So, yes girls look good and the idea of the story is great. But I have to ask, are you going to get to a point anytime soon? Because there is a lot of unproductive waffle that serves no purpose.
Like a lot of people have said already, the writing isn't that great. Certainly not enough to keep me reading every line at this stage. With this latest update I found it pretty boring and probably skimmed through 70% of it. With the repetitious actions throughout it is coming across like what was meant to be a sandbox game. Feels like your just grinding away and less like a story/novel.
I'm also wondering, are you going to be able to make any decisions that "actually" effect the outcome. Because besides jerking off in the shower instead of over your mother there hasn't been any. I mean for those who are around 14 and just here for the lets face it the "few" sex scenes because the lingerie section of the K-mart catalogue isn't out yet for them to fap to, it's all good. But not for those who are also invested in the stories substance and what the story is about.
We know something bad is happening with the MC. So will we have decisions to sway the story one way or another, since the story pretty much comes across as the MC being raped each night at the moment. Or is this just going to be a grinde fest, sandboxy novel with no decision making and some bullshit "let's all fap happily ever after" ending aimed at the aforementioned?