Well I would use the other stuff but chrome and firefox just gets stuck at the app verification thing and never leaves it or it crashes my MacIs there an error? It is possible that you need to set Safari to have access over the local storage.
The preferred browser to use is Chrome most of the time, followed by Firefox, as they work better with more special CSS classes in general.
You haven't. Long exposition dumps can be tiring, but you went with the other extreme of providing no information whatsoever. I don't think we even get told what year it is, which makes all those dates of birth in the dossiers kind of pointless, because we have no point of reference.
You haven't set the tone. There's a difference between having a blank slate protagonist and having a protagonist with no past and no defining features whatsoever. "She wanted to go to space and now she's in space" is not enough. Life-changing events and big emotional beats are brushed off with single sentences where she "tells her family and friends." These are things that could have been written out and added characterization.
You had a scene between Ted and the MC before the mission, which was incredibly bland, it pretty much communicated nothing about his character to the player and was kind of a waste. Instead of putting fourth-wall-breaking dossiers in the game that tell us he is supposed to be "obnoxious" you should try to communicate that through action and dialogue.
You had the right idea with the other two guys, though their scenes went to the other extreme of hitting you over the head with "I'm X, do you get it yet?" There are subtler ways of showing that a guy is a bit of a horny douchebag than literally having him yell "NICE ASS LOL" at you in the gym.
Even the best writer in the world would struggle to deliver a satisfying sex scene in only five sentences. Sometimes less isn't more. Especially when it involves something that would be traumatic to any normal person. The scene removes any sense of realism from the game and makes the MC even more of a non-entity.
When I talk about things feeling rushed I don't necessarily only mean that the plot itself moves too fast, it's more about the way you write. You don't spend enough time to describe things, be it sex, plot or emotions. When you have the MC getting raped by a crewmate on a strange alien planet, you can't just go "oh no, he is raping her, well she actually likes it now, okay, let's move on to the next thing."
It might help more, if you stated the amount you are pledging, for either of those to be added to the game ! . . . .Futa, Or symbiosis an then you got my money xd
Just because its a porn game doesnt mean something should be badly written.If your looking for a "VN" experience . . . . . . I think your looking in the wrong place. Chill and have a cup.
That's what I am going for, a game with a good story that isn't creatively limited by the boundaries of SFW games, so I don't mind criticism as long as it comes from a place of goodwill. Much of the NSFW content has context around it and it's not really meant to be forced in, especially in the new update. I reported the thread to update it to mark its new release, but I hope that the f95zone server downtime didn't mess something up since it is still not updatedJust because its a porn game doesnt mean something should be badly written.
That is why so many hentai games are so shit.
They are just cg dumps with nothing else going for them so its better to just unpack the gallery.
A good Hentai/porn game you get invested in both the porn and the non porn.
Updated the main post with more pictures.More preview pictures please, if possible?
If it is possible I would like to give an advice. Don't listern to every next person saying he wants this or that. COC or tits nowadays almost stopped story progression. Too many characters too many traits too many stories without the end. If you want to add male character creation - good for you, but remember that complexity would not multiplied by two but 4 times at least. People never know what they want but they like it the moment thay see it.I'm really happy to see the positive feedback so far.
A male MC is possible into the future, as the next version will start Life Sim in Space, but it will involve writing a lot of extra content with a separate male creation screen, so I'll give it more thought as the game progresses and more people desire a male MC. Corruption of Champions does not have art for the MC, but it makes up for it in writing with special sex scenes available only to possessors of certain members.. and I will need to have both the art and the writing
Thought about it as well, my next release will have options pubic hair by the way. By a body hair option, do you mean something like hairy legs or?
That might be because the screen is zoomed in, if you zoom out using CTRL+ScrollDown then it should show up fine. The texts on the passages are relatively centered (more obviously noticed if you click the sidebar arrow to hide it). I will try to think about a solution for lower resolution screens, however if CTRL+ScrollDown works and the text is legible then that's probably the best solution for now.
Glad someone caught that![]()
Yes, all three, even in the demo.What kind of beasty are we looking at? Aliens and monsters or actual one? And how much of it is there or will be?
