
Jun 3, 2017
I think the 'every consecutive day' format has come to bite the author with his VN.

Story-wise it seems like the author ultimately never wanted Zoe to be a LI, and failed to consider the backlash if they offered the possibility with her, and then unceremoniously shut it down with the appearance of Dan.

My main point is, the story can go where ever the author wants it to go, but its never a good idea to have jarring/instantaneous unexplained changes in any character's behavior without some or A LOT of foreshadowing.

TV/Movies use collages if the stories needs do a quick transition (i.e. the weakling become a body builder) So, if there wasn't a day-to-day format, the author COULD have had a picture/or two/or one picture segmented into several (i.e. think comic book page) with a paragraph explaining how so-and-so drifted apart/had a fight/opinion changed over time/whatever at the end of Episode 2, so people had an idea of what was in store.

For example, if this story took place over 4 weeks vs. ? days. Each episode could be a week and you can dip in and out of days (show a couple in a week) and the rest you can set up and trends or foreshadowing of what is to come.

Any good story is all about the 'management of expectations.' Once you establish a pattern of behavior for a character, it's not a good idea just don't switch it suddenly with out foreshadowing and rational or reasonable explanations. I was expecting this story to go in a much different direction after two episodes (and I think I'm not alone here...) And if does a 180, people get upset or annoyed.
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Jan 1, 2018
Thanks fiuojui. I never thought that a dream could be misunderstood.

No one controls their dreams.
That doesn't mean she wants it, let alone that it will happen.

There will be no story with Dan or Zoe. They are a couple now.

Day 11 will be the day we have to get Lucie out of Pascal's clutches. No he didn't rape her.

I hope he could play with some dildo with her
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Creating realistic and original visual novel
Game Developer
Feb 5, 2019
This caractere impact me when I was young.
I loved his attitude, his joie de vivre.
It's not a big deal if you can't find the reference in the game. It's more of a wink.

For the game, after I read your comments, I am modifying some dialogue for :
- Better understand that Pascal has modified the elixir with drugs and therefore the effect is very important.
- Make the end of episode 10 less psychologically difficult.
Lucie doesn't need to be very angry, she just needs to think a little alone for a night.

Ce personnage m'avait marqué quand j'étais jeune. J'adorais son attitude, sa joie de vivre.
Ce n'est pas très grave si vous ne trouvez pas la référence dans le jeu. C'est plus un clin d'oeil.

Pour le jeu, après lecture des commentaires, je suis entrain de modifier certain dialogue pour :
- Mieux faire comprendre que Pascal à modifier l'élixir avec de la drogue et donc que l'effet est très important. Lucie découvrant le sexe, elle répond très fortement au produit.
- Rendre moins difficile psychologique la fin de l'épisode 10. Lucie n'a finalement pas besoin d'être très fâchée, elle a juste besoin de réfléchir un peu seule pour une nuit.

Thanks for your feedback.
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May 21, 2018
This caractere impact me when I was young.
I loved his attitude, his joie de vivre.
It's not a big deal if you can't find the reference in the game. It's more of a wink.

For the game, after I read your comments, I am modifying some dialogue for :
- Better understand that Pascal has modified the elixir with drugs and therefore the effect is very important.
- Make the end of episode 10 less psychologically difficult.
Lucie doesn't need to be very angry, she just needs to think a little alone for a night.

Ce personnage m'avait marqué quand j'étais jeune. J'adorais son attitude, sa joie de vivre.
Ce n'est pas très grave si vous ne trouvez pas la référence dans le jeu. C'est plus un clin d'oeil.

Pour le jeu, après lecture des commentaires, je suis entrain de modifier certain dialogue pour :
- Mieux faire comprendre que Pascal à modifier l'élixir avec de la drogue et donc que l'effet est très important. Lucie découvrant le sexe, elle répond très fortement au produit.
- Rendre moins difficile psychologique la fin de l'épisode 10. Lucie n'a finalement pas besoin d'être très fâchée, elle a juste besoin de réfléchir un peu seule pour une nuit.

