M'kay. I spoke too soon, for which I'm sorry. Many a time it actually is a problem of people
thinking they ran something in Japanese locale, whereas...well, just setting the location in the region settings for Windows to 'Japan', or some such shenanigans... Sorry for the assumption.
Now AFTER...erm...*cough*...downloading and seeing this actually is an RPGMV game, I was actually able to test things.
AND it being an RPGMV game...Running in Japanese locale or not matters absolutely zero - as it should(n't).
So weirdly enough, what fixed it for me, is copying the game folder to another place. Which makes absofuckinglutely no sense, but there you have it (tried with file/folder attributes, but they seem to be in order (read- and writable), tried compatibility modes, Japanese locale , changing the name of the folder/the game.exe (so no Japanese characters remain, etc.).
...ANY other place.
Seriously weird.
UPDATE: some, access? issues, I guess. SOMEHOW, when I try to run it from '\\[Computer Name]\Users\[User]\Downloads\[MasterFile] [No Future] Magical Girl Noble Rose\' it WON'T run correctly, yet from 'C:\Users\[User]\Downloads\[MasterFile] [No Future] Magical Girl Noble Rose\'... it's a-okay. Even though AFAIK they are the same place lol. Or maybe not entirely, after all?

Go figure.
I sure can't! xD
PS: I couldn't even see the complete save (ergo no 'Continue' was available when starting the game, and after New Game, I couldn't save before the first (second) fight, when you were given a chance to save)
PPS: So for those who have save/continue issues, this might help.