after tutorial every time I try to do something it's locked :/
Just in case the last three things you need to do with the tutorial is have dinner with everyone, have a bath, then go to sleep.
if you've already done those, then the next thing is to take note of these on the top right of the screen
The first one changes depending how much green is filled for the other 4, the more the bars are filled the better
and depending on which emoji is shown determines if certain options are open to you, like :frown:::|:

This tells you how much sleep you need
This tells you how hungry you are, so have breakfast and dinner or have a sandwich from the fridge
This is how health you are, have a bath, shower or brush your teeth.
This is how stressed you are, the more green the less stress you are, you get calm by playing games or watching porn on the computer.
Now if you don't want to go through all that, then you can use the cheat app in the phone, which is only available after you complete the tutorial and gain the "Learning the ropes" achievement. Then all you need to do is click max and then the padlock next to it, and from then one you no longer have to worry about the things above.
WARNING: Maxing out stats can cause bugs and break the game.
But Maxing moods and locking them in place, as well as increasing your money can be used without issue.