Jul 21, 2020
Uhm... the point was the psychological aspect to actually firing to kill another human being.

Whether I was more-or-less accurate on the exact dates - has zero bearing on that argument...
500 years is pretty far off on the less accurate side of the scale :rolleyes:... Sweden conquered Finland in the 1200s. The Karoliner were a thing in the late 1700s...

Uhm... th
Oh, perhaps your argument WAS that normal civilians would surely fire-to-kill without hesitation?
(rhetorical question... have a good life)
My argument was "Sorry, but that's very historically inaccurate regarding Finland and Norway." And that's being generous and polite. If I made a point about psychological aspect of killing another human being and illustrated it by how nazis did it when they conquered Sweden in WWII, surely you would cry out: "Hey that's not true -nazis did NOT conquer Sweden in WWII"!?

But it's true this is kind of off-topic from game design point of view - the aim IMO would be to create an entertaining system with some meaningful tactical decisions while keeping things reasonably realistic and plausible :)

Also, as a couple of people pointed out:

- It's an entirely different thing to charge towards a row of muskets in the 1700s than it is towards modern automatic weapons (around that time, Scots highlanders had some success with the "Highland Charge", but the tactic backfired badly in the end)
- The scale in this game is not armies of thousands battling each other but smaller fights between max. 10 people
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Apr 28, 2017
As for your collection of slaves.
What about freeing them to hire them back as household servants.
Or freezing them in a Cryotek deep sleep chamber, could be a part of exploring underground quest.
Besides draining your cash, slaves could get fear or penalties because of recurring nightmares inflicted by mysterious forces.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
As for your collection of slaves.
What about freeing them to hire them back as household servants.
Or freezing them in a Cryotek deep sleep chamber, could be a part of exploring underground quest.
Besides draining your cash, slaves could get fear or penalties because of recurring nightmares inflicted by mysterious forces.

On that subject, he has something much better in the works than turning your warm cuddly little sluts into icicles:



The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
New feature: The Retreat

There's another big thing coming in 0.8.2, accompanying the random slaves engine.

Just west from the MC's household is an old stone apartment building up for sale. The janitor/landlord, Mr. Hemsley, including his two guards, offer a perfect opportunity for the player to finally expand his stable.

Purchasing this facility will increase the slave cap to 19 (!), making room for all story slaves + 4 randies (or future story slaves).

Once purchased, The Retreat offers a seamless expansion of your household. Buying, capturing or finding slaves while having a full household will automatically put them in The Retreat and you can send off your currently active slave with one easy click (Interaction>Events and Activities).

Walk over to The Retreat and recall any slave to your household with just one click. Should all household slots be full, the recall command will replace your currently active slave with the one you're recalling.

Once in The Retreat, slaves will:
- Heal injuries, whipmarks and sexual wear.
- Stabilize Humiliation, Pain and Anger.
- Stabilize Happiness and Affection based on your chosen settings.
- Stabilize their weight. Anorectic slaves will slowly increase their weight up to 42 kgs, while obese slaves will decrease their weight down to 69 kgs.
- Age (as long as the stopage command is undefined in settings).

Slaves in The Retreat will NOT:
- Affect each other through Traits (Advocates are strictly held in their rooms!).
- Decrease Defiance.
- Decrease Fear.
- Work or go to school.
- Escape.

Settings (The Retreat)
You're able to instruct your new employee, Mr. Hemsley, on how to treat your girls.

Respectful – girls can throw parties, stay up late at night and move freely in the building.

Strict – Almost like a class 3 prison – no abuse and a lot of free time, but very "institutionalized".

Fucktoys – "The house of horror" for Vanilla virgins but "The house of pleasure" for Corrupted girls. Mr. Hemsley is willing to lower his upkeep if you allow him and his friends to use your girls sexually. This increases their sexual wear and affect Happiness/Affection (if Corruption is below 40). Sexual wear is further increased if you only have a couple of girls stationed here – as they'll be occupied throughout the day pleasuring Mr. Hemsley's guards.

With the proper settings, The Retreat can be used as a slow-burning passive slave training facility. Throw in exhausted girls with abnormal values and watch how they'll slowly stabilize.

Future features (0.8.2+)
Expand and upgrade The Retreat to build sweatshops, stores or even a brothel!

