
I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Well for starters, no ones paying me to make this so that's a lot of work to add just for random strangers online who have nothing more to say about my work other then it being dull or decent. :/ There is one nice chap who came to my discord telling me how much he loved it and that he would love to see more females, for him I've considered it. But it's still a lot of work for something I'm not even interested in. Just because there's a male option and it makes it straight doesn't mean it appeals to me, as I don't play as a male, I put that in there for a friend. I'm sorry to disappoint you in that regard. Maybe if I manage to gain more confidence in this and making it for others no longer makes me feel like people are demanding things of me it could happen, but right now it's just not worth it. I'm an individual not a machine...
So you added a route, that your not very interested in actually making, for a friend? Guess that makes more sense, not great for game design though. You should focus on what you enjoy rather then shoehorning in something for friends or patreons.
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Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
So you added a route, that your not very interested in actually making, for a friend? Guess that makes more sense, not great for game design though.
Never said I was a game designer. I learned python and Ren'py from scratch just to make this for myself to distract me from my depression... Honestly sharing it online I think was the worst decision I've ever made... Sadly I can't take it back now as it's on here and is out of my control.


New Member
Apr 9, 2018
Never said I was a game designer. I learned python and Ren'py from scratch just to make this for myself to distract me from my depression... Honestly sharing it online I think was the worst decision I've ever made... Sadly I can't take it back now as it's on here and is out of my control.
It saddens me to hear that you think sharing your game was a mistake. I have been looking for games like this and really enjoyed the demo. Wishing you well.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
Dinnae listen to the naysayers, if making, playing and sharing this depraived gem helps you in any way, then do it. After all it's not everyone elses opinion that truely matters, its your own. Take it easy and have a guid yin, i'm looking forward to future updates.
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Never said I was a game designer. I learned python and Ren'py from scratch just to make this for myself to distract me from my depression... Honestly sharing it online I think was the worst decision I've ever made... Sadly I can't take it back now as it's on here and is out of my control.
I feel you depression can suck. You just gotta push past it or the negativity will consume you. Judging by the complexity of the code you have put into the game you have some potential keep at it. You are still learning though and tht's good everyone is to some degree or another.

I know how it feels to have a game you are not proud about out there. I don't like that my 1st game "The Home" is still out there as it was abandoned and was mostly practice for me to learn how to make a game, and it suck balls in all areas relative to my current game "Damaged Goods".

If sharing this online was the worst decision you have ever made... You must be very young or very lucky or both. Count yourself lucky.

In life there are things that we can control, and things that we can not control. It is best to not worry about things we can not control or it can drive you mad.
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Aug 8, 2018
Never said I was a game designer. I learned python and Ren'py from scratch just to make this for myself to distract me from my depression... Honestly sharing it online I think was the worst decision I've ever made... Sadly I can't take it back now as it's on here and is out of my control.
I'm sorry this hasn't turned out how you though it would but personally I just wanna let you know that I love this game so far and i'm looking forward to whatever comes next for it.
Feb 12, 2020
You nailed it!!! That is exactly it, death but by decisions, Stockholm syndrome where you just don't want to leave cause you've been broken in and escape(which is in there) if you manage it all and find the tools you need in the situation to get there. Escape isn't the focus at the beginning cause if you escape him without getting abducted it's going to be a very short game.

"As for the demo, not sure if you are working on another, but if you put both a male route and a female route into the demo, it will clear the air of "gay only" misconception."
That's good feedback, sadly I don't have Rebecca written and if I slap on Daneila it wouldn't make sense... I could write more to Rebecca and prioritize her. It would be nice for it to stop being labeled as gay lmao. I mean if your a woman playing it, aka me, it's not gay at all x"D all about perspective.
On this site, if there's a small amount of X kink, it's labelled as that kink. Even if the gay content is optional, or even if only one character is gay-romanceable and it's a kiss-scene it's tagged as gay.


Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
On this site, if there's a small amount of X kink, it's labelled as that kink. Even if the gay content is optional, or even if only one character is gay-romanceable and it's a kiss-scene it's tagged as gay.
I wasn't the one who tagged it, but if/when I get ownership of the thread hopefully I can fix that. But that's going to be so misleading as there's a little bit of everything in it, just like how theres a little bit of femdom (Just not in the trailer) but it's NOT all about femdom. :S hmm...
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Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
Dinnae listen to the naysayers, if making, playing and sharing this depraived gem helps you in any way, then do it. After all it's not everyone elses opinion that truely matters, its your own. Take it easy and have a guid yin, i'm looking forward to future updates.
Thank you! Your words of encouragement are touching! They make a difference. Also lol Depravied little gem xD I love how you phrased that.


Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
I'm sorry this hasn't turned out how you though it would but personally I just wanna let you know that I love this game so far and i'm looking forward to whatever comes next for it.
I'm really glad you commented to let me know that, I really appreciate it. :) Thank you!


Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
It saddens me to hear that you think sharing your game was a mistake. I have been looking for games like this and really enjoyed the demo. Wishing you well.
Thank you for reaching out to me, I'm really glad you like it and enjoyed it, also I empathize with hard task of looking for games like these. I've only ever found a few myself. I do/did think it was a mistake but I'm not sure anymore, the support I've been receiving to continue is helping change my mind on how to proceed. I've still got a lot to consider but Love Lock might not get dropped after all.


Love Lock
Game Developer
Apr 21, 2020
is it male or female protagonist ?
is gay content optional or avoidable ?
"is it male or female protagonist ?"
- Both, it is whatever you choose it to be. You choose your own gender. You can play as yourself and put your name there and pick your pronouns, you can make up a name and give that made up person whatever gender you want. It's very open, it doesn't have to be you.

"is gay content optional or avoidable ?"
- If you play strictly as a man or see male sexual content towards you, even though your playing as a female as gay then no.
In the demo right now, there is only one character being shown and that is a male (he's the furthest I have written).

In the full version yes certain characters can be avoided but probably only with the help of a walkthrough.


Engaged Member
Jan 29, 2019
That's good feedback, sadly I don't have Rebecca written and if I slap on Daneila it wouldn't make sense... I could write more to Rebecca and prioritize her. It would be nice for it to stop being labeled as gay lmao. I mean if your a woman playing it, aka me, it's not gay at all x"D all about perspective.
Now I understand, this is a game that gears towards female audience, which at times align with gay audience, and I'm grateful you put in male MC as an option, as I would otherwise not know this gem since I only watch "gay" tag.
You just creating this game for you own enjoyment and share it with similar liking souls. Then you don't at all need to please all audience, and the demo works fine in that regard.
Just ignore those demanding or complaining about your game contents. Heck they even complain gay games being "gay" in gay game threads. And pay no mind to those negative feedbacks.
You can tell people (obviously including me who is not even your targeted audience) are liking your game, by the amount of posts made by such short time.

Innocent Chloe

Active Member
Jul 23, 2017
I've tailored the routes so that it will make sense. Though that does mean that some content is not available to people who play strictly female or strictly men. Like one dead ending if you wanted to collect. I can't see a way around this though :unsure: As it was.. very... male genitalia... orientated... but not all endings will be bad I have written a few escapes, but I made them hard to get to. lol
What about the visual scenes? Like will both genders get the same scenes or will there be unique CG for male/female routes?


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
Never said I was a game designer. I learned python and Ren'py from scratch just to make this for myself to distract me from my depression... Honestly sharing it online I think was the worst decision I've ever made... Sadly I can't take it back now as it's on here and is out of my control.
Please do not abandon this project, specially if it helps you with your state of mind. Do the content YOU want, not anyone else, and I also urge you to get the developer tag and take control of this thread by contacting the mods.

The concept of this game is intriguing, and I'm also thankful there is some gay content, otherwise I wouldn't be posting here on the first place. I'm curious how a woman can write m-m content, so I'll be watching this game closely.


Sep 1, 2018
It's looking pretty good. I'm more of a femdom guy so I'm waiting for that content, but the maledom stuff already in the demo is great too. I'll repeat what the others say and tell you to mostly ignore the naysayers because every single game in this forum has inexplicably angry people hating on it, especially the ones linked to BDSM and potentially gay stuff.

That said, the "voice" slider in the settings doesn't appear to work, instead the voice seems to be linked to the sound setting. Also, not sure if it's intentional, but in the files a few non-implemented scenes and the doms can be seen. They're well done and all but maybe you want to remove the "spoilers" or something, idk, your choice.
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