- Sep 28, 2017
- 2,226
- 3,229
Yeah, another fucker in my ignore list.People here can be so unkind. I guess a community composed of horny fragile dudes is bound to be spiteful and frustrating.
Veqvil is a developer who, as those who have accompanied him from the start know, struggles with mental health issues and worked on this game as an hobby besides his job, family and personal life. When he first abandoned the game, he made it clear he was trying to overcome severe mental health issues, and walked away to try and regain his footing. He returned earlier this year presumably because he thought he could take it on. He was motivated and eager to get back to work on his project - but at some point, he failed. He couldn't keep up with it. So what?
It's alright to fail. It's alright to make mistakes. It's alright to struggle and lose sometimes. Anyone who has had a project knows how frustrating, tiresome and bland it can become after some time. Renders are work. Python coding is work. Posing is work. These games require a lot of time and effort, and it drains you. But you know what's even worse, and what drains you the most? You, struggling with your mental health, opening your game's forums, and reading how much of a lying, scammy, piece of shit you are.
“BuT He Is ScAmMiNg PatRoNs” - yeah, 99% of people who say this aren’t his patrons. That’s between him and his patrons. If they feel scammed, they can stop donating. If they feel they were lied to, it's still between them and Veqvil. But let's be real here: you're not mad because of Patreon, you're upset you didn't get to see a plastic 3D virtual doll created by the developer being posed in sexual positions that simulate her having intercourse with a male 3D doll which you use as a self-insert. This is what this is all about. And no matter how childish it is, the hate, drama, anger, rage, it's all horrible for a developer to deal with. And you know what? I hope this game remains abandoned for good, and that Veqvil doesn't have to deal with the toxicity again.
In fact, let me give you a guide on when it's alright to be mad at a developer:
Did you pay for his project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut
Did you contribute for the development of the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut
Did you actively endorse, advertise and support the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut
Did you offer help, counsel or craft but the developer turned you down and Abandoned the project?
Yes → Complain
No → Shut
Is the reason you're mad because someone is earning more than you are, even though that's more of his support's choice?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?
Is the reason you're mad because you can't tug your wiener at plastic Daz3D dolls?
Yes → Shut
No → Are you sure it's not?
fuckers = people whose main and only argument is "you don't pay, so you mustn't argue", in the end.