This MC seems to get more obnoxious as he gains power.
I wouldn't say "obnoxious", but I would say "paranoid, nervous, short-tempered and corrupted by power".
The lives of him and everyone he cares about are in constant danger from a threat larger than anyone could possibly imagine. Certainly larger than any modern nation can present. He knows that the doomsday clock is steadily counting down to midnight, he knows he has no choice in the matter, and he knows that his closest friends and lovers are in a massive amount of danger. He had his trust betrayed by two of his teachers now, one of whom he and Katie trusted fully. He keeps having monsters trying to murder him. All the while he has zero experience living in such an environment, and is probably the age of an average person of this website (I believe MC's 22?). All the while he only wants to retire with Emily. That's enough to make anyone paranoid and nervous.
On the other hand, he's been given more power than anyone, in his universe or in ours, can possibly imagine. He is by far the most powerful being that universe has ever witnessed. He is surrounded by his friends, all of them Powers in their own right. His friends and him form the most powerful military force his universe has ever seen, and each of his friends will do whatever MC commands or even merely desires. He is a God, in more ways than one - he is also a cult leader, his friends worship him like people worship normal cult leaders in our world (just one amazing bit of theme in this game, and there are plenty). MC is on a mission, with a belief that he is CONVINCED is right and noble. He is CONVINCED that his path is the righteous one. And then there are people who stand in his way. Maybe they oppose his goal and vision. Maybe they are just individuals, with their own beliefs and desires. He doesn't know. But he does know that they stand in his way. Between him and his girls. Between him and saving the world. Their motivations don't matter. To him, they are obstacles. They MUST be destroyed. It's us vs them. Either you're with MC all the way, or you're against him. And maybe, in the meantime, he can play around with his power. After all, what's the worst that can happen? He's powerful, and he can surely think through all possibilities. What's the worst that can happen from him toying with his thot of a professor? Hence the short temper, and hence the corruption by power. MC right now is Hitler in the making.
Honestly, right now, I can't see what would have to happen for MC to relinquish his power after the war. Perhaps we will see him pull an Anakin, and kill Emily, but I don't know whether that would straighten him out and compel him to retire or send him deeper into murderous madness. Perhaps he would have to be overthrown. Perhaps he will indeed turn into Multidimensional Hitler and try to reshape society in order to fight a war for its survival, creating a secret police to hunt down enemies of his state, and he'd leave the world worse off than if the Outsiders came. I don't know. And honestly, with writing this great, I am really unwilling to speculate, I would rather like for Droid to do the writing and enjoy his work, maybe even learn from him a bit - definitely learn some storytelling, at least.