Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Coilguns. (just spent a BUNCH $, low again! ) Where did you get them to drop?
BTW just checked, BG is just slightly cheaper than Ayden, so maybe get him. (?) [but not yet, need better guns/more St/more stable $ 1st... ]
Did 1 *RISKY* Investment.

BTW (sidenote) Can you get *RESPECT* from Arena? or, only normal fights? Don't think I've ever gotten even *1* Resp from Arena fights.
The Highwaymen of Darkmere and the Ceilor Forest Raiders both have potential coilgun drops, as do some bounties. If you immediately clear them every single time you end up with a shitload of coilguns. Trust me on this, better yet try it yourself.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there any way to see Verbose Skill Checks?... As in: Roll + Skill Modifier - Skill Target = Check Value

I'm asking because I've just started playing for the first time and I'm finding the dice roll feedback so counter-intuitive that I'm struggling to figure out what I should be doing? It often seems like red = good, green = bad, and high skill + high roll seems to create disasters more often than miracles?

For example the game will report something like:
(Dice: 57, Result: -17)
Which suggests that my target was 74, but it seems like the skill didn't even factor in? That's a Charm example, my Charm is 24, so shouldn't it have been:
(Dice: 57, Result: +7)? (i.e. 57+24 = 81)

And then there's the fact that I'm playing on Normal difficulty (not sandbox), but with the supposedly easier 5D20 dice rolls... Only I'm occasionally getting rolls in the 1-5 range, which shouldn't even be possible?!?

I'm on my 4th restart and I don't think I've survived longer than a week yet... I just want to try and understand what's happening under-the-hood so I can make better gameplay decisions...

(EDIT: Also is there a healer in the town somewhere? I have a Tendstim but I can't figure out how to use it, so the only way I've found to heal so far is just to end the day 3 or 4 times?)
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Dec 29, 2017
(EDIT: Also is there a healer in the town somewhere? I have a Tendstim but I can't figure out how to use it, so the only way I've found to heal so far is just to end the day 3 or 4 times?)
There is a dedicated button for tendstims, i think in the lower right part of the screen.

On a different note, does anyone knows what armour piercing does exactly?

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Is there any way to see Verbose Skill Checks?... As in: Roll + Skill Modifier - Skill Target = Check Value

I'm asking because I've just started playing for the first time and I'm finding the dice roll feedback so counter-intuitive that I'm struggling to figure out what I should be doing? It often seems like red = good, green = bad, and high skill + high roll seems to create disasters more often than miracles?

For example the game will report something like:
(Dice: 57, Result: -17)
Which suggests that my target was 74, but it seems like the skill didn't even factor in? That's a Charm example, my Charm is 24, so shouldn't it have been:
(Dice: 57, Result: +7)? (i.e. 57+24 = 81)

And then there's the fact that I'm playing on Normal difficulty (not sandbox), but with the supposedly easier 5D20 dice rolls... Only I'm occasionally getting rolls in the 1-5 range, which shouldn't even be possible?!?

I'm on my 4th restart and I don't think I've survived longer than a week yet... I just want to try and understand what's happening under-the-hood so I can make better gameplay decisions...

(EDIT: Also is there a healer in the town somewhere? I have a Tendstim but I can't figure out how to use it, so the only way I've found to heal so far is just to end the day 3 or 4 times?)
Low rolls are good, so in your example your target was 39--or less--as you fail on a tie (result:0). Under the hood there are other modifiers to your roll like a Respect bonus, Affection bonus/malus, poor hygiene penalty etc.

5d20 is not necessarily easier, just more consistent. Keep in mind that in addition to unseen bonuses/maluses, one of those numbers on the d20 might be zero. It could be a 0-19 die, not a 1-20.

The tendstim button is on the far bottom right box, fifth from the right. You'll be needing more in short order, you might as well buy some first thing at Roo's General Store in Redhaven.

