit you are.

“BuT He Is ScAmMiNg PatRoNs” - yeah, 99% of people who say this aren’t his patrons. That’s between him and his patrons. If they feel scammed, they can stop donating. If they feel they were lied to, it's still between them and Veqvil. But let's be real here: you're not mad because of Patreon, you're upset you didn't get to see a plastic 3D virtual doll created by the developer being posed in sexual positions that simulate her having intercourse with a male 3D doll which you use as a self-insert. This is what this is all about. And no matter how childish it is, the hate, drama, anger, rage, it's all horrible for a developer to deal with. And you know what? I hope this game remains abandoned for good, and that Veqvil doesn't have to deal with the toxicity again.

In fact, let me give you a guide on when it's alright to be mad at a developer:

Did you pay for his project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you contribute for the development of the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you actively endorse, advertise and support the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you offer help, counsel or craft but the developer turned you down and Abandoned the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Is the reason you're mad because someone is earning more than you are, even though that's more of his support's choice?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?

Is the reason you're mad because you can't tug your wiener at plastic Daz3D dolls?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?
Donate some money to this site first before you start complaining about it's community being spiteful and mean, otherwise "SHUT".


New Member
Aug 12, 2020
I don't know much English so I will express myself as best I can, I think my opinion represents a large part of the community's feeling at this time, like everyone I started to follow this game because of the feminine designs, I did not expect anything spectacular, just something to make me horny as most of the time we all do in this forum, however I finished the game without being able to get a single hot scene, but incredibly it did not bother me !!! I wanted more of the story because it was genuinely good and with well-thought-out characters, with so many girls, with different routes available, this looked like monstrous potential, and it didn't have one or two sponsors if not close to six hundred, if supposedly it was too much pressure why not hire someone ??? more updates translates into more money, sadly when I find out that it is the second time that you leave the game and that the return date agrees with the beginning of the epidemic it is not difficult to guess what happened here, a pity that I did twice yours Patreon to help with a project in which I genuinely believed, a shame that so much potential goes to waste that easily.


Oct 16, 2017
People here can be so unkind. I guess a community composed of horny fragile dudes is bound to be spiteful and frustrating.

Veqvil is a developer who, as those who have accompanied him from the start know, struggles with mental health issues and worked on this game as an hobby besides his job, family and personal life. When he first abandoned the game, he made it clear he was trying to overcome severe mental health issues, and walked away to try and regain his footing. He returned earlier this year presumably because he thought he could take it on. He was motivated and eager to get back to work on his project - but at some point, he failed. He couldn't keep up with it. So what?

It's alright to fail. It's alright to make mistakes. It's alright to struggle and lose sometimes. Anyone who has had a project knows how frustrating, tiresome and bland it can become after some time. Renders are work. Python coding is work. Posing is work. These games require a lot of time and effort, and it drains you. But you know what's even worse, and what drains you the most? You, struggling with your mental health, opening your game's forums, and reading how much of a lying, scammy, piece of shit you are.

“BuT He Is ScAmMiNg PatRoNs” - yeah, 99% of people who say this aren’t his patrons. That’s between him and his patrons. If they feel scammed, they can stop donating. If they feel they were lied to, it's still between them and Veqvil. But let's be real here: you're not mad because of Patreon, you're upset you didn't get to see a plastic 3D virtual doll created by the developer being posed in sexual positions that simulate her having intercourse with a male 3D doll which you use as a self-insert. This is what this is all about. And no matter how childish it is, the hate, drama, anger, rage, it's all horrible for a developer to deal with. And you know what? I hope this game remains abandoned for good, and that Veqvil doesn't have to deal with the toxicity again.

In fact, let me give you a guide on when it's alright to be mad at a developer:

Did you pay for his project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you contribute for the development of the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you actively endorse, advertise and support the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Did you offer help, counsel or craft but the developer turned you down and Abandoned the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut

Is the reason you're mad because someone is earning more than you are, even though that's more of his support's choice?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?

Is the reason you're mad because you can't tug your wiener at plastic Daz3D dolls?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?
Well as a former patron (ended again 2 months ago) then I feel I have some right to complain, as I have done on his discord and even on the patron page itself. Now as someone who also deals with mental health issues, that i have stated many times before, I understand some of what Veq may be going through. However Veq doesnt help himself as this is the exact same cycle that he went through last time. When you then add in the cynical nature of getting his patreon page reinstated, returning at the beginning of lockdown for most, when incomes are tight for all then at least optically it looks bad.

Making promises that he doesn't keep, apparently getting stuck on the exact same issue as last time, stating months before he has a version just about ready to go but hes not happy with it, to then taking a break and not pausing any payments while he's away. This is all just a carbon copy.... he got a lot of sympathy up until the patreon issue last time, not going to be the same this time round whether he is having the same level of issues as before or not.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
No need for long defending or blaming posts, this question explains the motives:

Did dev pause patreon pledges? Did he mention about pausing the payments in anyway in his big excuse post for stopping the development?