Thanks for your feedback.
First of all thanks for the energy and time you put in the game I really enjoyed playing it and I am looking forward for playing next update. Renders are very good and girls are hot. Personally I really liked Lucy´s blinking eyes that was cute :) Regarding the episode 3 I understand that you were making space for the next plot and that Lucy´s is still young and under effect of the drug but to be honest that change in her behaviour was probably too much especially when you are playing faitfull path. I really can not see reason for her to defend Pascall so much if MC was always honest and loyal to her. I can imagine some doubts in Lucy´s naive unexperienced mind like "oh honey he cant be that bad", "maybe someone is litlle bit too jealous" especially when there is perspective for her to get well paid job but immediate state of mind "MC bad" "Pascall good" without any reasons was too much even for me... It would be maybe somehow understandable when she finds out about MCs cheating with Bliss than I can imagine that she wants to punish MC at all cost and do not want to support him but like I said in faithfull gameplay imho it just does not make much sence and it can make players dislike Lucy which I consider a shame. On the other side regarding Zoe I dont have problem with Dans plot, she sees him like a knight in shining armor who saved her and that is OK imho. Anyway you are the mastermind of the game and I totally respect that I just wanted to describe my opinion and reasoning. Keep up the good work!

Oh I have almost forget I really liked that chart of countries drinking beer per capita with the Czech flag on the first place first time I saw it I had a can of beer in my hand and of course I am from the Czech republic :D
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Creating realistic and original visual novel
Game Developer
Feb 5, 2019
First of all thanks for the energy and time you put in the game I really enjoyed playing it and I am looking forward for playing next update. Renders are very good and girls are hot. Personally I really liked Lucy´s blinking eyes that was cute :) Regarding the episode 3 I understand that you were making space for the next plot and that Lucy´s is still young and under effect of the drug but to be honest that change in her behaviour was probably too much especially when you are playing faitfull path. I really can not see reason for her to defend Pascall so much if MC was always honest and loyal to her. I can imagine some doubts in Lucy´s naive unexperienced mind like "oh honey he cant be that bad", "maybe someone is litlle bit too jealous" especially when there is perspective for her to get well paid job but immediate state of mind "MC bad" "Pascall good" without any reasons was too much even for me... It would be maybe somehow understandable when she finds out about MCs cheating with Bliss than I can imagine that she wants to punish MC at all cost and do not want to support him but like I said in faithfull gameplay imho it just does not make much sence and it can make players dislike Lucy which I consider a shame. On the other side regarding Zoe I dont have problem with Dans plot, she sees him like a knight in shining armor who saved her and that is OK imho. Anyway you are the mastermind of the game and I totally respect that I just wanted to describe my opinion and reasoning. Keep up the good work!

Oh I have almost forget I really liked that chart of countries drinking beer per capita with the Czech flag on the first place first time I saw it I had a can of beer in my hand and of course I am from the Czech republic :D

A very big thanks for this long feedback! it's rare!

You're right, I need to modify the faitfull path.
I thinks it's possible without change all.

It's my first game, I learn to my error.

I'm very happy you had pleasure with this game.

Day 11 :



Jan 19, 2020
I cannot speak English so maybe i don't understand, so i want to ask what a password of Pascal laptop?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2017
A dream is a dream, everything is possible ;)
Could be a nice dream and who knows which present she can give to the heros during the morning !
The dream theme is a trick that is already widely used to put content like ntr without putting the corresponding tag. Don't tell me nonsense, whether it's a dream or not is a scene that should be tagged correctly. The thing about dreams and what is not a love interest (in tis case Zoe) is already very used actually


Active Member
Aug 10, 2018
Thanks fiuojui. I never thought that a dream could be misunderstood.

No one controls their dreams.
That doesn't mean she wants it, let alone that it will happen.

There will be no story with Dan or Zoe. They are a couple now.

Day 11 will be the day we have to get Lucie out of Pascal's clutches. No he didn't rape her.
Yeah just be careful about adding that "dream scene" so far the game was good until all that your just jealous crap. And with that dream it will be considered borderline ntr by some players. Not trying to start an argument. All I'm saying is that devs have a vision for their game and see everything a certain way. Meanwhile players see something completely different. Yes a dream isn't real but most love/harem players will be pretty pissed off with that dream scene. You already see how they are reacting to the zoe situation and the Lucie changing her personality. Many devs have had some scenes backfire because they were seeing things through a different perspective than the players. I do agree that Lucie also needed to tone down the attitude when you have been truthful and respectful with her from the beginning. Anyways I do like the renders they are very good and I see the story as having potential with a few tweaks to some of the dialog and forced situations. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2020
Not to enter into what it seems has become a kind of big "flaming" polemic, but...

