I'm hoping that it is just because there is no electricity in his foxhole, but agree that things do look grim. It's possible TC won't be in a mood for making games when he comes back from war, even if he survives. All we can do is hope that he makes it out sound of mind and body, with the wee auxiliary hope that he wants to continue this excellent game.
They're now subbed to someone doing pixel-art assets for RPGs on patreon and IIRC they weren't when I last checked. Maybe I'm very high on Copium, but I'm quite sure that last time I checked they weren't subbed to anyone.
They're now subbed to someone doing pixel-art assets for RPGs on patreon and IIRC they weren't when I last checked. Maybe I'm very high on Copium, but I'm quite sure that last time I checked they weren't subbed to anyone.