Beasts as in animals and aliens (there are tentacles too and evil plants), there are gorilla and snake scenes in the linear part of the game. I have plans to add more than 10 alien races to the game over the next updates, some of them are already designed and they can fit within the category of bestiality by aspect, but they tend to be sentient races with their own civilizations. Since we have a combat system right now, our main character can encounter more of the local fauna which tends to be driven by raw instinct and not by sentient thought, so they can be considered bestiality both in aspect and behavior.What kind of beasty are we looking at? Aliens and monsters or actual one? And how much of it is there or will be?
I agree, feature creep can slow development to a crawl and it can lead to a mess if there is not a clear line. This is why, until Malevolent Planet's first planet's locations are filled with content (a city is coming soon), I keep myself grounded. Right now, it's more important to produce more good content like quests, immersive events and dialogues and so on that slowly build up the lore around our main character upgrading her ship and taking it to the next level through interplanetary travel. Male character creation is a whole new beast to tackle and it cannot fit in the game as it is right now. Content is built around a female protagonist.If it is possible I would like to give an advice. Don't listern to every next person saying he wants this or that. COC or tits nowadays almost stopped story progression. Too many characters too many traits too many stories without the end. If you want to add male character creation - good for you, but remember that complexity would not multiplied by two but 4 times at least. People never know what they want but they like it the moment thay see it.
Actually I have an idea and maybe you will like it. In certain quests or scenes you may want to give your players a choice to play for a male character. You even can give players chance to interract (have sex) with their MC (main character) while playing some male character. It opens interesting possibilities without need to introduce original male MC.The only way I would add a male character creation screen in the future is if it was a very, very popular request and it would be done by building up the lore around a separate character, from maybe an earlier expedition. It's still too early to say, I have huge plans for what's coming next for our female protagonist . A blackmailer event is in the works for the next update and it will introduce new sex mechanics. There are a few remarks on it in one of the recent development updates on my Patreon.
Its called different POV.Actually I have an idea and maybe you will like it. In certain quests or scenes you may want to give your players a choice to play for a male character. You even can give players chance to interract (have sex) with their MC (main character) while playing some male character. It opens interesting possibilities without need to introduce original male MC.
First of all, please don't tell me what I meant.Its called different POV.
I am against it. Switching POV many times ruins immersion. Story doesnt have same impact as when you follow only 1 character.
I am also against option of creating male characters. So far story revolves around female. Its better to stick to story of 1 (female) character than to add dozens of different characters with different events. Feature creep is serious issue.
There are a few images, like in the Sanitation Room and Melissa's scene that are not censored. They are there to give you an idea of what you'd get as a $5 Patron. Also, I believe that it's not exactly a low amount of content right now. My own playthroughs in which I tested for potential bugs take at least 10-15m on average and that's with skipping through every page, without reading anything. I spend a lot of effort on those drawings and I don't lock anything else behind a paywall right now. Maybe, when the game will have a lot more content and drawings, the older ones can trickle down to $1 Patrons and then to the general public.Nice game with some potential. But I am not really a fan of artificial paywalls (hidden images unless you pay).
I understand that author wants to attract new patrons, but 5$ every month is a lot considering that this is new game with low amount of content.
I would advise to lower paywall this early in development to attract more people due to nice CG images. Paywall can always be raised later when the game gets more famous.
PS: Ideal would be total removal of paywall at this point, heh.Even with only text will never attract as much people as events with images. But I would understand if author doesnt want that.
Actually I have an idea and maybe you will like it. In certain quests or scenes you may want to give your players a choice to play for a male character. You even can give players chance to interract (have sex) with their MC (main character) while playing some male character. It opens interesting possibilities without need to introduce original male MC.
Yeah, well, the idea is definitely creative and I think it is pursued in a few indie texts. But it can also ruin immersion, since not only it takes great writing to achieve such a scene, you need a whole new creative layer to make the transition between perspectives smooth.Its called different POV.
I am against it. Switching POV many times ruins immersion. Story doesnt have same impact as when you follow only 1 character.
I am also against option of creating male characters. So far story revolves around female. Its better to stick to story of 1 (female) character than to add dozens of different characters with different events. Feature creep is serious issue.