The Retreat goes public in 0.8.2, but the Alpha testers will be able to use it in and onwards, as it's a crucial feature for those who want to make a go at the random slaves engine - also due out in the Alpha version.






Dec 1, 2022
I appreciate the new material for Furry's. But personally I preferred the old attitude than this more jolly approach. You can't dominate a woman when she just laughs and is like lol, funny.


Can't we all get along?
Game Developer
Mar 20, 2022
Do I place the attachment inside the /start_game.html or where exactly do I place it and thanks for the quick reply
You extract the .html file from the .7z archive and then run the html file.

Right-click on the file - Extract Here
You should then have two html files in the game folder
Run the new extracted .html file
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Aug 30, 2020
In the long run, the luck averages out. ......It happens, probability suggests that it will sometimes, but the larger the sample the more it averages out over time.


If you have two or three decent mercs, you can carry one or two meatshields as they take target practice. You'll want to train your own Ranged Combat right after you get your stamina up to ~80-100, so you'll be a decent shot yourself. You (at 80 ranged combat which doesn't take that long), Loren and the Space Marine using coilguns, which Loren will be able to fire without a penalty soon into the game, can take out pretty much any target on the board before they fire twice. That's enough to take out pretty much any of the starting targets. Yes there is that one SOB bounty where two have Duraplate and one has a coilgun and there's four enemies overall, and a few top tier Arena enemies who will still be out of reach, but you'll be able to take out the Ceilor Forest Raiders and the Highwaymen of Darkmere and that's good enough to solve your money problems.

If you want to cuddle your frigid girls, charm them first. Even if you fail two out of three times as long as your house is upgraded, they're wearing their 'Do Me' perfume, you give them something of an allowance and you don't go pissing them off it only takes maybe a week to raise a girl's affection to where you can 'caress' at least one of them. Start with her and use her to raise your Charm to get the other girls too.

After the first few weeks of the game you shouldn't be worrying about running out of stamina, you've raised it to the point you won't run out. Until then, frequent Hope Laurel at Divine Juices in Watery Eyes when you need to.

When you have 35 points of armor (Duraplate) they don't hit for 20 points very much, even rifles hits are often single digits. I hardly ever let anyone hit me with anything stronger than a rifle, and that's a short window that (for most enemies) closes completely once I have Ayden, whose first hit is often spectacular.

Yes, the Highwaymen of Darkmere are the exception, those three auto-rifles (outside the coilgun) are a pain, but they have leather armor and don't last long. They go down easy.
".It happens, probability suggests that it will sometimes, but the larger the sample the more it averages out over time."----IDK. Could be True. I suppose (devil's in the DETAILS they say!) that depends upon the timeframe. # days?
Mostly been talking about [even w "Ashes" run] 1st 100-150, even <100 days. So NOT a large timeframe, but a LOT can/should happen then. [some of my posts talk about "bad luck", & this would certainly include crits---Low to Med stats, LUCK impacts a LOT in MoR]

I don't want to argue about the whole "handgun vs Rifle" thingy. But I do stick by what I said---most Imp thing IMHO, is *ACCURACY*----more power/dam doesn't matter if u miss. A LOT. (most battles, ~ 3 rounds or LESS; So if someone HITS 3/3, & another MISSES 3/3 [or, even 2/3!] Basically, more rounds = more Dam, & more likely "die" [sleep? fall down? combat doesn't make sense to me anymore]

# Mercs: Even this isn't obvious. Example: you have 2+ mercs, *BUT*, you're trying to increase *RESPECT* [from your post, was biggest Diff I saw that *MIGHT* help lower Ch/Manip] on 3+ slaves. So, Likely, only take 1 merc @ a time. [very difficult & LONG long time to Inc RESPECT >20!]
*BUT*, this also means some will have lower stats. [tradeoff 4 trying to Inc *R*]

LOL! Even getting ST -> 80-100, can take quite a while! (often longer than 1st 100 days)
(I try to avoid using Trainer until lots of $, & even then, ideally, only when slave will train w you.)

".....Loren and the Space Marine using coilguns, which Loren will be able to fire without a penalty soon into the game, can take out pretty much any target on the board before they fire twice. "-----LOL! [BOY, you must have good dreams!]
or, perhaps I should ask: (Devil/DETAILS?) # days? Loren stats???

