Nov 18, 2018
Most villains are heroes in their own minds. I understand Thor's point of view. He's trying to protect the Aesir by offering up a weaker prey as sacrifice. As, he believes, it has always been done.

However, we learned that the last time the Outsiders appeared, they weren't going for the Court. The Outsiders were headed for the fey, and the Arthur and Merlin (and all those nameless companions) intervened. Does this mean that the fey were weaker than the Court? Or does it mean the Outsiders have a different set of calculations for choosing their prey? If you're a big fat deer and you offer me a crippled rabbit, you might not get the response that you thought you were going to get.

I think Thor wants the Court destroyed more out of snobbery than anything else. It's not a real power, it's just a jumped-up construct. He's like Old Money. He got his money the proper way ... by inheriting it. The Court is New Money. They actually went out and worked for it. Ew! And now they want to be treated as equals? The nerve!


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Most villains are heroes in their own minds. I understand Thor's point of view. He's trying to protect the Aesir by offering up a weaker prey as sacrifice. As, he believes, it has always been done.

However, we learned that the last time the Outsiders appeared, they weren't going for the Court. The Outsiders were headed for the fey, and the Arthur and Merlin (and all those nameless companions) intervened. Does this mean that the fey were weaker than the Court? Or does it mean the Outsiders have a different set of calculations for choosing their prey? If you're a big fat deer and you offer me a crippled rabbit, you might not get the response that you thought you were going to get.

I think Thor wants the Court destroyed more out of snobbery than anything else. It's not a real power, it's just a jumped-up construct. He's like Old Money. He got his money the proper way ... by inheriting it. The Court is New Money. They actually went out and worked for it. Ew! And now they want to be treated as equals? The nerve!
Interesting viewpoint to be honest, besides even though I can understand Thor's pov. As teacher of MC and the way he used Katie's trust to do what he did and the way he did it makes it for me way less defensible and way more a selfish act to keep his own skin as save as he could.

Edit: Also as I said before it was not very well thought out as your own analogy points out, he very much thinks the outsiders think the same as he does and does not seem able to think beyond that. Well that last does fit the mythological Thor, he was not famed for being a great thinker. :p
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Raptus Puellae

Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2020
Most villains are heroes in their own minds. I understand Thor's point of view. He's trying to protect the Aesir by offering up a weaker prey as sacrifice. As, he believes, it has always been done.

However, we learned that the last time the Outsiders appeared, they weren't going for the Court. The Outsiders were headed for the fey, and the Arthur and Merlin (and all those nameless companions) intervened. Does this mean that the fey were weaker than the Court? Or does it mean the Outsiders have a different set of calculations for choosing their prey? If you're a big fat deer and you offer me a crippled rabbit, you might not get the response that you thought you were going to get.

I think Thor wants the Court destroyed more out of snobbery than anything else. It's not a real power, it's just a jumped-up construct. He's like Old Money. He got his money the proper way ... by inheriting it. The Court is New Money. They actually went out and worked for it. Ew! And now they want to be treated as equals? The nerve!
Interesting viewpoint to be honest, besides even though I can understand Thor's pov. As teacher of MC and the way he used Katie's trust to do what he did and the way he did it makes it for me way less defensible and way more a selfish act to keep his own skin as save as he could.

Edit: Also as I said before it was not very well thought out as your own analogy points out, he very much thinks the outsiders think the same as he does and does not seem able to think beyond that. Well that last does fit the mythological Thor, he was not famed for being a great thinker. :p
" a little bird told me", that's another clue Droid Productions hid in plain sight, that whoreson of a war god was aiming at killing Emily and it was Thor who did sent the minotaur, it was only after MC's intervention that he decided to switch targets.


Jul 31, 2019
" a little bird told me", that's another clue Droid Productions hid in plain sight, that whoreson of a war god was aiming at killing Emily and it was Thor who did sent the minotaur, it was only after MC's intervention that he decided to switch targets.
Shhh no spoilers! It might be revealed later in the game. I like to experience entire acts unspoiled so I avoid the discord.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
" a little bird told me", that's another clue Droid Productions hid in plain sight, that whoreson of a war god was aiming at killing Emily and it was Thor who did sent the minotaur, it was only after MC's intervention that he decided to switch targets.
I don't think he would have done that, although nobody really knows. From what what is revealed so far, it seems like most of the major powers, including Thor didn't have the whole picture until the confluence.

