- Apr 6, 2018
- 1,243
- 722
I can see that; We all improve through experience. Really, it's mostly the walks - they are all rather feminine, especially on, say, Keith. Who, btw, seems to always just bug out after story events, like freeing Katie. Couldn't he at least say goodbye?Still learning AEI'm a programmer by trade, so art and animation was something I only really picked up for this project.
Yeh, I can see that. Actually, I rather do not want hints, it's downright irritating when I'm trying to ponder my choices and then I get transparent blinking - which also stays (the suggestion images) if I do something else, like discarding my hand - but sometimes, I'm tired, or unfocused, and I want a hint, and going to the options to activate it and then wait 10 seconds seems like the second best option. It would be nice, though, if I'm about to place the second card, to see the expected effect. With theshuffling the cards based on enemies, and getting something new every second run in Elsewhere, I end up checking my card deck multiple times a fight to make sure I remember them correctly.There's likely some space in the UI for it; I'd need to make that an opt-in thing, though.
Never did much with Akane - her abilities honestly need a tutorial. Yeah, I think I got it by now, but that's mostly due to fighting a bunch of easier enemies to figure it out. I thought at first it would order within the lines. And having to either bring Kitsune, which is just lacking in utility, or not have a shield or heal, which is suicide/unproductive, puts her very far down the list. Though granted, besides poison, a rage/shield build looks able to clear most opponents.Clear the board fastA Rage/Cluster build will do pretty obscene amounts of damage quickly, especially if you've got Molly and Akane on your team. You can change your Gem layout before the first round of combat starts
... and while I'm at things that need a tutorial: What does Intelligence actually do? Did I just miss the explanation? I Assume it's related to the power of effects.
Ah, right, the publishers. Makes sense. I worked in F2P, whole other set of problems. Like lack of respect for your customers.Everyone's uncertain about the future; getting new publishing contracts is a pain, though there has been an uptick in actual revenue from games.
Also, while I ponder the female fantasy armour:
Her family's all powerful Enchanters, are they not? Could drop an offhand line about shielding; I mean, that's what she does in combat, anyways, right?
... I should really write an of them 5 star reviews - not on this laptop keyboard, though.