[...]devs have a vision for their game and see everything a certain way. Meanwhile players see something completely different.
Yes a dream isn't real but most love/harem players will be pretty pissed off with that dream scene. [...]
That may be indeed the case - actually, not only in this type of games, a bit on everything in life - but it is also true that even if there is Patreon and stuff like that, this needs to satisfy many people, each with a bit different taste, so forcibly cannot satisfy everybody.
Also, I admit I did not read it myself yet and may never get to it (I), but the dev had actually written it as a novel first, you can download it for free, there is (or was ?) somewhere in the game the link. So, if in the novel he put something like that, would make sense he does the same in the game.

If you think well, a lot of people who use erotic games, do not do the same things they do characters in the game in the real World (at least, I hope so :)), so the logic of the dream can be the same (honestly, I have not yet played till that point, so I cannot say if I like or not that part).

[...] I do agree that Lucie also needed to tone down the attitude when you have been truthful and respectful with her from the beginning. [...]
Well, try to think it as a parallel with reality. The assumption at start is that Lucie is that naive, almost innocent, and certainly cute, but if one looks well, it becomes very fast clear that she is more insecure, and then than she is clearly repressed.
It would be typical for a man to associate the "innocent" part with a younger women with evident insecurity and that is seen as a victim in a unbalanced power relationship (like Lucie with her boyfriend), and with an aspect that, attractive or less attractive, and behaviour that can seem somehow linked to the idea of "innocent".
But the association is not forcibly correct.
Honestly, I have met myself a number of young women who, despite studies, good family condition (to dispel a myth sometime heard), doing studies abroad and being so proud of their intelligence, had the dumb notion that having had sex meant automatically they could not be naive and tricked by guys, and of course they were actually played by guys :).
Actually, if a woman makes the association "having had sex=cannot be naive" or the similar "having had sex=being mature", it is a good indication she had her first time with someone older who played the card of the "showing to be grown up" to get her to bed :-D.
So, that part of Lucie (being gullibly tricked by Pascal) is actually more a still diffused reality, than a fantasy.
Even the part of her becoming somehow arrogant, it is not at all unrealistic. A number of the ones I already mentioned, appeared nice, not only aesthetically, and they may even give the feeling of being poor victims needing a rescue, but the reality was that their insecurity and sweetness were linked to a new environment and disappeared the moment they thought they knew who/what they were dealing with.
Effectively, being betrayed by the idea they were smarter than anybody else, without having effectively tried to understand who and what they were dealing with, and without enough humility and/or experience of life (the second can help the first, sometime) to avoid that type of a priori assumption.
And I met other women (aside some of those already mentioned), who seemed, and could be, nice and sweet when they felt insecure, but the moment they would feel more secure of themselves, got in a more secure situation, or thought they "got the guy", would come out they could be, to use a politically incorrect word, "bitching" (though actually, "politically incorrect" if it's used with reference to the sex, for me, even men can be "bitching", so, I don't have a problem with the word) to overcompensate by wanting to feel they are in charge and can order around, and/or be effectivelly bullies.
So, the change of Lucie may not be really a change, just a persons who is still developing various aspects of her character - sometime people develop what we can consider the best, sometime, they develop the worst, that is life.

As a bit of a disclaimer, I have a small association with the game, helped a bit with some translation, but at the same time, I have not even seen the last days of the game, and I had nothing to do with writing the story - I may have given one or two small suggestions about some detail about e.g. insider trading, but nothing really related to the development of the personality of Lucie.


Jun 3, 2017
Not to enter into what it seems has become a kind of big "flaming" polemic, but...