Tougher targets on board (CB AR or better) often take 3+ hits----that's *EVEN* w COIL! [Rem, LUCK/Ran #, Dam is not consistent] Unless Extremely hi stats, common to MISS at least 1/3x, early game, often 2/3. [meaning, only 1 hit] (we're not counting anybody else here, "targets" don't travel alone (ok, some Bounties, but 1 single target highly unlikely problem; Assume 4; Expert (Heroic?) shots, Good Ar/weapons.
Bounties (not sure where 2 ask this)
Got hit (can't repeat it, they change all the time!) w Bounty had ***ENERGY*** WEAPON. Ever had that? Know stats so can avoid, or at least better prepare in future?

---->>> I have *NEVER*, EVER, seen that, (what you just said SM/Loren) "b4 they fire 2x" [Or, r u exaggerating again? ;-)
It would take 2 HI end (60+?) Dam shots, meaning, *VERY* lucky! [ok funny part: I've seen them come *CLOSE* (but no cigar!) Must've been quite a few like that! lol]
I'd need to check, [help me here Dev?] but doesn't even *PART* of COIL get absorbed by Armor? [ie, it's not 100% "Armor piercing"]

Generally [REALISTIC here] Goal is [rem, 4 Powerful enemies] take out ALL, or at least, all but 1, b4 they fire 3 [THREE] times.

Anyway, mentioned in post a while back, w "Everybody *IMMORTAL*" now, doesn't really matter as much, as long as you *WIN*, & have $$$....

"... but you'll be able to take out the Ceilor Forest Raiders and the Highwaymen of Darkmere and that's good enough to solve your money problems."----Don't think ever tried taking out either of those w 2 Coil [OMG cost too much!] ---UNLESS , of course, they "Respawn". [Q enemies don't---Highway;]
Not lucky like you----very rarely get a COIL g 2 drop. [ie, would have to BUY] [YES, more time = more likely, but again, 1st ~ 50-100 Days]

In the new Version [812?] BOUNTIES [provided u stay away from (4-6?) worst ones] help a lot. WAY more than most Quests, in fact! (DEV---some R *TOO* easy---likely most would have friends or a "gang")

Ok, haven't gotten him very much, esp since 811+.... (Black Guard guy?)
4 me, & anybody else reading this, how do you get him again?
Is he 1 of those w 150 HP?

Did he get taken out (earlier Ver) & then added back in? [thought at least 1x tried to get him, & wasn't avail]

"..... they're wearing their 'Do Me' perfume,"----lol! 1 more thing sometimes 4get. [out of SIGHT....]
BTW, DEV, could we put an indicator somewhere (main screen) that tells us when that's in use?
Also, is there a way to put it into effect *BEFORE* AM BJ? [ugh another common FAIL]


"Yes, the Highwaymen of Darkmere are the exception, those three auto-rifles (outside the coilgun) are a pain, but they have leather armor and don't last long. They go down easy."---Actually, those guys R generally a HUGE *PAIN* [what *DAY* do you attack them???] 4 Example: Focus on "Coil" guy, other guys "kill" somebody. [YES, even w CB AR!] Same problem if focus on other guys.
Very common to "loose" 1-3 here.
Of course like every other fight:
etc all play a part.


Aug 30, 2020
how do i raise stats like charm or kissing from my mc? im so lost
Kissing----& sex stats----only by PRACTICE.
1) START. (often good to MAX this wherever possible!)
2) Books [get @ bookstore]
3) Like someone reminded me, "Caressing" [Sex-Foreplay;] Note this is *RANDOM*, means, may or may not happen, *NOT* a reliable way to Inc.
4) BUY. (EXPENSIVE, but worth it.

If you're new, I recommend getting MAX CHARM/MANIP/Intell @ start. [Intelligence helps w books/classes/training]
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New Member
May 23, 2020
If you're (or anybody else) NEW, CHECK OUT:

LOTS of good info!
I cant find any infos about sexual attributes (for the main character)
I read all books, and did the course at devious devices or how its called


New Member
May 23, 2020
Kissing----& sex stats----only by PRACTICE.
1) START. (often good to MAX this wherever possible!)
2) Books [get @ bookstore]
3) Like someone reminded me, "Caressing" [Sex-Foreplay;] Note this is *RANDOM*, means, may or may not happen, *NOT* a reliable way to Inc.
4) BUY. (EXPENSIVE, but worth it.