Personally, Thor just seems like a dude who appreciates the natural order of things. Let the fire wipe out the forest so that new life may fill the niche. Merlin and his machinations are an upset to that circle of life.

I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a Boromir redemption arc later where he drops a 999 lightning attack on a boss and takes an arrow for the MC. "I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king."

The nature of their relationship is a bit different, but it would be pretty epic end to our beloved god of thunder.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
A poker primer:

I've been playing a lot of "Love of Magic" this past week and thought I could pass on what I've learned in hopes of helping anyone having difficulty with this facet of the game. There's strategies and tactics that you can employ to improve your progress and allow you to defeat more powerful adversaries early to get the most out of your excursions to Elsewhere.

First off the basic objective in each turn is to make an allowable 'hand' across three of the cards in the middle of the 'table.' A 'pair'--two cards of the same value like two kings or two sixes--is the lowest playable 'hand' for each round. Next is two pair (like ace-ace-six-six-anything else) then three of a kind, rather obviously three cards of the same value like three queens. Above that you have a 'straight' which is five cards consecutively like two-three-four-five-six, (they can be in any order on the table so it could look like 6-2-5-4-3 across) then a flush which is five cards of the same suit and a full house which is three of one value and a pair as well, so 8-8-8-5-5.

The highest hands are four of a kind, five of a kind (achievable with jokers which are counted as any value or suit which helps you to a higher hand) and finally a straight flush which is five consecutive cards (again in any order on the table so it could look like 7-5-6-9-8 of clubs across the table) of the same suit. The best straight flush is called a 'Royal Flush' and is the ten, jack, queen, king, ace all of the same suit in any order across the table. There's some inconsistency in how jokers are counted at the highest end, as a ten with four jokers will not make a royal flush even though it should, and I've seen a five of hearts and four jokers get counted as 'five of a kind' even though that also makes a straight flush which is a higher hand. Just make sure you have top gems on both before you place the last card.

That brings us to the value and type of your gems, as they determine the result of each hand you play and modify the damage done or benefit accrued. All except Shields and Rage do a basic amount plus strength bonus plus the following extra:

Lightning: At 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 etc causes opponent to lose a turn--incredibly valuable at the beginning and end of each 'round.'

Fire: Does extra fire damage in subsequent turns, diminishing slowly over time.

Poison: Does extra damage at the very end of the round when the board is full and the cards re-dealt.

Ice: Reduces damage taken from target a minor amount for a turn or two

Rage: Increases 'Rage' which is a damage bonus done each subsequent round like Fire, even when putting Shields up

Damage: Does extra damage

Shields: generates a barrier which absorbs damage from attacks and fire damage

Every time you add to an existing value such as 'Lightning,' 'Fire,' 'Rage,' 'Ice' etc, you lose one, thus a 'Lightning-1' gem will add nothing to the 'Lightning' value if any already exists. Every time a Lightning or Ice value gives a benefit it decreases by the amount listed on the tool-tip, half rounded up for Ice (leaving you with half rounded down) and the amount it took to get the last Lightning bonus (4-10-20-30-40 etc).

When playing out a round it's important to realize the cards you place on the outside will eventually be part of an extra 'hand' at or near the end of the round when all five cards on that side have been played, which will automatically mean the opposite side has filled up as well. Thus you should avoid being the one to place the fourth card on any set of sides as that will allow your enemy to place the fifths and get a 'triple play' which can hurt like hell, especially when you've had Chloe and/or Molly spitting out Jokers. Only if you can see there's no hands likely to be made should you play the fourth cards on a set of sides, and remember he might well draw a joker. Better to 'discard' and let him make that play, which he will even if it means you'll get to triple-play him.

Which brings us to tactics during the round. First off notice the value of not playing the diagonals until the end. If both players just go on the top/bottom, left/right you'll be left with a board looking like a 'plus' sign. Only if you know your next attack will kill him should you be the first to play a diagonal in that configuration, as the one who makes the last play then will have completed five hands and get the benefits/damage done of all five hands. Since the player starts, unless someone discards/loses a turn, you'll be up when the board is full except for the diagonals and in most every case will have to discard. However a simple 'Llightning-4' gem, available from Adrian for a mere hundred pounds, will allow you to disrupt that rotation and place your enemy in the position of having to place the fourths on a set of sides. In addition, you'll get to see the rest of his hand before he plays first allowing you to take away a particularly good play he might have.

