I am waiting impatiently to see Bella's new weapon in action. Can I ask something again?
1 - There are four 9 level gems for now as far as I know and one of them for Katie. Will there be any other 9 level gems? Or will there be any way to re-acquire 9 level gems? (filling all avaible slots with 9 lvl damage gems would be awesome)
2 - Will there be any higher level gems than lvl 9 in later acts (or maybe in book 3)? Considering a dragon had nearly 100K health without shield and last demon lord had health was around 13K, MC's attack power should scale verry much. Lorewise outsiders would be tougher than dragon, so I fear their health bar will be around million. Technically using X's barrier at every turn, MC could defeat anyone but still, an overpowered character would be good
