You haven't. Long exposition dumps can be tiring, but you went with the other extreme of providing no information whatsoever. I don't think we even get told what year it is, which makes all those dates of birth in the dossiers kind of pointless, because we have no point of reference.
You haven't set the tone. There's a difference between having a blank slate protagonist and having a protagonist with no past and no defining features whatsoever. "She wanted to go to space and now she's in space" is not enough. Life-changing events and big emotional beats are brushed off with single sentences where she "tells her family and friends." These are things that could have been written out and added characterization.
You had a scene between Ted and the MC before the mission, which was incredibly bland, it pretty much communicated nothing about his character to the player and was kind of a waste. Instead of putting fourth-wall-breaking dossiers in the game that tell us he is supposed to be "obnoxious" you should try to communicate that through action and dialogue.
You had the right idea with the other two guys, though their scenes went to the other extreme of hitting you over the head with "I'm X, do you get it yet?" There are subtler ways of showing that a guy is a bit of a horny douchebag than literally having him yell "NICE ASS LOL" at you in the gym.
Even the best writer in the world would struggle to deliver a satisfying sex scene in only five sentences. Sometimes less isn't more. Especially when it involves something that would be traumatic to any normal person. The scene removes any sense of realism from the game and makes the MC even more of a non-entity.
When I talk about things feeling rushed I don't necessarily only mean that the plot itself moves too fast, it's more about the way you write. You don't spend enough time to describe things, be it sex, plot or emotions. When you have the MC getting raped by a crewmate on a strange alien planet, you can't just go "oh no, he is raping her, well she actually likes it now, okay, let's move on to the next thing."
You bring good points. I admit that I may have overlooked some crucial aspects to the buildup that leads to the protagonist's departure. There should at least be some time references in the early game, coupled with more depth into the buildup itself. Problem is, characterization of the main character should take place in the beginning and it should affect future choices, but I have laid down a prologue that does not consider unique personality traits. My goal was to introduce characterization in the next update, through the ways the MC interacts with other characters during normal gameplay flow, during events and any circumstance that allows for that. Easier said than done though, that's why I needed feedback like the one you provided to figure out how I should approach this important aspect of a RPG.
Regarding the first conversation between Ted and the MC, they are not really close friends in the beginning. The blandness is what you'd expect from socializing with an acquaintance. I planned for actual interactions between the MC and Ted, Morris, and Alberto to be developed on the alien planet, rather than in the beginning since the protagonist is pretty much on her own during this chapter. If I decide to characterize the character in a deeper way in the beginning (rather than in the events that follow the end of the chapter), I will try to include more interactions between the MC and her crewmates before the departure. Regarding Alberto, I was not going for subtlety and rather for a boorish behaviour.
You're right regarding the sex scene. It was the first one I wrote and I was not sure whether to go back and rewrite it, since that time could be spent on writing sexual scenes in the future scenes. If it really cannot be overlooked, I will give rewriting it a try.
In the later parts of the chapter, I've tried to describe the MC's emotions through her personal thoughts even if they are not that many. There's always room for more depth regarding emotions, plot, and sexual scenes so I do not really have a choice but to spend more time on the environments I am building.
It's not so much about how many opportunities there are with girls (although they obviously need to be there) as it is that she can avoid guys. It doesn't matter how many girls she can have if she's also getting fucked by guys.
Understood, the issue is that the lesbian demographic is not a majority and I had to balance the time I had between rewriting content for guys and for girl scenes. In many scenes, I've offered the player the possibility to avoid an undesired sexual interaction through choices, but there can be better ways later on.
The biggest drawback about Female protagonist (imo) is that it's all about the female protag. Male protag thrive in exploring different options in winning/forcing their way through to actual sex. Because the majority of gamers (imo) are males, it is engaging for them and interesting to have x number of woman and their personalities plus body shape facial expression etc.
Hence for Female protag games to work generally, Emma herself needs to shine.
While it can be hard striking a balance between too much reading to lack of anything, this whole 3rd person narrative and Emma despite being raped moved on to the next scene like it was a change of clothes doesn't cut very well for me. I suppose you can try to be more "intimate" and increase the length of the actual sex sentences but since this game is all about Emma, i would think players are also interested in knowing her personal thoughts as she react to her surroundings and of coz the actual sex scenes.
So Emma is a fresh graduate.What is her personality like? Is she a virgin or is she well versed in sex craft? Did she have a BF before she left for planet. Did anything happen during the two months wait. These introduction will set a tone for Emma followed by how we the players or the developer slowly corrupt a shy or confident woman into accepting decisions which compromises her into lewd situations. It is generally more erotic when we can read read about her personal struggles as she weights up the consequences or convincing herself she got everything under control while slowly slipping.
Whereas I don't feel much for Emma with how everything is currently worded. I guess what I am trying to get at is I need more emotions out of Emma and for her personality to develop with every update or major plot. Not necessary just how she managed to cum so easy from every sex scene as it gets stale very quickly. I get all of this may mean a complete restructure in how you word it and it may also be not your style. Hence it is just my opinion for your consideration only.
It is a complete restructure and this is what I am trying for in the next update. The linear system rushes Emma from scene A to event B, and the system I am going for actually leaves time for the player to develop Emma's character through dialogue and personal choices during events. Everything you've said is correct, there is not a deep enough background to Emma's past sexual experiences so it can make her seem like a non-entity as
fitgirlbestgirl said. One of my targets for the next update is to introduce personality sliders to Emma, so far I only have a SubDom one, but I am going for traits like Kindness, Mischievous and a few others. Corruption is a main theme of the game that I am developing with the next update, and I hope to bring the protagonist to life from the perspective of the player.
" Humanity discovered a planet in another solar system "
Sol is the name of our star, so the solar system is by definition "our" system. Unless there is weird dimensional travel involved, where travel to a different dimension results in "another solar system" (which also has a different version of Mars, Neptun etc. in addition to Earth), you gotta call it "another star system".
It's science-fiction, science is in the name of the genre. Get the absolute basics right ffs.
PS: I'm half joking though. ...half.
I have checked this beforehand and some articles (like
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) use the term "another solar system", so I thought it was going to work. Another star system is a better description, but our sun is a star as well and I did not think it's a really immersion-breaking detail.
I'm playing it on my cellphone and the images are all broken but the files are there
Did you try
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Here is how it looks on my phone.