The n00b game making skills really shine on this one:
1. Pop up box chat windows have heavy tinting, obscuring game.
2. Text can only be advanced by clicking on text box, which of course, is where any electable options pop up, so you cant quickly advance the game by spam clicking the text, or you hit options.
3. No fast accessible save options, must hit escape, then click save. Must be done with mouse, no keyboard shortcuts.
4. No rollback feature, so if you accidentally do hit an option, you must re-load from your last save to correct.
All in all it makes for a dreadfully slow experience. The wounded plotline limping along doesn't help speed things up.
Creator needs to spend a little time streamlining the gameplay. A review of the plotline to make it more interesting wouldn't hurt either.
The idea of a post-zombie-apocalypse with only 1 zombie; and a no-significant-danger 'dystopian future' where the apparently only-surviving-male has to date women and butter them up for sex is quite milquetoast.
a rebuttal (because some points are kinda dumb

1. Fair point no issue here
2. While simple in concept, not so simple in coding and execution.
3. Refer to point 2.
4. Point 2 but on steroids, this isn't a renp'y game, such functions don't already exist, and would be a bitch to code from scratch.
extras: (since you didn't number them)
5. The 'n00b' game making skills shine, because in all likely-hood considering this is the first and only game they have made.
6. Can't really be a wounded plotline when it has barely been explored as is, only existing plot are mostly character plots, besides the dorm chicks sister because i believe that ties into the main plot at some point. To which this would more be an argument of what should they prioritise? sexual content? or the main narrative? because the way this is designed you can't exactly to both and still update on a semi-regular basis.
7. Again fair point here, but this would be something learned through experience, can't easily teach this, so point 1 and 2 from earlier combined.
8. there is more than a single zombie, they are just rarely physically shown (refer to point 6 as to why), would you want a horde of zombies? or more sexual content? also this isn't the whole "zombie apoc everyone run" and instead more "zombieland" (this is relevant again). as for the no-significant-danger, there is plenty, but it is mostly expressed through text and the danger isn't shoved in your face as a mechanic that kills you, but more of a 'you can't pass here until you kill the zombie in the way'.
9. I think this the 'milquetoast' is more of a result of the dev not trying to put to much story onto mc so you can more easily self-insert.
10. In case it needs to be said, don't take this personally, these are my honest views and rebuttals not a personal attack. (I have had people think otherwise before so I am playing it safe)
Bonus bonus point!
11. thank you for reading this far, go treat yourself to a delightful choc chip cookie (make sure you get the tripple choc type). And try to take it easier on the dev, while you should give honest criticism could have done without the insult opener, I am all for spiciness but there is time and place, and before criticism is not one of them, after though is fine by then the average dev already hates you anyway. XD
yeah why not one more point
12. I think the dev here (from memory cbf going through all the pages) is open to feedback, so be sure to give helpful suggestions on top of criticism. while criticism is good, criticism without helpful advice is kinda useless, like anyone can say "this loot is bad." useful criticism would be "this loot is bad because blah blah, and I think you could do blah to fix it.". (fyi, I am not ignoring that you sorta did this for points 2 and 3, but the rest yeahhhh....)
p.s. yes I was that bored.... although funnily enough I don't have the time.... oops.
p.p.s O you have to agree though, while the game mechanics might not be up to par, the renders are bloody beautiful. I believe this dev is more of an artist than a engine designer. to which dev if you take the time to read this, I enjoy your work

keep learning!