I want to personally thank everyone for their feedback and critics!
quick round up top of mind
1) lewd pacing. 100% agreed it's too fast, it was a concern from the get go but I also feared not having enough or people being dissapointed by a slow pace, we'll find that sweet spot soon i'm certain.
2) Spelling, phrasing & English.
Yeeeeaaahhh.. ima need some time on that one xD English isn't my primary language and I'll be the first to admit alot of dialogue in this build was rushed to the point of not being proof read - ya reap what you sow.
3) Dungeon.
The dungeon crawling is what I'm aiming to make about 30% of the gameplay - Not if it keeps working like it does currently that's for sure. the mini map not telling you where you are was a last minute decision that I'm not proud of, I don't really like the idea of "This is exactly where you are down to the inch" Map design. Idealiy, I'd like to remedy that by making the maps, walls, props all distinct. - Less Dungeon Crawler, More Walking through tight alley ways, sorta deal. + It needs combat... how that combat is going to play out is still a bit in the air, but I'd prefer to avoid traditions and make something simple & elegant.
4) Protag.
I'm not even remotly upset about the response to him. Couple of people pointed out already "Honey Select Males are always going to look ugly" He is meant to look a bit girlish but, I might just have to look else where to make us a nice protag.
5) Fetishes.
They will be optional. (but there will be a large platter of them) No kink shaming now, ya hear?

But they will be there....waiting....watching....tempting...
6) Where to next?
There's still so much to do, my main focus right now is ensuring Patreons have the rewards they deserve. Then a couple of days off for the holidays (i'm always online on our Discord) and then i'll hit ya's up with a bit of a roap map