
Active Member
Nov 24, 2020
I did a redo and manage to get up to the new content, Have you burn-out Lily's choice dialog until she visits you the 2nd time?
What does your Book says on lily?
Triggering Lily's Date Route:
Screenshot_65.png Screenshot_66.png Screenshot_67.png

On Rina's case she really let the door open for you. after the bathroom scene
Hope this helps you....
Thank you very much!
now I have found - after a long search - the way.
screenshot0109.png screenshot0108.png screenshot0111.png screenshot0119.png screenshot0115.png screenshot0117.png screenshot0118.png
So - without this your help I would never have found it.


Game Developer
Feb 10, 2018
So, finally been playing this game after waiting for so long to get to the point where it got enough content to be played.

I'm the type who won't re-play a game each time a small new update gets added, so the next time I'm going to play this game probably is on 1.0.

Thus, I'm going to note things that could be improved. Not going to add 'lack of dialogue' because this is obviously still WIP, but after exhausting all the 'talk' options during the morning breakfast you should be able to ask 'so how's it going?' and not continue to ask the same 3 questions, that way you can feel the small changes of Hana's and Rina's affection/trust/lust.

1: Lack of backstory and worldbuilding. You're presented with nothing to explain how these anthropomorphic animals came from, why they're despised by humans, and why this town is relatively accepting to them. Also bears mention that there's no explanation why they can interbreed with humans, being two distinct species and all.

2: Adding to point #1, we need something to call and categorize these wereanimals. Calling them 'anthros' just...feels weird and doesn't exactly rolls off the tongue.

3: On top of point #2, you need to explore the concept of anthros more. Is it just basically 'human with animal bits' or 'animals that has human traits'? Animals has many points that humans lack in general, they have more body language to express themself because they lack facial muscles to make an expression. For example, foxes, just like dogs, will turn their ears away and lower their tails if they're frightened, which can be translated to Hana doing the same when she's cowering. Rabbits will stomp the ground if they're angry or annoyed, a gesture that Lily can do to show she's annoyed at MC. Most creators doing anthro/furry character totally misses the opportunity to explore the 'animalistic' side of their characters and just focus on the 'human' side, completely neglecting the potential of anthro-type characters. Like, foxes has poor smelling ability but EXCELLENT hearing compared to dogs; who can say that Hana know Rina has been servicing you around the house? Or, rabbits has good nose on par with their hearing. Lily probably already know you're living with Hana/Rina before the confrontation, but choose not to bring it up until she can't bear with it anymore. These little points in characterization adds more depth and may make the game more immersive.

Oh, and to add as (former) rabbit owner: Rabbits doesn't have touch-sensitive ears. They do have sensitive BASE of the ears, especially on the back of the ears in general. Most of fox's tails are also just fur, so they can't really feel anything when pat there. Yes, they're a common troupe in anime/manga in general, but that's because old generations of furries never actually did any research and just assumed their fetish was right.

4: Town lacks 'population' in general. I know it's an extra chore to make random NPC characters to fill the background scene, but even as a small town the surroundings looks empty. Not a single other humanoid shadow can be found at any location, be it the Bar or the Mall when you visit them; like, we know most the population that recognize MC has gotten old and probably dead, but it doesn't make sense that NOBODY except people you know like Billy calls you out.

5: Characters' age doesn't make sense. Yes, I know this is to stop Patreon making hissy fit about MANY things altogether, but can't you make a small patch in Discord to make it more believeable? Like, Hana is 35 and Rina is 20. ANYBODY that sees Rina will do a double-take on that. Or the age of all cast is standarized at 30 despite Lily (insisting) that she's older than MC?

If we wanted to make Rina completely legal at 18, then the ages of the cast can be adjusted at such: Hana at 34 (she got pregnant at 16, which is more believeable), MC at 27, Billy at 27, Lily at 28, Fauna/Dolla at 25/26, and Tara at 28. Yeah, one of the advantages anthro characters have is they don't see any wrinkles at all, so you can't really tell their age just by looking at their faces but unless you want Rina to be considered loli you'd need to make some sacrifices in aging Hana up, except if you want, as point #3 stands, explore the concept of anthro and state that they have differing biology than human so they can reproduce at younger age and such.

6: Lily's interaction feels too...forced? I mean, even if you know each other from kids nobody would allow someguy using your butt to slide their dick in and out. This is a h-game after all, but her attitude is just too casual with sex. Billy did tell us that she got another 'human friend', so will this be a plot point? Or she's just being too cheap in name of love?

