Does anyone know any money cheats? There I was playing this for the first time. Enjoying the mass effect elements and boom. I had no money for lockpicks. I really don’t want to start over.
Best way to cheat is editing the save file.
To quote user 4ndr01de, go here on windows C:\Users\"YOUR NAME"\AppData\LocalLow\TheArchitect\Lust is Stranger
There will be a folder called "saves" and inside that will be folders for each save file, as well as a preview image that will help you confirm you're looking at the right save file. All you need to do is find the folder number that matches the in-game save number you want to edit, open it up, and then edit the state.xml file in that folder.
Editing an xml can be done with the basic notepad app that comes with your computer, but I recommend downloading the free and trusted notepad++ if you don't already have it. If you have it, editing is as easy as right clicking the xml and selecting "Edit with notepad++"
Once you're in the save file, search for
The number after "state" determines how much money you have in-game. You can just set it to something like 30 and never have to worry about money for the rest of your playthrough, if you want. Save the xml, go back into the game, load your file, and you'll see your character has the amount of money you set it to.
I'd also recommend either saving a backup of the state.xml file, or just leaving notepad++ open before trying to open your save, so that you can control+z everything you did if you fuck up/corrupt the save file.