If you're new, I recommend getting MAX CHARM/MANIP/Intell @ start. [Intelligence helps w books/classes/training]
First of all thanks alot rly!
How do i buy charm tho?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
how do i raise stats like charm or kissing from my mc? im so lost
You can raise Charm up to 70 by 'Caressing' during seduction. Do it until it greys out, then 'Kiss' once, then back to 'Caressing' until it greys, then 'Kiss' again and repeat until the two hour limit is enforced. After it gets to 70 you can go to the clinic in Crystal Heights and get plastic surgery up until 85.

After you've gotten your Charm to 70 through 'Caressing', start each seduction with 'Kissing' her until it goes grey, then lick her pussy until your tongue goes numb. Then back to kissing, and repeat until she gets two kissing points. Then do some 'Aggressive petting' and start the sex session. That way you'll get two points Kissing for her (and occasionally some for you) and have a shot at a Bondage point and a cunnilingus one as well.

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
".It happens, probability suggests that it will sometimes, but the larger the sample the more it averages out over time."----IDK. Could be True. I suppose (devil's in the DETAILS they say!) that depends upon the timeframe. # days?
Mostly been talking about [even w "Ashes" run] 1st 100-150, even <100 days. So NOT a large timeframe, but a LOT can/should happen then. [some of my posts talk about "bad luck", & this would certainly include crits---Low to Med stats, LUCK impacts a LOT in MoR]

I don't want to argue about the whole "handgun vs Rifle" thingy. But I do stick by what I said---most Imp thing IMHO, is *ACCURACY*----more power/dam doesn't matter if u miss. A LOT. (most battles, ~ 3 rounds or LESS; So if someone HITS 3/3, & another MISSES 3/3 [or, even 2/3!] Basically, more rounds = more Dam, & more likely "die" [sleep? fall down? combat doesn't make sense to me anymore]

# Mercs: Even this isn't obvious. Example: you have 2+ mercs, *BUT*, you're trying to increase *RESPECT* [from your post, was biggest Diff I saw that *MIGHT* help lower Ch/Manip] on 3+ slaves. So, Likely, only take 1 merc @ a time. [very difficult & LONG long time to Inc RESPECT >20!]
*BUT*, this also means some will have lower stats. [tradeoff 4 trying to Inc *R*]

LOL! Even getting ST -> 80-100, can take quite a while! (often longer than 1st 100 days)
(I try to avoid using Trainer until lots of $, & even then, ideally, only when slave will train w you.)

".....Loren and the Space Marine using coilguns, which Loren will be able to fire without a penalty soon into the game, can take out pretty much any target on the board before they fire twice. "-----LOL! [BOY, you must have good dreams!]
or, perhaps I should ask: (Devil/DETAILS?) # days? Loren stats???

Tougher targets on board (CB AR or better) often take 3+ hits----that's *EVEN* w COIL! [Rem, LUCK/Ran #, Dam is not consistent] Unless Extremely hi stats, common to MISS at least 1/3x, early game, often 2/3. [meaning, only 1 hit] (we're not counting anybody else here, "targets" don't travel alone (ok, some Bounties, but 1 single target highly unlikely problem; Assume 4; Expert (Heroic?) shots, Good Ar/weapons.
Bounties (not sure where 2 ask this)
Got hit (can't repeat it, they change all the time!) w Bounty had ***ENERGY*** WEAPON. Ever had that? Know stats so can avoid, or at least better prepare in future?

---->>> I have *NEVER*, EVER, seen that, (what you just said SM/Loren) "b4 they fire 2x" [Or, r u exaggerating again? ;-)
It would take 2 HI end (60+?) Dam shots, meaning, *VERY* lucky! [ok funny part: I've seen them come *CLOSE* (but no cigar!) Must've been quite a few like that! lol]
I'd need to check, [help me here Dev?] but doesn't even *PART* of COIL get absorbed by Armor? [ie, it's not 100% "Armor piercing"]

Generally [REALISTIC here] Goal is [rem, 4 Powerful enemies] take out ALL, or at least, all but 1, b4 they fire 3 [THREE] times.