You're not going to always be able to get that position as the AI will play anywhere it can and if its best/only play is a diagonal/fourth it will do so, and so should you if it's a play that kills him or is a straight or better on a diagonal. Just make sure to stay away from playing the forth card on a set of sides unless you'll have him stunned by lightning or you can see there's not much chance of a hand being made on the the sides in question, not all that uncommon in the beginning.

When surveying a new deal, first look for any pairs or jokers lined up on the board already. Those are potential four-of-a-kind plays if you've got Molly and/or Chloe as with two jokers you can make any pair or any joker on the board into a four of a kind. That's what allows you to utilize the very best gems, available from Adrian for a mere 250 pounds, which give the very best benefits. A 'Lightning-7' gem will stun the next two turns, allowing you to gobble up all the best potential plays at the onset of a round, or grab the best spots at the end of a round and deny your opponent the possibility of a triple or quintuple play while you use it to get one or two more four-of-a-kinds from all those jokers stacked up on the sides and deny him the opening play in the next round as well, another especially dangerous time. This is an especially opportune time to use Chloe's 'spawn joker' ability as the odds of a potential four-of-a-kind lasting that long into a round are miniscule, but Chloe can generate one automatically employing that ability.

The second thing to look for is potential flushes and straights, the former easy to identify and rare because they must all be the same suit, the latter more common as you just need three cards within four of each other without any pairing up. These you try to ensure your enemy can't play on by playing them first or using lightning to keep him from playing until you can use them all up. If you can keep your enemy from ever getting anything better than a three-of-a-kind, odds are you can survive just about any battle.

A last note is once you've gotten a goodly collection of gems, that is a 'Lightning-7,' 'Lightning-4' and a 'Shield-4' and 'Shield-7' to go with the 'Rage-7' you get from Snowdrop's tormentor you can take Molly and Chloe and pretty much anyone else and beat most every monster in Elsewhere employing the strategies and tactics above. Remember to put all your attribute gains on 'Strength' as it's by far the most valuable on the Paths.
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Nov 18, 2018
While only Droid knows for sure, I'd be very surprised if Thor sent a Lich after Emily.

Thor is a hands-on kind of god. Hiring assassins, especially universally reviled ones, to do his dirty work, just isn't in character.

Even though he explicitly states that he doesn't want the MCs father pissed off at him, when it came to crippling the prophecy and taking the Court out of the game (or so he thinks), he still did the job himself. Given his dismissal of the current state of the Court, I don't think he gives two figs about what Erec thinks.

As for betraying Katie, he doesn't see it that way. He's right, obviously, and the clan should just support him without question. In his opinion, Katie is just confused since the MC is a friend, but once she calms down she'll see that he was right all along.

It's just another thing that he's utterly mistaken about, but too wrapped up in his own supposed infallibility to see.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
A poker primer: ...
Hi Gunner Rey, very good analysis about poker. Its exactly the strategie I already pointed out some time ago (not so detailed ofc). Nothing to add actually afair. Would be glad if you take part in the discord of Droid, to discuss the Poker strategies with the Poker-Experts and all ppl who are really deep into this marvelous masterpiece ;) (not to forget: with Droid Himself!) btw, we discuss there v0.3.34b already, things change almost on a daily base ;)
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
A poker primer:

I've been playing a lot of "Love of Magic" this past week and thought I could pass on what I've learned in hopes of helping anyone having difficulty with this facet of the game. There's strategies and tactics that you can employ to improve your progress and allow you to defeat more powerful adversaries early to get the most out of your excursions to Elsewhere.

First off the basic objective in each turn is to make an allowable 'hand' across three of the cards in the middle of the 'table.' A 'pair'--two cards of the same value like two kings or two sixes--is the lowest playable 'hand' for each round. Next is two pair (like ace-ace-six-six-anything else) then three of a kind, rather obviously three cards of the same value like three queens. Above that you have a 'straight' which is five cards consecutively like two-three-four-five-six, (they can be in any order on the table so it could look like 6-2-5-4-3 across) then a flush which is five cards of each suit and a full house which is three of one value and a pair as well, so 8-8-8-5-5.

The highest hands are four of a kind, five of a kind (achievable with jokers which are counted as any value or suit which helps you to a higher hand) and finally a straight flush which is five consecutive cards (again in any order on the table so it could look like 7-5-6-9-8 of clubs across the table) of the same suit. The best straight flush is called a 'Royal Flush' and is the ten, jack, queen, king, ace all of the same suit in any order across the table. There's some inconsistency in how jokers are counted at the highest end, as a ten with four jokers will not make a royal flush even though it should, and I've seen a five of hearts and four jokers get counted as 'five of a kind' even though that also makes a straight flush which is a higher hand. Just make sure you have top gems on both before you place the last card.