That may be indeed the case - actually, not only in this type of games, a bit on everything in life - but it is also true that even if there is Patreon and stuff like that, this needs to satisfy many people, each with a bit different taste, so forcibly cannot satisfy everybody.
Also, I admit I did not read it myself yet and may never get to it (I), but the dev had actually written it as a novel first, you can download it for free, there is (or was ?) somewhere in the game the link. So, if in the novel he put something like that, would make sense he does the same in the game.

If you think well, a lot of people who use erotic games, do not do the same things they do characters in the game in the real World (at least, I hope so :)), so the logic of the dream can be the same (honestly, I have not yet played till that point, so I cannot say if I like or not that part).

Well, try to think it as a parallel with reality. The assumption at start is that Lucie is that naive, almost innocent, and certainly cute, but if one looks well, it becomes very fast clear that she is more insecure, and then than she is clearly repressed.
It would be typical for a man to associate the "innocent" part with a younger women with evident insecurity and that is seen as a victim in a unbalanced power relationship (like Lucie with her boyfriend), and with an aspect that, attractive or less attractive, and behaviour that can seem somehow linked to the idea of "innocent".
But the association is not forcibly correct.
Honestly, I have met myself a number of young women who, despite studies, good family condition (to dispel a myth sometime heard), doing studies abroad and being so proud of their intelligence, had the dumb notion that having had sex meant automatically they could not be naive and tricked by guys, and of course they were actually played by guys :).
Actually, if a woman makes the association "having had sex=cannot be naive" or the similar "having had sex=being mature", it is a good indication she had her first time with someone older who played the card of the "showing to be grown up" to get her to bed :-D.
So, that part of Lucie (being gullibly tricked by Pascal) is actually more a still diffused reality, than a fantasy.
Even the part of her becoming somehow arrogant, it is not at all unrealistic. A number of the ones I already mentioned, appeared nice, not only aesthetically, and they may even give the feeling of being poor victims needing a rescue, but the reality was that their insecurity and sweetness were linked to a new environment and disappeared the moment they thought they knew who/what they were dealing with.
Effectively, being betrayed by the idea they were smarter than anybody else, without having effectively tried to understand who and what they were dealing with, and without enough humility and/or experience of life (the second can help the first, sometime) to avoid that type of a priori assumption.
And I met other women (aside some of those already mentioned), who seemed, and could be, nice and sweet when they felt insecure, but the moment they would feel more secure of themselves, got in a more secure situation, or thought they "got the guy", would come out they could be, to use a politically incorrect word, "bitching" (though actually, "politically incorrect" if it's used with reference to the sex, for me, even men can be "bitching", so, I don't have a problem with the word) to overcompensate by wanting to feel they are in charge and can order around, and/or be effectivelly bullies.
So, the change of Lucie may not be really a change, just a persons who is still developing various aspects of her character - sometime people develop what we can consider the best, sometime, they develop the worst, that is life.

As a bit of a disclaimer, I have a small association with the game, helped a bit with some translation, but at the same time, I have not even seen the last days of the game, and I had nothing to do with writing the story - I may have given one or two small suggestions about some detail about e.g. insider trading, but nothing really related to the development of the personality of Lucie.
While all of what you say is plausible or valid (not judging it one way or the other, just making a point...) if the above explanation was in the game, as an internal thought by Lucie say (if it was I missed it, Mea culpa...) then I think it would dampen the 'controversy' somewhat. I know I reacted as I did by the sudden/jarring switch in her attitude/behaviour toward the MC seemingly WITHOUT such. Instantaneously going from an almost 'MC hero worship' to the 'MC is an a-hole' requires such an explanation is the script or dialogue imo.
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Creating realistic and original visual novel
Game Developer
Feb 5, 2019
I'll finish the 3.2.2 version.

I changed :

- 20 phrases about Lucie & Zoe.
I have made changes based on your feedback. Without altering what I wanted to do.
For the coherence of the poll and help to understand the situation and her motivations

- Add hide bonus picture
- Add picture in some place.

In parallel I continue to develop day 11.


Jan 1, 2018
I'll finish the 3.2.2 version.

I changed :

- 20 phrases about Lucie & Zoe.
I have made changes based on your feedback. Without altering what I wanted to do.
For the coherence of the poll and help to understand the situation and her motivations

- Add hide bonus picture
- Add picture in some place.

