
Oct 10, 2017
how the fuck you do play that card game.

nevermind. you can skip it at the end.


Active Member
May 21, 2017
Wow. Its back. I loved this game back when only 0.2 was out cant wait to play 0.9 now... Ty for bringing this back peeps

Lilith Black

Sep 7, 2017
Game looks interesting but it definitely needs a walkthrough of some sorts. The translation isn't that great and some of the menus are still in russian. Pretty much have to go around everywhere you can and talk to/interact with anything you can and hope something happens to progress the game.


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
Game looks interesting but it definitely needs a walkthrough of some sorts. The translation isn't that great and some of the menus are still in russian. Pretty much have to go around everywhere you can and talk to/interact with anything you can and hope something happens to progress the game.
I saw a text file walkthrough included with the game. Is it useful at all?
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
Version 0.9

I strongly welcome You, and I hasten to announce the list of changes smile Recommend this time still read what I did there namudrila: DD First of all, I will immediately say-this is the technical version. That is, the main task was to expand what was already added, and we will not go very far in the story. I delayed this moment as much as I could, but I had to do it sooner or later.

* Almost all of the game's code was shoveled, and many changes were made to the distribution. The number of spelling and graphic errors is decreasing more and more. Some images of static or repetitive events have been reworked, some new ones have been added, and the text and visual parts have been added to various degrees, from plot points to descriptions of heroines in the statistics of characters, in the "heart" (for example, a new picture of Sofia, after the full passage of her story)

* Added many new locations (I forgot to count them). Finally, the visual display of evening time has been added to all locations. While the main part of them has only a cosmetic function, but I have already settled on them NPC (now each character lives somewhere), and added a few events. In the future, I will fill each of the locations with both 18+ content and events of a different nature. Some of them open only when you progress through the story. Yes, it took just a huge amount of time, but the work on expanding the game world, as I said, was necessary, and thank God I finally took the time to work on it. A kind of "core" of the game is now ready.
* Slightly changed the game interface. Now, each location is "signed" at the top of the screen, so that the player does not get lost. Added a "map" that the character must first purchase in the game. With it, the GG will be able to quickly move to certain areas of the city. This is still a "demo version", and most likely I will redo and change its design in the future.

* Several new features GG. Again, visually, this is "demo". It is quite possible that I will make it better in the future, or even "hide"it. Now, this page of statistics is more for me (to make it easier to navigate in the stats, and customize events for them) than for the player. So, for now, don't dwell on it too much.

Now what everyone was waiting for smile

* Added a total of 18 video files and several Gif animations (I forgot to count :D) Some scenes consist of multiple videos. This time, as an apology for the long wait, I added 2 bonus scenes. I will tell you about them below. Thank you, my darlings :D

* Anna's Apartment. Total-4 videos. The continuation of the plot. I recommend reading the passage at this point, you will get lost yourself. smile Anna's Old bonus scene (handmade) is now open to all patrons, and is part of the continuation of her story. Instead of the old one, a new bonus scene has been added (see below).
* Tanisha's Apartment. Total-4 videos. One, a bit "specific" event, depending on both the characteristics of the tank And the characteristics of the GG. This event is a kind of test of "random events", i.e. it has a certain chance of appearing (provided that the characters ' stats meet the requirements)

* Katya's Apartment. So far, only 2 videos.

* Helen's Apartment. Only 3 videos. 2 are disposable, and 1 is repetitive. One "random" event, if the characteristics of the GG meet the requirements. So far, the chance of triggering both this event and Tanisha's event is 50%. I just need the players to test, and then I'll adjust the percentages of randomness.

* New office GG. 4 video scenes, some of the 2-4x videos. Here, there is a new bonus scene of Anna (Megan + Anna + GG). From the moment you get a new office, you can spend time at work in the new YEAR.

* All apartments have added options to spacepromoter tramadoltablet and so on. Ellie's, Megan's, Veronica's, and so on apartments will arrive in the next update.

