RPGM Abandoned Malise And The Machine [v0.0511] [Eromancer]

3.70 star(s) 9 Votes


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018

Hey all!

I rarely get sick, but I've been almost completely down and out for the past 4 days with a flu-like illness. I'm starting to feel better today, but would really like a few days to round out what I've been working on and get everyone else squared away for the update. To boot, Mr. Kittyhawk is also sick, so hopefully he'll have the time to finish up his part.
Sorry for the hold up!



Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
"Thanks guys ^-^ I'm pretty much better now and am going to try to have the update ready on the 5th. A mini update: Since we don't have anyone who's good at modeling hair on the team, and since we're now creating really custom characters that need really custom hair, I spent a lot of time while I was sick watching tutorials on creating hair with some cutting edge software used for everything from movies to games like Horizon: Zero Dawn. Even for someone like me who's never modeled hair, I'm getting some pretty great results already, and will have that along with everything else to show off for the update."

Now i am paying for Eromancer to learn how to create Hair. That's a yikes from me dawg.

Update better be worth it, i am supporting him since last year and i am slowly but steady running out of patience.

Even a new Battle Test with one H - Attack chain would suffice for me, which was planned to be the next Battle Test Update some months back (too lazy to look for the actual post now)

But i highly doubt it will happen this year at this rate.


Mar 26, 2018
Man if this game does come out, it'll blow every RPGM game out of the water graphics and gameplay wise.


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Reactions: lordgdavid


Aug 2, 2017
Man if this game does come out, it'll blow every RPGM game out of the water graphics and gameplay wise.


Well if every other RPGM dev got thousands of dollars a month just to learn 3d art, they'd probably be able to produce some pretty good teasers too.


Feb 27, 2018
Yeah, this all is little bizzarre. I only hope that people stop supporting them until they really show any outcome. Soon we have 2nd anniversary of NOTHING.
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Reactions: Danlorn


Dec 20, 2017
Nothing "interesting" in this update XD

However nice concept arts for enemies or potential boss.


Active Member
Feb 4, 2018
Yeah....i am waiting until january. If there is no new Battletest with the promised H - Skill Chain, i will stop supporting. Gonna be my New Years Solution :p


Jul 28, 2018

Hey guys!
We've got some big news, and I don't want you to get a false impression, so please read this entire post. This is one of those points where your feedback is highly valuable, and I encourage you to ask questions and discuss!

Right now, we have no other source of income than from Patreon, and it's creating a problem. We're cutting our teeth on something both advanced and unique, and every decision we make is inherently risky. That risk is basically being pushed entirely to you guys, which isn’t good. We're also doing a ton of world-building, writing, concept designs, and all this meta stuff on top of our technology overhaul that's obviously become a drag for a lot of people. And all the while we’re significantly understaffed for a project of this scale.

As necessary as it currently is, I don't want patrons to feel obligated to continue supporting every month when there's not new playable content. The solution however is difficult because MATM has a long way to go before it will see retailers, meaning if we continue down this path we will continue to rely on you guys for a long time to come.

We've therefore come up with a plan that should alleviate all of these problems and more.

The goal is to take part of the team and get a very fun and accessible side project built in Unity with a much smaller scope than MATM to you and to retailers ASAP. As it so happens, we currently have the golden opportunity to do this, as Steam has opened its doors to adult content. We all know that the adult game world is fickle, and that these doors of opportunity often close, meaning we have to make this move now. This in no way means we’ll sacrifice quality – it just means we’ll be very busy!

The game will take place in MATM's world, and act as an introduction to MATM's setting, the theme, the denizens of New Babylon, and even some of the characters. It will require MUCH less overhead development time, and what you'll see in this update is from only two weeks spent on pre-visualization.

