amber = 11, tricky one so save just before.. goto outside kat's room, goto south wall cabinet, face south, (sound on) mouse over wall cabinet and press space bar, hear click, move right or left, but still on cabinet, repeat for click.. once you have 2 clicks move to east tower, second floor (where you got the KS book.) repeat on both south wall cabinets, once you get 4 clicks (2 each), page appears in middle of room..
amanda = 11, need skeleton key, it's in chest in the boys bathroom..
amanda = 16, goto the woods, first screen turn left, walk (not hyper) to the southwest corner, soft ground will appear , dig..
kat = 12, have to do this last, (after buddie an coach leave) goto the woods , goto the cliff (north central wall) rope, climb, the KS page an coin are hard to spot,,..