That brings us to the value and type of your gems, as they determine the result of each hand you play and modify the damage done or benefit accrued. All except Shields and Rage do a basic amount plus strength bonus plus the following extra:

Lightning: At 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 etc causes opponent to lose a turn--incredibly valuable at the beginning and end of each 'round.'

Fire: Does extra fire damage in subsequent turns, diminishing slowly over time.

Poison: Does extra damage at the very end of the round when the board is full and the cards re-dealt.

Ice: Reduces damage taken from target a minor amount for a turn or two

Rage: Increases 'Rage' which is a damage bonus done each subsequent round like Fire, even when putting Shields up

Damage: Does extra damage

Shields: generates a barrier which absorbs damage from attacks and fire damage

Every time you add to an existing value such as 'Lightning,' 'Fire,' 'Rage,' 'Ice' etc, you lose one, thus a 'Lightning-1' gem will add nothing to the 'Lightning' value if any already exists. Every time a Lightning or Ice value gives a benefit it decreases by the amount listed on the tool-tip, half rounded up for Ice (leaving you with half rounded down) and the amount it took to get the last Lightning bonus (4-10-20-30-40 etc).

When playing out a round it's important to realize the cards you place on the outside will eventually be part of an extra 'hand' at or near the end of the round when all five cards on that side have been played, which will automatically mean the opposite side has filled up as well. Thus you should avoid being the one to place the fourth card on any set of sides as that will allow your enemy to place the fifths and get a 'triple play' which can hurt like hell, especially when you've had Chloe and/or Molly spitting out Jokers. Only if you can see there's no hands likely to be made should you play the fourth cards on a set of sides, and remember he might well draw a joker. Better to 'discard' and let him make that play, which he will even if it means you'll get to triple-play him.

Which brings us to tactics during the round. First off notice the value of not playing the diagonals until the end. If both players just go on the top/bottom, left/right you'll be left with a board looking like a 'plus' sign. Only if you know your next attack will kill him should you be the first to play a diagonal in that configuration, as the one who makes the last play then will have completed five hands and get the benefits/damage done of all five hands. Since the player starts, unless someone discards/loses a turn, he'll be up when the board is full except for the diagonals and in most every case will have to discard. However a simple 'Llightning-4' gem, available from Adrian for a mere hundred pounds, will allow you to disrupt that rotation and place your enemy in the position of having to place the fourths on a set of sides. In addition, you'll get to see the rest of his hand before he plays first allowing you to take away a particularly good play he might have.

You're not going to always be able to get that position as the AI will play anywhere it can and if its best/only play is a diagonal/fourth it will do so, and so should you if it's a play that kills him or is a straight or better on a diagonal. Just make sure to stay away from playing the forth card on a set of sides unless you'll have him stunned by lightning or you can see there's not much chance of a hand being made on the the sides in question, not all that uncommon in the beginning.

When surveying a new deal, first look for any pairs or jokers lined up on the board already. Those are potential four-of-a-kind plays if you've got Molly and/or Chloe as with two jokers you can make any pair or any joker on the board into a four of a kind. That's what allows you to utilize the very best gems, available from Adrian for a mere 250 pounds, which give the very best benefits. A 'Lightning-7' gem will stun the next two turns, allowing you to gobble up all the best potential plays at the onset of a round, or grab the best spots at the end of a round and deny your opponent the possibility of a triple or quintuple play while you use it to get one or two more four-of-a-kinds from all those jokers stacked up on the sides and deny him the opening play in the next round as well, another especially dangerous time. This is an especially opportune time to use Chloe's 'spawn joker' ability as the odds of a potential four-of-a-kind lasting that long into a round are miniscule, but Chloe can generate one automatically employing that ability.

The second thing to look for is potential flushes and straights, the former easy to identify and rare because they must all be the same suit, the latter more common as you just need three cards within four of each other without any pairing up. These you try to ensure your enemy can't play on by playing them first or using lightning to keep him from playing until you can use them all up. If you can keep your enemy from ever getting anything better than a three-of-a-kind, odds are you can survive just about any battle.

