Never commented prior to this, but this game's motivated me to make a comment because man. I just think the game's "level-up" design is inherently awful? Stat scrolls (Mainly HP) are random drops from enemies, based on the information, some H-Scenes are only triggerable if you're alone and while I haven't played much, that's kind of inconvenient given that when you start and play proper, the earliest enemies you fight can VERY easily two-shot you if you run in the default formation setup you have and if you don't immediately grab a party member to act as your meatshield.
Given that they level up with you even if you grind the enemies and you don't actually get much in the form of meaningful stat upgrades if you don't do the Adventurer's Guild named enemy quests, you basically end up in this situation where "Get party members ASAP, playing alone is suicide, move first and one-shot before you're one/two-shot". This is all by default settings too, so I assume this is the "intended" difficulty. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything in particular, but what looks like a complex system really ends up being "Kill ASAP or be killed". Especially since from what I've seen, if you grind up money to gear up the MC as a tank, she kind of just is slow and if your party members are killed, an enemy is fully capable of just constantly outspeeding you and if they have a stun skill, just chain stun you to death.
Overall, it feels like it's not great? Very much on the unfun-side and I'm saying this as a person who likes trashy porn games with really bare bones RPG mechanics.