Okay, so here's where I think all our relationships with the girls are currently standing as of S3E2:
Megan: In a really bad position. She is not very happy with MC at all! Megan will likely take a bit of time to restore things back to normal. She's taken her frustrations out by being angry and ignoring MC. Lots of work to be done yet I think.
Jessica: MC hurt her pride a bit in Episode 1, but it seems MC's relationship with her hasn't deteriorated much. To take out her frustrations, she's messing with MC instead. However, it seems the relationship hasn't changed much, so I reckon it won't be long before we see scenes with Jessica again.
Elizabeth: Seems to be sitting mostly pretty good? Although MC's slip-up in Episode 2 might've done some damage. Overall though, not much seems to have changed. She might not want to do anything for a little bit though.
Zoe (Best girl don't @ me): MC has hurt poor Zoe pretty badly too, however unlike Megan, Zoe's seems to be entirely emotionally based. She clearly quite likes MC, so to have MC trying to reconcile what happened in his head come across to her as regret for their actions has hurt her very badly. We'll likely be able to restore things closer to normal pretty quickly once things get going again.
Ellie: Has yet to appear besides in the Intro. Likely still fine because of this.
Nicole: Sitting in a better position than at the end of Season 2! MC seems to be wising up a bit and has confirmed that we aren't actually blackmailing her. She just doesn't want word to get out regarding the relationship. Things are still fine!
Sophie: Also seems to be in a pretty good position! We seemingly didn't go see her in the Friday that happened so she was wondering where we were but no real hard feelings. Nothing has really changed regarding Sophie.
Amy: Seemingly still good despite her brief appearance in Episode 1. She helped us out by keeping us out of trouble with her mother. Not much really to go off yet though.
Chloe: Hasn't appeared yet.
Angel (Ellie's Mother): Hasn't appeared yet.
Carol: Not really sure, she's only just appeared again. Bit of frustration on MC's side though.
Alice: Pretty good, if shy on Alice's side. Also looping, so should create some nice schenanigans as the loops continue.
Gwen (Nurse): Really bad, on both sides. If anything is to come of this relationship a lot of work needs to happen. She's cute though, so I hope we can romance her.
Fiona (Doctor): Much better than MC's relationship with Gwen. At this point though, she's Elizabeth's doctor and that's it. She is not angry at MC though, so work is needed, but the foundations are already there.
Rachel (Amy's Mother): Also sitting in a pretty good, albeit familial position right now. With Elizabeth in Hospital it seems that both Angel and Rachel are going to pick up some of the MILF slack in this season.
I might've missed some things, but I'm fairly happy with this.