A last note is once you've gotten a goodly collection of gems, that is a 'Lightning-7,' 'Lightning-4' and a 'Shield-4' and 'Shield-7' to go with the 'Rage-7' you get from Snowdrop's tormentor you can take Molly and Chloe and pretty much anyone else and beat most every monster in Elsewhere employing the strategies and tactics above. Remember to put all your attribute gains on 'Strength' as it's by far the most valuable on the Paths.
Nice in depth strats.

I will also give out some simple tips. Personally, I like to use the auto button (not autoplay). Finding the best play in any round is a time consuming process. Auto button won't take strategical considerations when making a play, but at least it will play the strongest hand possible on that turn. So, my builds revolve around playing with the auto button.

The best one I came up with is a full lightning build. Lightning is extremely good for turn manipulation as its been pointed out that you generally want to be the person to put down the last cards on a round. Lightning is also a defensive gem in a way. For this build, the best team members are Emily, Molly, and a damage dealer of your choice. Stunning lets you stack Emily's shield up which keeps you safe. Molly is probably the strongest supporter in the game. You start with molly's joker hand. And keep using auto while stacking shields and DD support. Don't use molly a second time until the last card of the round is about to be played. You may need to discard on the last turn of a round to be able to get the last play in. This lets you play at least a 3x combo of hands made of multiple jokers.

A fire stacking build is pretty strong too. Obviously you want to bring Katie. For the others, Emily + Dylan lets you tank through anything while stacking fire. You may consider taking molly instead of one of the defensive supports.

These were my main 2 builds. While I havn't tried others, I can theorycraft some other builds.

Defensive build with a bunch of shields + 3 damage dealers.
Rage build with Cluster gems + Emily, Dylan, Molly.
Poison deck + Bella, Emily, Dylan.

I never used Ice.... but it seems like trash?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Hi Gunner Rey, very good analysis about poker. Its exactly the strategie I already pointed out some time ago (not so detailed ofc). Nothing to add actually afair. Would be glad if you take part in the discord of Droid, to discuss the Poker strategies with the Poker-Experts and all ppl who are really deep into this marvelous masterpiece ;) (not to forget: with Droid Himself!) btw, we discuss there v0.3.34b already, things change almost on a daily base ;)
Thank you, there is something I should have added but forewent because I got tired of typing, that is detailing how to use Chloe and Molly to 'Blitzkrieg' the opponent. Since Molly can turn any pair/joker into four-of-a-kind and Chloe can guarantee four plays including a joker by 'spawning' a joker, you can hit the enemy three times at the outset with 'Lightning-7s and put up a 300 point shield at the end. All you need is a little luck by drawing cards already present in that 'asterisk' configuration or Chloe not taking a joker when she adds one later. This can ensure the first play your enemy has is playing the forth on a side, which means you'll likely fry him again twice at least when you get your three-play as you'll probably have three jokers on each side due to your initial onslaught.

What's the URL for the discord again? I popped in once but it looked like I had to give out my e-mail to read the board and I wasn't in the mood at the time.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
Yes, Molly and Chloe together is my favourite combi. Sooooo many jokers ....

Gunner Rey Discord invite link:
desmosome, you are also interested ?
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Nice in depth strats.

I will also give out some simple tips. Personally, I like to use the auto button (not autoplay). Finding the best play in any round is a time consuming process. Auto button won't take strategical considerations when making a play, but at least it will play the strongest hand possible on that turn. So, my builds revolve around playing with the auto button.

The best one I came up with is a full lightning build. Lightning is extremely good for turn manipulation as its been pointed out that you generally want to be the person to put down the last cards on a round. Lightning is also a defensive gem in a way. For this build, the best team members are Emily, Molly, and a damage dealer of your choice. Stunning lets you stack Emily's shield up which keeps you safe. Molly is probably the strongest supporter in the game. You start with molly's joker hand. And keep using auto while stacking shields and DD support. Don't use molly a second time until the last card of the round is about to be played. You may need to discard on the last turn of a round to be able to get the last play in. This lets you play at least a 3x combo of hands made of multiple jokers.

A fire stacking build is pretty strong too. Obviously you want to bring Katie. For the others, Emily + Dylan lets you tank through anything while stacking fire. You may consider taking molly instead of one of the defensive supports.

These were my main 2 builds. While I havn't tried others, I can theorycraft some other builds.

Defensive build with a bunch of shields + 3 damage dealers.
Rage build with Cluster gems + Emily, Dylan, Molly.
Poison deck + Bella, Emily, Dylan.

