- Oct 29, 2021
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*Ahem* I mean, uh... Merry Christmas!
What a year.
I don't know how it was for you guys, but for me? It was tough; no tougher than last year, sure... but still, between me almost dying, family drama, and dealing with my constant failure, this year was a different kind of beast.
Don't mean to, like... depress any of you, though. It wasn't all bad!
I got to experience carnival for the first time! Smoke LOTS of weed, too. Figured I woulda liked it more than I actually did considering I'm a disgusting hippie, but the experience was still cool. Can't say I never tried it! I also saw the sunrise at a rock concert (first ever concert -- I had no idea my boring city had concerts). I got to see more of the world as a bike delivery guy, which, for better or for worse, was something I had to do more of this year. I also discovered I'm pretty suave with the ladies, too! Amazing what you can accomplish when you pair up a shameless motherfucker and a cold one. Magic.
And last but not least, 2024 was the year my mother beat cancer! I feel a little more comfortable sharing this now that we're out of the woods. She finished chemo a few months ago and is healthy as a horse. A very, very mean horse. I'm always saying the old lady is immortal and you couldn't get rid of her with a missile, and I've been proven right yet again. Still... she had us all going for a minute there, not gonna lie.
I owe around 15 days of artwork here, give or take.
I didn't forget, I just had to make an OG call and reallocate that energy into finishing up some other stuff. As you can see in the video, I tried to record my progress for you guys but was met with this error message. Rest assured, the video above is comedic in nature, and the gallery logic and UI are very much done and functional. Same deal as always, though, I did lose a lot of time on this as there are many moving parts. A single typo in the script can set me back hours, or in this case, days. I was chasing my own tail a lot as my priority was to make the system as adaptable as possible for any future additions to the gallery. I always like to say that if you do your best to get it perfectly the first time, you won't have to do it twice.
My work was fruitless in that regard, unfortunately. I had to settle for a dirty fix for now, but I'll revisit it in the future.
I was also out of power for a couple days because of the huge storm that hit São Gonçalo last week. That sucked. I did manage to pick up the pace and finish it, though. Makes me happy to think about how I've been promising this, doing and redoing the whole thing for two years, and now... it's finally done. Feels good to make good on a promise for once.

As for the bigger promise...
There are roughly 130 hours left this year for me to accomplish two updates. I don't wish for the only update I put out this year to be a rework of older chapters and new functionality. This year, though... it was tough. With the trailer, getting myself published on Steam, and other personal matters, it's a wonder I was able to accomplish this much, and yet... it's kinda hard not to resent the fact I couldn't even get started working on Chapter 5. Too many things threw me off balance these past couple months, so I'll pick a battle I can hope to win in 130 hours, which is getting two bonus chapters done. I can't promise anything I put out will be worth waiting for two years, but it's a start. It's a completely different battle now that I'm releasing on Steam. Gotta take a step back and bend the knee before I start racing forward.
Here hoping that sweet, sweet Steam money will not only help me out but also enable me to hire some extra pair of hands. Doing posing, animation, rendering, editing, compositing, soundtracking, scripting, researching, writing, proofreading, and... all the other fifty things that sneak up on me during development are only getting harder. Well, it is what I signed up for, but still, one can dream, right? It wouldn't hurt. It would be pretty sweet if I could dish out regular updates, too. Imagine that? I miss the thrill of updating every three-ish months. Those were the days. I was happy and I didn't know it.
About the new Steam release date, I won't give a specific date, but it will drop anytime between now and December 31st.
Right now, I'm mostly trying to tell my head and my ass apart. Had to stop working for a sec so I could attend Christmas dinner, so there was a little loss of momentum there. As soon as I finish writing this I'll check emails, sleep, then go straight to battle.
As for you guys, put your feet up and get some rest, you've earned it. I know I'll be sleeping through the entirety of January the SECOND God drops the 2025 patch.
Happy holidays!