Well, I gave it a try, not the worst thing I ever played, but nowhere near to the best either.
First of all, animations are a nice thing, but overdoing them or animating useless stuff will just make it seem that you have animations for the sake of having animations, like the beer drinking of the black guy with the barfing sound. Also, unskippable slideshows are annoying as well, like Katarina's introduction.
A text box is very much needed, several lines are barely visible. By the was text or rather dialogues, all the "HAHAHAHA" won't make the conversation funny, it makes them cringy and childish, especially with certain words written in capital letters.
Overall story doesn't seem bad, but it does need a lot of polishing along with the game.
Ps.: Having a goofy best friend trope is fine, but don't overdo his presence if he's a complete retard.