
Jul 2, 2018
one thing i could never do was find to spot on the glass to add sleeping pills so i miss that part everytime i play sucks would love to see a pic that points it out


Jul 2, 2018
ya i was i used it and same thing happened to me i removed the old and added the new and it works now so try it


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2018
one thing i could never do was find to spot on the glass to add sleeping pills so i miss that part everytime i play sucks would love to see a pic that points it out
Let's try this. Found out how to do a print screen with WIN 10. Here are two that show where to look to put sleeping pills in wine on Tues at 1400. First one you can clearly see the yellow circle. The second one the hot spot is not as easy to see. He changed the hot spot so both screens have the yellow circle on the bottle instead of the glass. This is from the latest fixed v 8.0. upload_2018-9-5_23-45-2.png


dr FeelGood

Active Member
May 9, 2017
Well, try this!
1. Quit game
2. Download and unpack save file /in "Lucky Mark ALPHA 8.0_Data"folder - archive shall create Save sub folder/ which I post two post above Your.
3. Run game again, Click on Start and right after do right-click

Windows 7-Zip
Realy odd! As You can see Win7 can open archive with builtin zip. Explorer_1.png

Please, Try next trick. Right click on archive > Open with > Windows explorer Explorer_2.png
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