After finishing this game for the first time right after v0.6.1 went public, I gotta say, this has to be the most pleasant looking artstyle I ever saw. It oozes SEX! There is no other game on this level, the girls are GORGEOUS, from the small details like the occasional blinking to the face expressions and body shapes, it is all perfect!
It's only shortcoming is the SEVERE and DRASTIC lack of content, I needed more of it! Jade is right there begging to be loved and I could barely do a thing! Not speaking of Maeve, who's name is right in the title yet she has barely any content whatsoever! Even though her body is begging for it! It's CRIMINAL!
I sincerely hope there is a monogamous route or at least a way to develop dynamic relationships, I don't like being rialroaded into the manwhore route, especialy at the cost of best girl's (Jade) heart.