Wait the day 11 and 12 to judge, please.chapter 3 really does feel like a different game. Lucie is a completely different person. Right off the bat she's talking about the new boss being charming, asking if you're jealous. It feels like its setting up for her to sleep her way to the top when just the night before she was worried about her ex that treated her crap
Honestly, its frustrating. I can understand the storyline we're forced into the MC is played as a cheating horndog. But when you get the exact same response every time, no matter what - it kind of kills interest in the game.
For the story, I need she trusts Pascal and that she is upset.
To be able to save her later.
It's just the bad moment of this game, like a lot of movies or books.
All your actions and choices will be re-use at the end.
Do you have lie ? do you have sex with another charactere, etc.
One end is possible with Lucie in romance, if you have remained faithful.
And don't forget, it's just a game.
Bests regards.