Anyway, mentioned in post a while back, w "Everybody *IMMORTAL*" now, doesn't really matter as much, as long as you *WIN*, & have $$$....

"... but you'll be able to take out the Ceilor Forest Raiders and the Highwaymen of Darkmere and that's good enough to solve your money problems."----Don't think ever tried taking out either of those w 2 Coil [OMG cost too much!] ---UNLESS , of course, they "Respawn". [Q enemies don't---Highway;]
Not lucky like you----very rarely get a COIL g 2 drop. [ie, would have to BUY] [YES, more time = more likely, but again, 1st ~ 50-100 Days]

In the new Version [812?] BOUNTIES [provided u stay away from (4-6?) worst ones] help a lot. WAY more than most Quests, in fact! (DEV---some R *TOO* easy---likely most would have friends or a "gang")

Ok, haven't gotten him very much, esp since 811+.... (Black Guard guy?)
4 me, & anybody else reading this, how do you get him again?
Is he 1 of those w 150 HP?

Did he get taken out (earlier Ver) & then added back in? [thought at least 1x tried to get him, & wasn't avail]

"..... they're wearing their 'Do Me' perfume,"----lol! 1 more thing sometimes 4get. [out of SIGHT....]
BTW, DEV, could we put an indicator somewhere (main screen) that tells us when that's in use?
Also, is there a way to put it into effect *BEFORE* AM BJ? [ugh another common FAIL]


"Yes, the Highwaymen of Darkmere are the exception, those three auto-rifles (outside the coilgun) are a pain, but they have leather armor and don't last long. They go down easy."---Actually, those guys R generally a HUGE *PAIN* [what *DAY* do you attack them???] 4 Example: Focus on "Coil" guy, other guys "kill" somebody. [YES, even w CB AR!] Same problem if focus on other guys.
Very common to "loose" 1-3 here.
Of course like every other fight:
etc all play a part.
I don't know what to say, I'm not 'exaggerating' here. I just got to ask, how much combat do you do? I do multiple sessions just about every single day between clearing the board and keeping it clear, bounties and the arena. If you do that for a hundred days you've been in hundreds of combats and your troops get crits whether you're playing 1d100 or 2d50. Loren gets to 70 ranged pretty quick in my experience, or at least the way I think of it time-wise. Once I have a ~75 Ranged and am firing a Coilgun, Loren will be too and so will the Space Marine and Ayden. Being as I train Rebecca when I train myself, she'll have about a 75 too, though I often run those both up to 80. Maybe you should start thinking about using a trainer more often, I almost always use one every time now that they affect slave training too. I seem to do much better than you training and that might just be the difference.

If you have five coilguns firing you ought not be having much problem making sure no one ever fires a Coilgun or Plasma gun at you twice. In fact I often take out the Ceilor Forest 'King' and the 'Punk' before they fire when I have Ayden. In the bottom and right combat with just the Looter and the Punk with rifles, most of the time they never fire either.

Ayden is available in the baths in Crystal Hills and has 150 HP. The Black Guard can be found in Warrior Hall once you have enough socialization at the bar next door, 'Divine Juices,' in Watery Eyes.

Yes, the Highwaymen of Darkmere respawn, and the Ceilor Raiders effectively do too, they never stop trying to take Stokke Hills, they're both regular coilgun drops. This is what I'm talking about when I say 'keep the board clear' and 'make sure you keep Stokke Hills clear.' There's also a recurring lone rifleman in Watery Eyes who is more likely to drop his rifle.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
If Im not mistaken, this one moved to Hanah Bay.
That's the Space Marine, best way to get to him early is to charm Rebecca enough to get her quest.

Top Tier Mercs:

Black Guardsman (Warrior Hall when you've socialization at Divine Juices)

Ayden (Crystal Hills Baths)

Space Marine (Hamah Bay)

Coming (back) soon:


Mr. Doyle
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Dec 27, 2018
In case anyone missed it, Ayden gave me a +3 and +1 to some stats (science/int/academ, cant remember) after the whole RPG campaign you get when friendly enough.
4.50 star(s) 136 Votes