Played through the game and the Xmas gift and looks to be really promising- a lot of things that make this dev and game stand out.
1. Graphics/visuals/animations/renders
The girls are gorgeous and each have their own distinctive look and appeal. The scenes and backgrounds are also well-done, which is a huge bonus (there are plenty of games where the girls/models are nice but the scenery is awful which really hurts the game). Animations from the Xmas gift were easily the best I've seen on any game. There's a fantastic attention to detail- the doc's barely suppressed gag reflex, moving eyebrows, subtle breast jiggle, facial expressions, right down to her hair movement. If the dev shows this level of detail in a freebie gift, definitely prepare for some high quality scenes in the main game.
2. Story
Glad to see a healthy amount of options for the player to take the MC down whatever path he chooses. Definitely a lot of thought put into each story branch, definitely makes for an interesting playthrough beyond just rushing into sex scenes.
3. Gamplay mechanics
Really like the skill selection mechanic, lets players feel like they're customizing the character and making scenes play out how they want. Looking forward to see how this mechanic is used later on.
4. Dev communication with community
After going through the 80+ pages of comments, I'm pleasantly surprised at how proactively the dev communicates with his fans. The feedback and communication is really refreshing to see compared to many other games where the dev only posts patch updates and nothing else.
Suggestions/thoughts to Veqvil
A very promising start- judging by the quality of the short Xmas gift, you've definitely set the bar high for yourself regarding the main game (which isn't a bad thing!). Keep it up

As the game progresses it's completely understandable that you'll be busier, but please try to remember to stay in touch with your fanbase! I think it's great that you reach out to us and it makes you stand out

As a new dev- pace yourself and don't burn out! Making a game takes time, especially one as complex and graphically intensive as this one. Too many promising games have been started and scrapped, it would be a real shame if this project went the same way.
One last thing- pleasepleasePLEASE include Doc Sara in the game!! Her model in the Xmas gift is too sexy to never use again :'(