7: Town layout doesn't make any sense either. You'd expect the Bar being the river/sea because sailors will frequently visit it; Bakery stands in the 'rich' side of the town (the side of the town with bigger buildings) without access to main roads also is a poor planning; bakeries normally are set in places that gets a lot of traffic, like on the side of large roads because they're selling perishables. Lily's house are also set in the strange 'walled square' compounds normally reserved for stores.

This is the more believeable layout:

- Move Bar up and replace Lily's House location.
- Bakery can replace Bar's location.
- Store can be moved to below House location.
- Lastly, put Mall on the spot where the Store was.
- Forgot to put Lily's house, it should be slightly northeast from the Bar's previous location (or the bakery's new location), that way it will still fit the story of the Bakery being close to her house.

That's probably all input I can give for the current version. I'll be waiting for the 1.0!
Well, that's a LOT of feedback haha. First of all, thanks a lot for it.

As for the first points, I think you are right in what you say. I think it should improve both the world building and certain interactions with the characters. I have to try to make the world feel a little more alive and give it more context. In addition to making the girls have more traits of the animals they are.

As for the ages and the layout of the town I have to think about it but it certainly looks more realistic that way.

Regarding Lily, it is true that I think it is a bit forced, but since there was not much content with her I did it that way.

Most likely, since there is more content now, I'll try and make a bigger patch at some point expanding it with those changes, but first I have to see how they fit.

Again, thanks for taking your time with the game and with your feedback, I will try to improve the game the best I can.

EDIT: Just to clarify since I have been asked, I will not be changing dialogue or story that is already in the game. If I make any of the changes I mentioned above, it will be to add some more information, not to change what is already established.
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2021
While i would agree at some point maybe a little more context into the worlds lore would be great you do not have to make it conform to our worlds laws and understandings of things.
think about it honestly, this is a whole different planet in a different evolutionary path than our own. who is to say that any of your animal humanoids would carry the same characteristics as the animals we have here on earth?? what is to say if this world actually did exist they wouldn't look at that guys post with slight offense or possible discus thinking "wow... way to compare me to what my race was x years ago"

Theoretically we came from monkeys. do we eat ticks, poop in our hands and then fling it others or smell it then wipe our hands on our chest? I felt making this comparison was the best way to help you validate how you have your characters react and do things in YOUR games created world.

no 2 planets are going to be the same and there is no guarantee that an evolved animal to humanoid form is going to have the same traits or features that is beginning ancestor did. Alot can happen between the two point. Also it is a game getting too caught up about ages and how people look in comparison to their stated age is unrealistic as we have outrageous examples of looks meaning little here on our world with asian mothers sometimes looking like younger sisters to their own daughters and 22 year old women looking like 6 year old girls. ( Natalia Barnett ) look it up.

In conclusion. let Draco make their game the way with the characteristics they want and if you dont like it because it doesnt fit your way you think the characters should act then dont play it. THEIR WORLD IS NOT EARTH.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2019
Understanding the underlying way society works in your imaginary world makes the story feel more real. It's very important for the author to figure out where the food comes from, how the culture relates to each other, etc etc etc, because that can inform the story.

However it's less important to convey all this information to the reader in a big text dump. So it's a balancing act.
Jan 24, 2021
How do I play is game on window?
  1. Download the Windows version.
  2. Extract the files, as to where try "C:\Games"
  3. Run "Love at First Tail.exe", if you don't see this make sure you got the Windows version and your antivirus didn't treat this as a false positive as that sometimes happens with Ren'Py games.
  4. Try , for Windows switching the rendering to "Angle2" can help as that's DirectX which works better for older graphics cards.


Active Member
Nov 24, 2020
Multiple endings?

So it's llike a choice game?

Can you miss a lot with the wrong choices?
There are 3 endings at the beginning.

screenshot0043.png screenshot0044.png screenshot0045.png

Actually, you can't miss anything.
The game just doesn't go on if you don't do something
or somewhere you don't understand what to do.
You just have to read the built-in instructions in the diary well.
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2020


Active Member
Nov 24, 2020
I see.
Though still kinda confused about the endings part...

Are they actual endings to the story or just chooses?
Or like, chapter endings?
Why do you ask ? See for yourself. Play the game from the beginning and see what happens with these three endings.
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