I know, however you did say that the game basically can't be played without a walkthrough. I've been hearing that more and more and in my opinion, that's a bad thing.
I'm from "the era" of old text adventures where you had to try EVERYTHING to progress, so I'm used to puzzling/trying out a lot of stuff and actually enjoy this, but I realize a lot of players do not (especially in a game of this genre).
So that's why I added the hint system.
The other suggestion has been mentioned a few times as well and I'm going to try to squeeze it in for today's update if I can (no promises yet!)
I remember in one of the King’s Quest having to save a pie which you could eat at anytime. You threw it at yeti at the end of the game
good Mornig all ! on board,
for what i see the most troubles happens when the new players max out all stats, happens the same like with the antibiotica over here, people when caught a cold inmediatly take them in result the bactirias grew resitant and when they have an infecction then is it very difficult to cure and only stronger meds have effect.
turns out that the tool
@Faerin gave us to help us out to avoid grindig stats, missused caused troubles
the game is not so difficult (in comparsion to the old text games, and some other games on this same site)
as to figure out what u have to do, clear is that
the Horniness let the player beeing inpacient , resulting in what
@Vezzeli said :
Same here, old school gamer. It's funny when here comes some new 5min demo from new game and these young horny players already ask walkthrough
And even with carlos or with the official walktrough, still new gamers complain im stuck or is it a bug how often did we read
@RWaites asking " Did u max out all Stats?" when it comes to the clasical im missing a picture question "and the answer, hey u have to set back and build, the hints in the game are quite clear and also the warnig dont use the quick travel, or u miss some important parts.
mi subjective opinion is don't touch it the proof the review
@Zippity wrote (even if it was a bit clumsy the way of interact in this tread, no ofense is a statement) don't mention like in other rew from the same autor that a walktrough is needed, an other good thing is the test he startet from zero without any cheats and walktroughs.
Edit: he was able to finish without asking
the thing is to find the balance if it is too easy and linear u would loose interest soon.