You can get stamina and health healed (8 and 5 respectively) in a 'private session' with Hope Laurel (at 'Divine Juices' in Watery Eyes) by choosing 'massage.' If you've decent charm you can get 3 more stamina back through 'socializing.'

Later on you can go to the baths in Crystal Hills for similar benefits with Cersei and Tori.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
There is a dedicated button for tendstims, i think in the lower right part of the screen.

On a different note, does anyone knows what armour piercing does exactly?
It effectively takes away some of the armor protection from Combat Armor, Duraplate etc. Not so much that Plasma Guns don't still do the most damage however.
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Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
MERCs----really would like to try them, but *ASHE* [PTP!] Run...
BG----need CHARM -----OUT [lol $ too?]
AYden----worried about Loosing Infl----so, out 4 now.
SM----as u say, best w Reb Q----so, might be a while.

Stuck w An/Lo, or [ugh now can't Rem her name! ] Kat girl.
DId [1st time? ] HL 2x in 1 day! ok, 1st time: Everything fail; 2nd time, CHARM success! so, overall -$100, but yes good ST bonus. :) :cool:
Stop thinking like this, forget about whatever influence loss you might get from Ayden if you're a lazy malingerer who won't seize the day. Carpe diem instead, no sniveling allowed! Take him out there to help you beat people up and take their stuff. The influence loss would be so minor anyway in the scheme of things it's not worth worrying about.

You don't need any charm to get the Black Guardsman, you just need to frequent Divine Juices, and in fact can do it just by your using Hope Laurel to keep your stamina up in the very beginning. If you don't need to do so as much, socialize anyway. It will take longer if you fail the socialization roll, but it doesn't take much to unlock him anyway.

Yes he's expensive, but he makes it easier to take down the Celior Forest Raiders and that quartet is worth on the order of 2-8k every three or so days if you immediately clear them. You can afford him if you use him correctly, in fact you'll make a big profit.
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Aug 30, 2020
Is there any way to see Verbose Skill Checks?... As in: Roll + Skill Modifier - Skill Target = Check Value

I'm asking because I've just started playing for the first time and I'm finding the dice roll feedback so counter-intuitive that I'm struggling to figure out what I should be doing? It often seems like red = good, green = bad, and high skill + high roll seems to create disasters more often than miracles?

For example the game will report something like:
(Dice: 57, Result: -17)
Which suggests that my target was 74, but it seems like the skill didn't even factor in? That's a Charm example, my Charm is 24, so shouldn't it have been:
(Dice: 57, Result: +7)? (i.e. 57+24 = 81)

And then there's the fact that I'm playing on Normal difficulty (not sandbox), but with the supposedly easier 5D20 dice rolls... Only I'm occasionally getting rolls in the 1-5 range, which shouldn't even be possible?!?

I'm on my 4th restart and I don't think I've survived longer than a week yet... I just want to try and understand what's happening under-the-hood so I can make better gameplay decisions...

(EDIT: Also is there a healer in the town somewhere? I have a Tendstim but I can't figure out how to use it, so the only way I've found to heal so far is just to end the day 3 or 4 times?)
This has been discussed some, but quick overview:
"(Dice: 57, Result: -17)" -----1st # (57) = actual "Roll" of "dice" ; Green = pass/success; RED = Fail;
2nd # = difference [if dice = 57, & your CHARM = 24, 57-24=33; To *SUCCEED*, you need to "roll" a # that's = to or < your stat. So if CHARM = 24, anything 25 or over would FAIL.
Having tried many different "dice", NONE R really any easier. [except "sandbox" mode, but that's a MODE, not just dice] Besides normal 1-100, many factors (modifiers) can make odds go *OVER* 100----ie, you might have 90 CHARM, but *FAIL*! [Dice: 117, -27] due to extra factors.
Example: Aria [hi Willpower] is more likely to fail CHARM, at *ANY* dice roll! [best to have 100+ CHARM!]