This will do the following:

  • Allow us to get a stream of playable content to you much sooner
  • Provide us the funds to grow our team further, without making you feel like you're being held hostage while we thrash away at not fun but necessary stuff on our main project
  • Give us time to build assets for MATM, and for TK and APL to finish the tech transition / rigging technology we need for MATM
  • Allow us to push forward with MATM's world-building, enemy and character concepts, and setting, all while we work on this new project.


The game will be called Pure Onyx: A New Babylon Tale. It will be an arcade style beat 'em up game (Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc.) developed in Unity. It will be fully animated, with animated in-game H content, and with the messy finishers you’ve come to expect from us. The game will take place during part of the story of MATM that you don’t get to see from Malise and Neon’s perspective. You'll play as Onyx while she traverses the mean streets of New Babylon, fighting enemies including the Splicer gang, the Syndicate, biomonsters, and more.

The game will contain approximately 5 full, varied levels, and if the reception is good we will consider expanding it in a variety of ways.


We're drawing this bitch by hand! Sort of.

We'll be using a combination of 3D and film techniques we've learned over the course of working on MATM to support what will be a mostly 2D game (check out the action in the game Dragon’s Crown, then think about what it would look like as an arcade-style Ghost in the Shell / Akira inspired game). The characters will resemble an anime version of the old art style of MATM, just more professionally done and much less awkward >_>. The goal is to use a style that has less back-end overhead and doesn’t require additional complex 3D models for characters. This game will have a much smaller scope than MATM, and thus will require fewer assets in the long term, making brute force techniques like hand-drawing more practical.

As it turns out, Mr. Kittyhawk is proficient with Unity and C#, and since this genre is so well-defined he already has many of the core mechanics and systems functioning. Limbo will likely be joining us full time as soon as possible. He and I will be drawing the characters, and I’ll be using Spine to animate them (you can see an example of my first efforts in the teaser video). We will be using our 3D character models where applicable for assisting us in posing and shading. Ubercharge will assist with rendering 3D elements that we can use in the level design compositing process.

As far as Patreon goes, the current structure will likely remain the same, you’ll just be treated to content for both games. We’ll continue to update you on our MATM progress as usual. I’m separating that content out from this update for this week since this is a lot to digest, so you’ll see another IC update in a couple of days.


All of us will likely contribute, but the core team will be myself, Limbo, Mr. Kittyhawk, and Ubercharge. AltairPL will continue his work on MATM’s URGE engine full time, and TK will continue his work on the Maya transition for MATM. I’ll obviously still be working on MATM as well, as will Ubercharge, but our primary goal is to get playable content to you and secure additional funding as soon as possible via Pure Onyx.


We’ll have a stream of playable content ready for you much sooner than it will take to get the next major version of MATM ready. Give us a couple weeks to get our boots on the ground and develop a rhythm. This has already come together a lot faster than we were hoping! We were originally planning on working on this behind the scenes for a while to assess the situation, but I decided against it since this is on your dime, and you should know about the process as soon as possible.


Here’s a bunch of stuff we’ve developed from the past two weeks of pre-visualization. The overall theme is in line with what we’ve been up to, but the style will resemble 80s/90s anime, including some of the trashy aspects like color palette and seeing it on old CRT screens in VHS. We’ve been heavily referencing the original Ghost in the Shell anime and works by Shirow Masamune.

Onyx Styling

Here’s how the Onyx sprite will likely be drawn. We were considering giving her entirely hard shading to be more in line with the retro anime theme, but figured a concession was in order since soft shading simply looks way more polished for hentai.

  • (sorry for the missing nips :D)

Onyx Poses

Limbo has started on some sketches for Onyx’s poses. We’ll need to draw her sprite a bunch of times to create the base poses, which will then be broken down into layers and animated with Spine.


Enemy Sketches

Limbo has also been creating some sketches for basic Splicer enemies. I’ve already created a test rig in Spine and have a basic idle animation working for one that MW is working with in-engine. You’ll see a lot of sketches at this level of detail for a little while until we get combat feeling good (of course you’ll be asked to help provide feedback on that as soon as we’re ready :D).

