So, i've played the game until death twice. So I'm just going to post my thoughts.
First, and most importantly, i really enjoyed the game.
Things I ddn't like...
The buildings I don't really understand. So you can only have 3 buildings on each piece of land? I'm not sure why that makes sense. Seems to me you could just have em all built at your camp(wasting action points trying to remember what is built where(if nothing else, maybe there should be a counter somewhere on the buildings menu that says how many of each building you have already created)). There isn't a lot of info about buildings either, about why or when you should build them. I never got a quest to build a desk(that i was aware of at least), I just happened to build an engineering building, i think it was, that then gave me the desk a few turns later, to get Karen to level 4. I think the medical tent is the only one where they were like hey, build me this. I did get another quest from Alicia to build something, but then I died of island fever for my second playthrough... so i don't know what would have happened.
Island Fever, the life points... is there no way to increase them once you catch the island fever, or to get rid of the fever? That is really annoying...especially for a game that is lacking some info, leaving people to figure out the hard way a lot of different mechanics. Perhaps while still being developed, when you LP reach zero, instead of actually ending the game, a pop-up message appears saying "hey, you would have died... but keep playing since we're still working on the game(and then it resets your LP or something)". In general, i personally hate turn caps in games, it's annoying if you want to try different things and decreases for me personally the chances I will play game again.
Direction, there isn't a lot. I did see the messages up by the weather, that do help a little, but perhaps a little more info than just a lot of times seeing "continue normal daily activities" or whatever it says. Then I randomly have to walk around the island, trying to magically catch different characters at different times in different locations. Even something simple like "hey, this character really enjoys the hills".... so it's more likely significant discussions or interactions would happen with that character in the hills. Otherwise it's just a lot of grind trying to work different relationships up, hoping something magical happens. I had Theresa and Charlotte both relationship locked at heart lvl1 for like 50 turns. I couldn't figure out what was required to get them to level up, and then i died of island fever, so i'll never know.
I'm not sure if the recipes thing is finished yet, but i went that route with skill points, and it didn't show me what anyones favorite foods were when i try free cooking. I tried like 9 different times with random combinations and also got nothing. If it isn't working right now, perhaps update the text next to "free cooking" to say not implemented yet so it's more apparent.
I'm also not sure if any special things were included already for searching. i searched a lot and never found a single thing other than normal materials when searching. Perhaps a bit more information could be added to show how the different searching, hunting, foraging and whatnot will affect your different abilities, like condition, escape, and so on.
It would also be nice to have an easier way to know who is wear, or where no one is. It's a pain to check the phone every time. Maybe if the map was a little bigger, and there were character letters/initials/face portraits on the map. Something like that would make the grind less frustrating.
Perhaps for direction, you could add more dialogue to the old lady. Any time you get a character say, above 60 relation, you could go to the old lady and she would give a hint or something like that. For example, Charlotte is at 80 relation, you got to the old lady and she is like..."hey charlotte really like these flowers, that grow by the cliffs, go collect a bunch of them for her", or "charlotte lost her glasses on the coast, try searching the coastal areas like the beach and coast during the day to find her glasses".... that might work along with the weather, to make the game less aimless.
I think on my second play-through, i ended up with Sienna and Karen at relation 4, Theresa and Charlotte locked at 1, couldn't figure out how to progress, Meryl, June and Margaret at 2, Alicia at 1(but was about to unlock but i died(she was having me build something)), Jack at 2, Adam and Naan at 1. (what is the max level available for each character?)
So, all in all, i did really like it, but there are, for me, a bunch of little frustrating things. Thanks for your hard work.