Choices @ START matter a *LOT*----for easiest starts [speaking from XP here!]
2) MAX INTEL; ("Brainy" etc)
3) Max WP; (but not as Important as #1 & 2)
4) *SOLDIER*; [Medic was 1 of the toughest runs I've done---far as I know, not any easier in 812]

--->>> Post a screenshot of your stats when you start, then we could give some advice.

Stims: See the icon [lower right] where it indicates how # you have? Heals ~ 20 HP PER CLICK;
Can also use on followers, & if severe enough, slaves.
They can be expensive @ start, pays to do the Quest to make them cheaper.

Beyond above:
-Upgrades (ASAP, so Influence is +, & getting Stamina etc bonuses)
-Watch your $
-[now in 812!] BOUNTIES. [town hall] Most [1 or 2/6] are easy, good $ & Infl.
-Books help a lot (even more if good INTEL)
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Aug 30, 2020
Yes I meant 'pimp out' in the context of jazzing up a car. [lol!]

I use a map when I travel, I might not take as long about it as you do. You should use a map too (always travel by using the map shortcut on the left).

It would never occur to me to ask the Black Guardsman to scavenge. Do you want him scrubbing your toilets too? I hope he quits on the spot and clouts you in the teeth if you ask him! I have the kids scavenge, I won't even ask Ansel.

I also know I'll end up with a mountain of merchandise in the 10k range that I can never hope to process. Hang out with him, you'll spend a lot of time in bars as I recall, but he eventually confides in you.
lol! Seriously, though, did you really get the BG *BEFORE* you had & got & started---ie, Investments? [cost $20k+] Aria? [$35k] etc
$350/day is a *BIG* drain; Esp if u consider Stims/ammo/AR/etc cost. (yes, sometimes I clear "$1k"/day, but, almost never *NET*; [not on any "Ashes" run ---yet.] AR can be expensive just for REPAIRs;

Maybe it pays to pick & choose your battles? ["Bounties" (1-3? /6) R generally fairly easy, MOST only 1 enemy; ] I've had Arena fights (you've mentioned those as income sources) where they have COIL + ---& costs more to recover than what I make! [& no Respect?] Or [pick your battles? ] always stick to "Easy" until tons of $$$?

Speaking of Map/quick Travel---4 spots, but I only know of 3 that work---Am I missing 1?
1) Marston 2) Im Barrow 3) Acad 4) ????


Aug 30, 2020
Stop thinking like this, forget about whatever influence loss you might get from Ayden if you're a lazy malingerer who won't seize the day. Carpe diem instead, no sniveling allowed! Take him out there to help you beat people up and take their stuff. The influence loss would be so minor anyway in the scheme of things it's not worth worrying about.

You don't need any charm to get the Black Guardsman, you just need to frequent Divine Juices, and in fact can do it just by your using Hope Laurel to keep your stamina up in the very beginning. If you don't need to do so as much, socialize anyway. It will take longer if you fail the socialization roll, but it doesn't take much to unlock him anyway.

Yes he's expensive, but he makes it easier to take down the Celior Forest Raiders and that quartet is worth on the order of 2-8k every three or so days if you immediately clear them. You can afford him if you use him correctly, in fact you'll make a big profit.
Calling names won't help. Already mentioned several [MAJOR] drawbacks to getting him at this point. [$/Infl etc]
BTW " -100/day " might be "minor" to you, but not me, not w current stats etc already mentioned.
BTW, not even *BOUNTIES* give that much/day! [takes several days, assuming you never miss 1]

Actually, (didn't already mention this?) BG's slightly cheaper, so likely hire him 1st.
But even him.... [$350/day... 2 days = $700! ] Hard to justify now. If I can figure out [if it's TRUE] how you can make $2k /PER DAY!? [NO INVESTMENTS? No prostitution Ring, etc] & Dupe it, than maybe.
Acad [old "professor"] OUT. [myself or slaves]

-Bounties---yes they help, but nowhere *CLOSE* to the $2k/day!
Some fights pay < $100; [Exact $ # are random I think?]


