So the repro case.Droid Productions , I have a bug to report. Loading a game in the middle of a dialog causes overlap. Background changes to loaded games background or fight and dialog of previous game. (for book 2)
I encountered that bug while destroying demon fort a choice comes if we kill a demon lord by ourselves or leave it the Katie. I wondered if some dialog change occurs etc, so first chosed the leave demon katie. Progressed dialog until Brooker come than reloded game to that choice and chosed the fight with demon. Here a weird thing happened and both of them overlapped. Demon fight and dialog opened at the same time.
After that I restarted game and tried to load 1-2 different save point. Generally occurs save point have dialog while contuning game dont have it or vice versa. Save points from exploring elsewhere and "Continue from book 1" triggers that bug.
1. Save a game while exploring Elsewhere or the start of Book 2
2. Play the game, get to mid-dialog
3. Load the savegame from Elsewhere / Start of Book 2?
Thanks, I'll check it out!