Video Artwork

The above video is the closest thing I’ll be showing today to what we expect the finished artwork to look like. The environment artwork will be constructed in 3D, at which point we will do multiple render passes to assist us in painting the final artwork. We will likely need a few more weeks to experiment before we can get some vertical slice images of the final look. Details impractical to create in 3D will be painted by hand. We’ll likely be using this scene as the title screen by the way :D.


Original Style and Lighting Mock-ups

Here are the original mock-ups I made for visual styling. We were originally considering a black and white game, and while more stylish I don’t think it’d work well for hentai. We were also originally considering using full perspective, but decided the classic beat-em-up camera angle is better for retaining the feel of the genre.



That’s about it for now. We’ll show off some in-engine footage as soon as we get some animations in place, since right now it looks really goofy with everyone sliding around.

Obviously, I don’t expect everyone to be thrilled with this whole idea (especially those of you who may not like the game genre or Onyx), but from a practical and financial standpoint I feel knocking out a project like this is the best course of action to give us time to round out the back-end stuff with MATM, as well as springboard us into a position to work on it at a more satisfying pace. Ultimately, this is what we should have begun with all along.

Anyways, like I said above I figured I'd give you all a day or two to digest this before we do our MATM IC update. For now, discuss!


Jul 28, 2018
Has anyone been able to successfully edit their MATM save file or opening the game back up in RPGMaker?
I'd love to be able to just add new skills to the game...


Mar 26, 2018

Hey guys!
We've got some big news, and I don't want you to get a false impression, so please read this entire post. This is one of those points where your feedback is highly valuable, and I encourage you to ask questions and discuss!

Right now, we have no other source of income than from Patreon, and it's creating a problem. We're cutting our teeth on something both advanced and unique, and every decision we make is inherently risky. That risk is basically being pushed entirely to you guys, which isn’t good. We're also doing a ton of world-building, writing, concept designs, and all this meta stuff on top of our technology overhaul that's obviously become a drag for a lot of people. And all the while we’re significantly understaffed for a project of this scale.

As necessary as it currently is, I don't want patrons to feel obligated to continue supporting every month when there's not new playable content. The solution however is difficult because MATM has a long way to go before it will see retailers, meaning if we continue down this path we will continue to rely on you guys for a long time to come.

We've therefore come up with a plan that should alleviate all of these problems and more.

The goal is to take part of the team and get a very fun and accessible side project built in Unity with a much smaller scope than MATM to you and to retailers ASAP. As it so happens, we currently have the golden opportunity to do this, as Steam has opened its doors to adult content. We all know that the adult game world is fickle, and that these doors of opportunity often close, meaning we have to make this move now. This in no way means we’ll sacrifice quality – it just means we’ll be very busy!

The game will take place in MATM's world, and act as an introduction to MATM's setting, the theme, the denizens of New Babylon, and even some of the characters. It will require MUCH less overhead development time, and what you'll see in this update is from only two weeks spent on pre-visualization.

This will do the following:

  • Allow us to get a stream of playable content to you much sooner
  • Provide us the funds to grow our team further, without making you feel like you're being held hostage while we thrash away at not fun but necessary stuff on our main project
  • Give us time to build assets for MATM, and for TK and APL to finish the tech transition / rigging technology we need for MATM
  • Allow us to push forward with MATM's world-building, enemy and character concepts, and setting, all while we work on this new project.


The game will be called Pure Onyx: A New Babylon Tale. It will be an arcade style beat 'em up game (Final Fight, Streets of Rage, etc.) developed in Unity. It will be fully animated, with animated in-game H content, and with the messy finishers you’ve come to expect from us. The game will take place during part of the story of MATM that you don’t get to see from Malise and Neon’s perspective. You'll play as Onyx while she traverses the mean streets of New Babylon, fighting enemies including the Splicer gang, the Syndicate, biomonsters, and more.

