
Jul 5, 2017
Hey guys,

@Blitzer68, @BrazzersNetwork : Sorry to hear that, have you tried running on a different resolution, that might solve the problem? Otherwise can you provide some more data: like system/OS specs, resolution?
Yea, I've tried a few different resolutions, full screen and windowed when starting the game. I'm running Win10 x64, Intel


Jul 5, 2017
I got it running now, thank you. My internet security was running it in containment. I usually get a notice when it does that but I wasn't for this game so I didn't realize it until I checked.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
I very much enjoy this game and think it'll be awesome in the future. The only problem I have with it is that I can't run it in full screen for some reason.

The only other points of criticism I can think off are travel times not rounded down (as others have already pointed out), some of the times spent that aren't accurate and the fact that you can only see each bathroom peek scene once (took me a while to figure out they went to your picture folder on your phone and aren't viewable at the keyhole anymore). It would be interesting if you kept those in with a chance of seeing a random event once in a while.

What I do like, however, is the fact you pointed out with a textbox that you should retry "lower level" events when you've progressed to the next "tier". If there's one thing I find annoying is that a lot of games require a walkthrough. I mean, it's one thing to map out the optimal path, but if you have to alt-tab after every step (yes, I only have one monitor, fuck off) to see where you have to go next because you'd never figure it out on your own, gets annoying fast (which is why I enjoy ICCreations games since they use the quest system as an in-game walkthrough, why there aren't more RPGM games that use this, I can't understand). But right now, everything flows naturally and you can make do it with trial and error on your own (as it should be). So please, don't put in convoluted quests with weird sidesteps so that a walkthrough would become mandatory. Don't get me wrong, I don't oppose quests, just set the objective in a text message and make the resolution logical and easy to figure out (so please, no "go to the mall at ten exactly to meet with a guy you had no prior knowledge about since no one has ever mentioned him before").

But all in all, a good game and if you keep up the way you're working, you'll be fine.


May 25, 2017
@Faerin I've played a lot of these games as of late and yours should definitely be on the list of "Popular games". Well done!

Bug report:
Not sure if it was already mentioned but I have accumulated more than 250 hearts with Ashley. After reaching 60 hearts and 5 stars anytime I would receive another heart it would say 59 hearts instead. The phone stat reflects this and I think it's currently at 410% in that bar that I don't know what it does, lol.


May 26, 2017
Despite the game still being light on content and many action lead to TBI. I really have to praise the author for the time he invested designing the interface. The ingame smartphone app is more sophisticated than the core UI of other games.

The models are fine, even if i find the facial mimics and especially the mouth area a bit uncanny. Will definitely be watching the development.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Jul 14, 2017
@Crusoe: I've added the resolution dialog with a fixed aspect ratio (16:9), so that might be it.
Furthurmore maybe you got a security dialog the first time (and blocked the game), but didn't the last time?
(Some virusscanners might block it perhaps).

@Blitzer68: Glad you got it working, I hope you enjoy it! Thanks @loqex and @ThanatosX for the help!

@SuddenReal: Thanks for the nice review! Fullscreen (16x9) is added in the next version. All your other points have been addressed as well! As for the quests, I agree with you. I do want to include some "secrets/easter egges" eventually, but all of them will have hints from NPC's or events!

@McDoogan: Thanks a lot man, it's only the first public version and to get feedback like that really motivates me!
The bug has been fixed in the next version!

@nikitolog: Try running on a different resolution from the dialog box, does that help?

@AHD: Thanks mate, the phone took a TON of time, especially the whatsapp part, as it is basically a fully functionally chat client and not just scripted. That will become more evident in future versions!
I actually agree with the model mouths, noticed it myself too, so I'm gonna try to pay more attention to that.
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Jun 5, 2017
How did you get the handjob ?
watch porn at 2200, when you think everyone is asleep, he forgets to turn down the volume on pc and she comes to check it out but leaves, i think it was the 4th or 5th time she stays and watches with him.


Jun 5, 2017
So how do you get to see her with the babydoll?

I purchased and gave it to her but she still wears panties and and pink shirt when she sleeps with you.
i am not really sure if the scene is actually meant for this release, the dev has the love and star setting VERY high in the script to activate the incident.


Jun 5, 2017
that 1280 is the smallest res. that i see for the game, try changing your graphics quality to simple. and see if you get other choices


Apr 27, 2017
@Faerin : I have no goddamn antivirus so it should be the resolution thing.

@loqex : Thanks man, but i`ve read some shit online about problems that drivers update can cause and i`m a little scared to use that option. And i don`t know why the heck i can play 3d Blind Date or "Loser or Idol" but i can`t play BB for example.

@ : Unity seems to be a bitch sometimes.
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