@veqvil just make the content that you want to make and hope for the best. You're never going to appease everyone and if you keep adding something that you have no interest in it shows when people play the game. You have an idea where you want to take the game and you should stick with it. I'm sure plenty of us will play the game regardless. Now back to work sir.
Yes, I absolutely agree, that's also the reason I won't add anything I don't like to this game. I mean I wouldn't do the fans justice with my crappy interpretation of something I don't understand or like
Its the interactions that will be exciting, whether it is direct or hidden, its many flavors it can be done in. It can be specifically sexual, just seductively or just based upon normal tings. Done to build a relationship or to break it down and take control of the person. There are more inspiration to find for power play than what is healthy.
Looks like this topic triggers your writing skills
. Awesome, well we will see how things will be shown in LaS, but before that, we will have plenty of talk sessions once I get a microphone and discord running
We will just have to start using actual spoiler tags. We have been spoiled with 0.3 out for so long that everybody knows everything and there not really being anything to spoil. But as we venture down the different paths we will have to keep the secrets hidden. That should help dodge the content you dont want to see as well.
Agree, also the game is going to be big, so definitely tons of surprises that could be spoiled by someone who hasn't played e.g. the tech route.
Just do your thing. Nobody will like all the content. We are all different people with different taste. Just keep things optional and dont force the player into situations they dont see coming without choises to move where we want to. If you let the player have control over the character and feel like they have freedom them 99% will be happy. People are not really afraid for the content, but afraid for being forced into situation they didnt want to be in. Most games tend to be linear, so content existing tend to mean you will run into it, and thats what they dont want to do. Sure there will always be some crusaders that will have opinion on what should be able to be in a game no matter if they will see it or even play the game, but if we would listen to all of them they would just remove the entire game. Just see how patron started acting.
Speaking of, congrats on reaching a hundred. First of many milestones.
While I'm aware of it it still makes me sort of unsatisfied xD
Also, thank you! Can't believe I made it to the 100... YEAAH!
Nooo, you can't do that us veq, you can't treat us like that. Are we in a abusive relationship or something? I understand you have a developer-teasing fetish and we let you tease us all you wan't because we assume you will deliver and trust your judgement but now you are pushing it too far. First you fill our hearts with joy by suggesting there will be sweet delicious protagonist organized rape and then the next day you rip out those very same hearts with your bare hands. There are lines on what you can and cannot do to us dude. Maybe you see us as your little toys and you think it's okay to just toy with our feelings like that and push us into despair but we are real humans with real feelings and we don't deserve this kind of treatment. Show us some love and compassion please. *Starts lying in fetus-position and crying uncontrollably.*
I'm not done, I will actually implement it, and shortly before showdown I will blend in kappa and stop the game xD
what if there's an attempted and staged rape, the girls get their cloths thorn and then the MC saves them to make them more dependant of him?
Luring heh? Added to my interesting list you genius
Will be interesting to see where that goes, as rape tend to be part of several fetishes that people dont consider rape (as I have talked about earlier). Blackmail would be rape, as you are threatening the other party. Veqvil talked of rape and said it didnt internt him as it was just a sexual act that didnt really do anything else (unless there would be a prison path) and that he wanted to have relationship and dynamics between the MC and NPCs. Now blackmail (unless I am remembering wrong, I could be) have been confirmed. So there are gray areas here. It will all depend upon what
@veqvil wants to do and what he feels serve the characters and interactions.
Well, even the definition of rape is a little off here in the forums xD. By that, I mean the "dumb" way of getting sex. Now everything that has some nice relationship based thing e.g. blackmailing is way more interesting IMO. Strictly speaking, the submission path would be rape as well.
Yeah, it is not completely clear to me when veqvil speaks about disliking rape he means all forms of rape or only the violent kind. I guess in that way rape is a bit similar to "the word that won't be spoken of" since people don't always mean the same thing when they use it. It's very confusing :idontcare:
Let us from TTDS hope there will be rape in the game in some form, no matter if it is through force, blackmail or some kind of trickery. I would even settle for some consensual rape-roleplaying
Yep, usually here rape = sex obtained by physical violence (no magic, mind control, drugs and blackmail).
Obviously in real life it is different.
You both hit the nail on the head, I haven't thought out that much in what range I would use the term rape here. Now if it's just running up to a girl and overpower her, it's not my thing. But everything that requires a build up (Yeah I love to build things xD) is interesting IMO.