The game will contain approximately 5 full, varied levels, and if the reception is good we will consider expanding it in a variety of ways.


We're drawing this bitch by hand! Sort of.

We'll be using a combination of 3D and film techniques we've learned over the course of working on MATM to support what will be a mostly 2D game (check out the action in the game Dragon’s Crown, then think about what it would look like as an arcade-style Ghost in the Shell / Akira inspired game). The characters will resemble an anime version of the old art style of MATM, just more professionally done and much less awkward >_>. The goal is to use a style that has less back-end overhead and doesn’t require additional complex 3D models for characters. This game will have a much smaller scope than MATM, and thus will require fewer assets in the long term, making brute force techniques like hand-drawing more practical.

As it turns out, Mr. Kittyhawk is proficient with Unity and C#, and since this genre is so well-defined he already has many of the core mechanics and systems functioning. Limbo will likely be joining us full time as soon as possible. He and I will be drawing the characters, and I’ll be using Spine to animate them (you can see an example of my first efforts in the teaser video). We will be using our 3D character models where applicable for assisting us in posing and shading. Ubercharge will assist with rendering 3D elements that we can use in the level design compositing process.

As far as Patreon goes, the current structure will likely remain the same, you’ll just be treated to content for both games. We’ll continue to update you on our MATM progress as usual. I’m separating that content out from this update for this week since this is a lot to digest, so you’ll see another IC update in a couple of days.


All of us will likely contribute, but the core team will be myself, Limbo, Mr. Kittyhawk, and Ubercharge. AltairPL will continue his work on MATM’s URGE engine full time, and TK will continue his work on the Maya transition for MATM. I’ll obviously still be working on MATM as well, as will Ubercharge, but our primary goal is to get playable content to you and secure additional funding as soon as possible via Pure Onyx.


We’ll have a stream of playable content ready for you much sooner than it will take to get the next major version of MATM ready. Give us a couple weeks to get our boots on the ground and develop a rhythm. This has already come together a lot faster than we were hoping! We were originally planning on working on this behind the scenes for a while to assess the situation, but I decided against it since this is on your dime, and you should know about the process as soon as possible.


Here’s a bunch of stuff we’ve developed from the past two weeks of pre-visualization. The overall theme is in line with what we’ve been up to, but the style will resemble 80s/90s anime, including some of the trashy aspects like color palette and seeing it on old CRT screens in VHS. We’ve been heavily referencing the original Ghost in the Shell anime and works by Shirow Masamune.

Onyx Styling

Here’s how the Onyx sprite will likely be drawn. We were considering giving her entirely hard shading to be more in line with the retro anime theme, but figured a concession was in order since soft shading simply looks way more polished for hentai.

  • (sorry for the missing nips :D)

Onyx Poses

Limbo has started on some sketches for Onyx’s poses. We’ll need to draw her sprite a bunch of times to create the base poses, which will then be broken down into layers and animated with Spine.


Enemy Sketches

Limbo has also been creating some sketches for basic Splicer enemies. I’ve already created a test rig in Spine and have a basic idle animation working for one that MW is working with in-engine. You’ll see a lot of sketches at this level of detail for a little while until we get combat feeling good (of course you’ll be asked to help provide feedback on that as soon as we’re ready :D).

Video Artwork

The above video is the closest thing I’ll be showing today to what we expect the finished artwork to look like. The environment artwork will be constructed in 3D, at which point we will do multiple render passes to assist us in painting the final artwork. We will likely need a few more weeks to experiment before we can get some vertical slice images of the final look. Details impractical to create in 3D will be painted by hand. We’ll likely be using this scene as the title screen by the way :D.


Original Style and Lighting Mock-ups

Here are the original mock-ups I made for visual styling. We were originally considering a black and white game, and while more stylish I don’t think it’d work well for hentai. We were also originally considering using full perspective, but decided the classic beat-em-up camera angle is better for retaining the feel of the genre.