If answer is no, then this is good old milking and scamming. And if you're a supporter (with money or not), then you lack common sense, even simple logic and you're the cause for huge increasing number of this type of devs.

If answer is yes, then there's hope, there's some humility, there's some integrity...

Rock H.

Jul 30, 2018
Is this veq's first attempt at a game? If it is, I feel it was way too ambitious.
I also think he lacked anything resembling a basic roadmap of the game's end.
The two most prevalent pitfalls in game development and it feels like he managed to hit both of them.
Yes, I believe it was and he was aware that he didn't always have the skills he'd like to have. When you saw comments in game about not having a money system to buy coffee or about the clock not working, he was being sincere about his coding skills.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2018
anything bad happen on the Becky sub path? Like does it get really mean? Do those thugs at the pizza joint assault her or anything? Nevermind I got my answer
Last edited:


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
For those saying the game was too much work for Veq qith all the paths and what have you, just run back to earlier in the thread.

He had PhillyGames helping him and various other devs all chipping in, all for free and willing to help with whatever was needed.

He wasn't exactly alone and had help from some of the top devs here that were also able to get their own games out while helping others. On top of that he had offers from nearly all of his player base to help with little things from render farming to spell checking to translations.

He had all the help anyone could ever have asked for and a lot more help than some other devs get on here yet all he gave back was excuses.

I don't accuse devs of milking, i've never gone to threads of games that were obvious milk farms and I don't like painting devs in a bad light. I'm friends with quite a few devs on here, really good friends with a small number but some devs take the absolute piss and need calling out.

Throughout all of this devs absence and excuses he left payments open now I am an advocate of personal responsibility and everyone being aware of their own finances but you don't drop a game for years leaving payments open unless you are milking.

Reading those earlier posts the dev seemed really nice and genuine but here we are, a few years later and I don't think he's any better than the likes of Gumdrop anymore.

Dirty dev.

Wicked Garden

May 9, 2018
For those saying the game was too much work for Veq qith all the paths and what have you, just run back to earlier in the thread.

He had PhillyGames helping him and various other devs all chipping in, all for free and willing to help with whatever was needed.

He wasn't exactly alone and had help from some of the top devs here that were also able to get their own games out while helping others. On top of that he had offers from nearly all of his player base to help with little things from render farming to spell checking to translations.

He had all the help anyone could ever have asked for and a lot more help than some other devs get on here yet all he gave back was excuses.

I don't accuse devs of milking, i've never gone to threads of games that were obvious milk farms and I don't like painting devs in a bad light. I'm friends with quite a few devs on here, really good friends with a small number but some devs take the absolute piss and need calling out.

Throughout all of this devs absence and excuses he left payments open now I am an advocate of personal responsibility and everyone being aware of their own finances but you don't drop a game for years leaving payments open unless you are milking.

Reading those earlier posts the dev seemed really nice and genuine but here we are, a few years later and I don't think he's any better than the likes of Gumdrop anymore.

Dirty dev.
Wow, this changes everything. I had no clue he was getting/being offered this kind of assistance.

Ass Man

Sep 19, 2017
Whell, i wasn't a patreon, so i can't complain, but it's a shame that so much potential is going to be abandoned, the story was one of the best out there imo and i feel sad that i ain't going to see what happens next.
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New Member
Dec 18, 2019
No matter how much the work is, or how much help is received, it can be insurmountable when you're battling mental illness. When you're depressed even just getting out of bed can be a huge fight. I feel you.

Regardless it's inexcusable to casually turn paid work into charity. It is not a devs rightful decision to make, to essentially coast off the ignorant or naive who don't regularly check their payments.

When your mind is fighting to find worth in it all responsibility is on a low. Still, a little advice: Pause Patreon. Set up a BuyMeACoffee or something, so everyone who feels like giving for the sake of charity can keep doing so. The money received will indeed be less, but with your integrity and people's goodwill intact. You will gain respect for yourself and so will others. The path to a healthy life is paved by good decisions. Start walking, bud.


New Member
Oct 8, 2020
It would be a pity if it is indeed done and dead. This had got some of the best stories I've played so far.

Deleted member 167032

Alternate Existence
Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Avaron1974 is correct. I do not believe in one's project can become too big. There's always people willing to help and even for free.

It's a pity this is abandoned again (i think its not first time.) It's seriously or was a great game.

Wow, this changes everything. I had no clue he was getting/being offered this kind of assistance.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2018
Damn it, story was getting good too. Although I did find it weird that the harem routes locked off all the love scenes instead of including them


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2017
No matter how much the work is, or how much help is received, it can be insurmountable when you're battling mental illness. When you're depressed even just getting out of bed can be a huge fight. I feel you.
Dude, he's just a fucking liar. Period.

He wrote in July that the udpate was going to be postponed because he had to help his folks packing because they were relocating. Now he writes that he's abandoning the game because he's got a major writer's bloc.

Poor lad: he thinks he's like Takehiko Inoue working on Vagabond, I guess. :rolleyes:
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