Worthless update. 5 minutes to go through every possible permutation and the one who gets fucked the hardest is the MC. Only appearance by our little blonde hottie is in a flashback of SkankMom doin' yet another black guy in a store changing room. Sick to death of white-trash mom. She's not a MILF, (Mom I'd Like to Fuck,) she's a NBILBAHNWBIUSD, (Nasty Bitch I'd Like to Beat About the Head and Neck With a Blunt Instrument Until She is Dead)! Can't see ANY benefit in, nor reason for, MC losing his job to Zoe. Looks like the dev is turning the MC into a subservient little bitch and not giving players a choice in the matter.
I think this is the last bit of my time I'll waste on this game. The bad, the disgusting, and the useless to which we are subjected outweigh the possible potential goodness of getting to bang Kathy or of possible threesomes with a cast to choose from including Kathy, Jessie, and Alice.