That’s about it for now. We’ll show off some in-engine footage as soon as we get some animations in place, since right now it looks really goofy with everyone sliding around.

Obviously, I don’t expect everyone to be thrilled with this whole idea (especially those of you who may not like the game genre or Onyx), but from a practical and financial standpoint I feel knocking out a project like this is the best course of action to give us time to round out the back-end stuff with MATM, as well as springboard us into a position to work on it at a more satisfying pace. Ultimately, this is what we should have begun with all along.

Anyways, like I said above I figured I'd give you all a day or two to digest this before we do our MATM IC update. For now, discuss!
The only way I can see this being a good thing is if A LOT of people end up buying it, so money goes into MATM, otherwise MATM it seems is never going to come out.


Game Developer
Nov 16, 2017
Right now, we have no other source of income than from Patreon, and it's creating a problem.
Ok, so Eromancer needs more money......

The solution however is difficult because MATM has a long way to go before it will see retailers, meaning if we continue down this path we will continue to rely on you guys for a long time to come.
So the game is going to take years, and Eromancer doesn't think the Patrons will continue to fund it. I suppose it wouldn't be an issue if they updated the game more often. Continuing what they had started being the easiest option over constant tech refreshes.

The goal is to take part of the team and get a very fun and accessible side project built in Unity with a much smaller scope than MATM to you and to retailers ASAP. As it so happens, we currently have the golden opportunity to do this, as Steam has opened its doors to adult content.
More money by selling the game on Steam.

this update is from only two weeks spent on pre-visualization.
We have spent 2 weeks on our latest venture, a 5 level 'Streets of Rage' style game made in Unity. 6 months for a solid demo (half a level and a couple of enemies) to come out I imagine.


Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Oct 10, 2017
Just for everyone's convenience: MATM is being in the making since at least 2015 january. Ever since then its mostly just promises. What you got here as an update. A long wall of this and that but imagine it like this. I could write you long pages how i'm building a fusion reactor on my property, with tech-data that sounds legit. Does that means i'm really building a fusion reactor on my land? No. But i can bullshit about it for a few thousand $/month.
And now they say.. the best course of action for MOAWR money, after 3,5 years of basically nothing.. is that they further reduce their supposed numbers so some of them could work ANOTHER game. Cuz another game is good for this project... that you can buy... because if you have patroned them for years, payed them hundred of dollars, its sound proper that you should pay MORE. For a game you don't want...

The patrons of these guys are buying nice, well-drawn concept art pictures. You know how much such pictures cost on the market? Between 50-200 dollars. IF they buy 3-4, that costs somewhere around 2-800$, max. So if they buy a bundle of concept arts of four per 4 months, that means they paid that amount of money from the 20.000$ pool they have earned during this time. Beside that the only real thing they have to do is write this somewhat lenghty text of excuses on a regular basis but no more than 3-4 times per year. So overall, its 1000$ MAX cost (conceptart), 3-4 times a few pages long excuse/techdata combo.. and you have yourself a 60.000$ wage / year. You really only had to put some funding at the very beginning to hire a programmer to write the game's demo at the beginning. From there on, you don't have extra expenses beside the aformentioned ones. You don't have to come out anything solid.

This is basically the history of Malise and the Machine.


New Member
Jan 3, 2018
lol 2 years since their last meaningful demo.

They had potential too smh, their scope was just too big for such a young team.

It's ridiculous because you can tell from their demo that they really want to create a great game, the art, UI and all of that was great. But they are trying to reinvent the wheel in terms of a game engine so early. I understand dedicating time to make a framework to pump out quality content faster with more long term reliability but there is a limit.

Hope they do create a smaller project with great content, make a bigger name for themselves get revenue so they can acheive for whatever they are aiming for.
3.70 star(s) 9 Votes