New, one-time scenes have not yet been added to the gallery. Either I will release a patch for the day, or I will have to wait until the next version.
What I want to ask from the players - I would like You to unsubscribe either under this post, or in the "tech support", how the new locations work. Whether there are any errors, whether the day phase is switched everywhere (day after midnight), whether the sound stutters when switching (both manually and when moving using the map). Also, you need to test one mini-event that opens on the lake, after the plot of the porn Studio. It has two endings. (one - if You stumbled upon it immediately after the" opening " of the lake, the other, more interesting, if You have passed the current plot of the porn Studio completely) its development, and the addition of such mini-scenes, depending on the characteristics of the character - in future updates. Also, if possible, write about all the errors (preferably in more detail, and include the error code in the comment) here -

Afterword: Yes, I promised to continue a lot of stories and so on., but the work on reworking the code took too long. Now the "core of the game" is finally ready, and I can only focus on the content. Forgive me, I always imagine adding this and that, and then I don't have time =\

Now I will take a break in a couple of days, and start working on the story of the nun, the continuation of the porn Studio, the story of Jessica, and adding random events.

Thank you so much for your support, dear friends !!!

P. P. S. in the rush, again forgot to update the "thank you list" when starting the game. If Your name was not mentioned, please don't throw stones at me :(


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
V. 1. 0 Beta
IMPORTANT! OLD SAVES DON'T WORK! (Someone wrote that saves work before the beginning of the plot of the porn Studio, but I did not check.)

Links to the game are SENT to all currently active 1$, 5$ and 10$ cartridges. If you, for some reason, did not receive an email-write to me in the personal account, or here in the comments to this post. I will send it again. But before you do this, check the "Spam" folder. Sometimes emails get there: D at the request of workers, the email will contain both a link to the archive as a whole, and a split into several parts. Download as you like. UNZIP ONLY with WinRar ' th!!! Other archivists may swear.

Hello again, dear friends!

Deleted member 219172

ty for bringing back this game. I was waiting so long for it. :cool::cool:


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
ArkadiyVicont Thank you for making the english translation. Do you or anyone else know what to do to advance this game? 90% of the time I have no idea what to do. I got to the anal scene with Ray, and got up to the beach scenes with the supermarket girl. I have one hidden camera and it's placed in the bathroom. Now I met with some guy who wants to seduce his stepmom and he showed me pictures of the guy who is boning his stepmom and the main character is like "I've got a plan" and I'm all like "no bitch; I have no idea what the fuck to do". Some nurse got hired by Ray into the university, and you guessed it, I have no fucking idea what to do. Please someone help me. Can anyone look at the code and decipher what conditions unlock what events; or if it isn't too much trouble can you possible translate the hints into the game? I assume when you click on the heart and then the person it gives a clue about what to do next but I could be mistaken; after all I can't read Russian. This game is a lot of fun when you figure out where to go and what to do, but actually finding out what to do next is pure torture.


Oct 4, 2018
Good time of day everyone. I know that translation is far from good and not full, but still it shloud be playable. As I know the all characters stories were translated. Because I also have the another project it took three month from me to do this. I believe that in the nearest time I will continue the translation. As far with porno games this is the best project for me. Unfortunatly I can't support the creator by money since I don't have the credit card and living in the village, I'll try to support by translation. I hope you will have enought patience for future updated. Have a good time!


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Good time of day everyone. I know that translation is far from good and not full, but still it shloud be playable. As I know the all characters stories were translated. Because I also have the another project it took three month from me to do this. I believe that in the nearest time I will continue the translation. As far with porno games this is the best project for me. Unfortunatly I can't support the creator by money since I don't have the credit card and living in the village, I'll try to support by translation. I hope you will have enought patience for future updated. Have a good time!
I'm glad that you did this and plan to continue translating it. Do you have any insight on how to progress through the game?


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
Fast translation of walkthrough in google. Here is my discord ArkadiyVicontGMT+2H#5366. You can try to connect me and I 'll try to help as aI can.
Thank you so much! It is extremely late and I am going to bed now, but I'll read through the walkthrough in depth soon and ask you if I have further questions. I really thought this game was dead, so thank you again
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