I never used Ice.... but it seems like trash?
I agree the flashing 'auto' function is useful, especially for identifying 'hidden' straights and highlighting the flushes that are also straights, especially early on when you don't have enough high-end gems to go around and have to switch them and if you don't notice you can end up with a paltry 'junk-2' instead of the 'Rage-5' you are expecting.

I think a Lightning-7 and Shield-7 with Molly and Chloe as detailed above in the 'blitzkrieg' strategy beats any lineup including Emily, who has no punch. Even if you don't use Lightning Molly and (probably) Chloe can put up a 300 point shield and then help deal out major damage the next two turns while Emily struggles to catch up to the shield they've already had up. See what I mean?

I think Clusters are bugged. Not only are they not stacking with rage, on at least two occasions I noticed my 'Cluster-3' doing only 20 points total damage.

I find a Poison-7 to be quite useful for those three and fiveplay lollapaloozas at the end of a round, the rest not so much except a poison-1 in the same cicumstances early game where pairing up the sides is the best you can hope for and all you really need.

I've not found much use for ice yet, the effect is too minor and is gone too quickly.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
thanks :D but im not really into discord hehe.

Anyone make use of the seer support? It seems kinda underwhelming compared to the joker spam.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2017
Akane will get an upgrade soon ;)

Many things will change every day (and have already since 0.3.24b ;) )

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
thanks :D but im not really into discord hehe.

Anyone make use of the seer support? It seems kinda underwhelming compared to the joker spam.
Only when I have to. I get a headache trying to figure out what the diagonals will look like and there's no guarantee you'll get anything useful. I have used it at the end of a round to create a 4-of-a-kind play so I could own the beginning of the next round as well, but Chloe can usually do that by herself.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
Personally I run a pure lightning deck. The stun is just too good even with the diminishing returns. I find most find fights end in 1-2 board clears. Running a pure deck also takes out one dimension of complexity when choosing which cards to play and thus speeds everything up.

I never used Ice.... but it seems like trash?
It's such a shame but I have to agree. Especially as you level but and enemies hit ever stronger. I don't think I've seen any enemy use a multi attack. Too bad. We're called the Winter King so I would have love to play an ice deck.

Yes, Molly and Chloe together is my favourite combi. Sooooo many jokers ....
Kind of overkill imho.

If we're talking Elsewhere expeditions party composition also plays a role. I would always take Bella. She can give you 4 extra moves if you can find a campfire. So almost always. This increases your time efficiency so assuming you can handle the fight nothing beats this. Additionally her poison bolts do great damage and the passive damage reduction is icing on the cake. She's a must take.

Chloe is just straight up great for generating jokers and is my second fav. Molly makes more jokers obviously but the debuff requires some special deck set ups. She's probably better for rage and/or defensive decks but I like it more simple.

Third spot goes to Emily for me. Once her upgrade kicks in she can keep me at 100% in almost all cases. Dylan can fill a similar role but I find it easier to spam and stack Emily's defense. Some of the later enemies can hit for a few hundred damage if they can line up a good line. I find being reactive to be more problematic. But I also run a lightning deck so the early stun turn let me get to a defense amount where I can't be touched easily.

Katie obviously complements a fire deck but I find the stun effect from lightning too useful and Bella already does damage while providing so much more.

That leaves us with the seer and her kitsune. The seers ability is interesting and certainly powerful. But also requires a lot of thinking since you have no way of previewing the result. Jokers are just easier to use and more flexible. But the real killer is that they only come as a pair and the kitsune just deals some damage. It's a decent amount but there nothing more to it. No synergies to exploit, no other skill and abilities, nothing. Not worth it imho.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
yea, seer and fox could use a buff. For the fox, I suppose a 10% passive attack boost would be a good foil to Bella's def passive.

The seer just has too many problems. Mainly, its so hard to visualize the result of a shuffle that its just not worth it to take the extra time when you might not even get anything good out of it. Second, its a board modifier so it could act as a double edged sword. Just less explosive for both parties than Chloe's center joker or Molly's joker spam on the outside. It fits so well thematically, but the impact on gameplay is not too significant.

I was thinking... what if her skill has no cooldown and can be used multiple times in one turn? This way you can just rearrange cards at will to visually confirm which one gives the best results. Her current CD is short enough that you can use her skill every turn anyways, so there won't be balance issues associated with this change. It wouldn't make her actually better than the sorcerers for most people, but at least it would fix the first issue.
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