In parallel I continue to develop day 11.
View attachment 1269779
View attachment 1269778
Why a sausage ? ahahha


Active Member
Aug 10, 2018
Not to enter into what it seems has become a kind of big "flaming" polemic, but...

That may be indeed the case - actually, not only in this type of games, a bit on everything in life - but it is also true that even if there is Patreon and stuff like that, this needs to satisfy many people, each with a bit different taste, so forcibly cannot satisfy everybody.
Also, I admit I did not read it myself yet and may never get to it (I), but the dev had actually written it as a novel first, you can download it for free, there is (or was ?) somewhere in the game the link. So, if in the novel he put something like that, would make sense he does the same in the game.

If you think well, a lot of people who use erotic games, do not do the same things they do characters in the game in the real World (at least, I hope so :)), so the logic of the dream can be the same (honestly, I have not yet played till that point, so I cannot say if I like or not that part).

Well, try to think it as a parallel with reality. The assumption at start is that Lucie is that naive, almost innocent, and certainly cute, but if one looks well, it becomes very fast clear that she is more insecure, and then than she is clearly repressed.
It would be typical for a man to associate the "innocent" part with a younger women with evident insecurity and that is seen as a victim in a unbalanced power relationship (like Lucie with her boyfriend), and with an aspect that, attractive or less attractive, and behaviour that can seem somehow linked to the idea of "innocent".
But the association is not forcibly correct.
Honestly, I have met myself a number of young women who, despite studies, good family condition (to dispel a myth sometime heard), doing studies abroad and being so proud of their intelligence, had the dumb notion that having had sex meant automatically they could not be naive and tricked by guys, and of course they were actually played by guys :).
Actually, if a woman makes the association "having had sex=cannot be naive" or the similar "having had sex=being mature", it is a good indication she had her first time with someone older who played the card of the "showing to be grown up" to get her to bed :-D.
So, that part of Lucie (being gullibly tricked by Pascal) is actually more a still diffused reality, than a fantasy.
Even the part of her becoming somehow arrogant, it is not at all unrealistic. A number of the ones I already mentioned, appeared nice, not only aesthetically, and they may even give the feeling of being poor victims needing a rescue, but the reality was that their insecurity and sweetness were linked to a new environment and disappeared the moment they thought they knew who/what they were dealing with.
Effectively, being betrayed by the idea they were smarter than anybody else, without having effectively tried to understand who and what they were dealing with, and without enough humility and/or experience of life (the second can help the first, sometime) to avoid that type of a priori assumption.
And I met other women (aside some of those already mentioned), who seemed, and could be, nice and sweet when they felt insecure, but the moment they would feel more secure of themselves, got in a more secure situation, or thought they "got the guy", would come out they could be, to use a politically incorrect word, "bitching" (though actually, "politically incorrect" if it's used with reference to the sex, for me, even men can be "bitching", so, I don't have a problem with the word) to overcompensate by wanting to feel they are in charge and can order around, and/or be effectivelly bullies.
So, the change of Lucie may not be really a change, just a persons who is still developing various aspects of her character - sometime people develop what we can consider the best, sometime, they develop the worst, that is life.

As a bit of a disclaimer, I have a small association with the game, helped a bit with some translation, but at the same time, I have not even seen the last days of the game, and I had nothing to do with writing the story - I may have given one or two small suggestions about some detail about e.g. insider trading, but nothing really related to the development of the personality of Lucie.
Yes you do bring up a few points. The thing is that, It doesn't matter if he wrote it as a novel or not. Once he makes it a game its a whole new dynamic. In a kinetic novel you are just going along for the ride. You make no decisions so players don't get immersed in the story as they do in a VN. Now I'm not saying everyone thinks the same, but most if not all love/harem players do. They will get into the life of the mc and self insert. So if that dream sequence does come in to play it doesn't matter if it was a novel at first or not. Especially considering most people haven't read it nor will they read it. Also yes you also brought alot of explanations for why Lucie acts the way she does. Just remember it's a game not reality. Most people aren't going to psychoanalyze the characters in the game. They come here to enjoy the game not be reminded about real world problems.
3.80 star(s) 59 Votes