Aug 30, 2020
The Highwaymen of Darkmere and the Ceilor Forest Raiders both have potential coilgun drops, as do some bounties. If you immediately clear them every single time you end up with a shitload of coilguns. Trust me on this, better yet try it yourself.
Thanks. Will keep checking. I normally "hunt" Bounties w 3 slaves (need *R*!) so... 3/6 or less (?) hopefully no [more] Coil! Helps a lot to "see them coming" [check stats, & come prepared!] Can't do that w Bounties.
Hi ---DM---respawn every 2 days? I know it's not *EVERY* day, i've checked. [limited Stamina, have 2 watch my trips!]
Last time I got "king" Raider----no coil. so... We'll see.


Aug 30, 2020
Prioritize Stamina in the very beginning. I started my Ashes run by making sure by the end of the day I'd improved the bedroom and trained stamina with Juno.
It'll certainly help to get 90+ Stamina. But, aside from starting over again [& hope better LUCK?] not much I can do.
just 1 example: Sometimes take a while to get Bounty, & then not able to Claim same day; (only 1/day allowed; ) Then, can only do 1/ TWO days...
Again, LUCK/random. (easier if you know Loc; CHEAPER if you don't have to *BRIBE* to ask! etc [need that $ for Mercs & everything else lol!]) If hi lvl (5/6?) & have to skip/cancel, no $ that day; [need Merc who can stay home!]
I only know of a few who "respawn" EVERY DAY, & they don't pay much. (Infl OR $)
lol! in fact, some days more profitable to HUNT! lol!

If you know of anybody [or GROUP] who respawns *DAILY* , Please let me know. [that pays $200+ ?]

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
5d20 is not necessarily easier, just more consistent. Keep in mind that in addition to unseen bonuses/malus
Calling names won't help. Already mentioned several [MAJOR] drawbacks to getting him at this point. [$/Infl etc]
BTW " -100/day " might be "minor" to you, but not me, not w current stats etc already mentioned.
BTW, not even *BOUNTIES* give that much/day! [takes several days, assuming you never miss 1]

Actually, (didn't already mention this?) BG's slightly cheaper, so likely hire him 1st.
But even him.... [$350/day... 2 days = $700! ] Hard to justify now. If I can figure out [if it's TRUE] how you can make $2k /PER DAY!? [NO INVESTMENTS? No prostitution Ring, etc] & Dupe it, than maybe.
Acad [old "professor"] OUT. [myself or slaves]

-Bounties---yes they help, but nowhere *CLOSE* to the $2k/day!
Some fights pay < $100; [Exact $ # are random I think?]
I'm not 'calling names', I'm trying to punctuate a point. Try some of the things I've suggested and you'll see your 'major drawbacks' are irrelevant. Combat is the best 'income' in the game. It's thousands per day at times, several thousands.

Use the city map button on the lower left to get around a bit faster.

Good luck to you.
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Aug 30, 2020
... Combat is the best 'income' in the game. It's thousands per day at times, several thousands.

Use the city map button on the lower left to get around a bit faster. [already do, but only works from home ]
Good luck to you. [thanks]
Didn't use to B, but now in 812 [BOUNTIES!] & (811) Changes to Merc/fight sys [Nobody (allies) Dies---need fewer Mercs (Less realistic!) but, now more Stims to heal;]
if you:
-do BOUNTIES everyday [u mentioned this in your "Ashes" run] ---Still getting used to this, not possible prev.
-REALLY manage your time/stamina well (WIP) Even when did soldier b4, never "cleared the board" [or tried] everyday b4 D100 [BOUNTIES make *HUGE HUGE HUGE* Difference!]
[An "Ashes" run in 810 would look a *LOT* different,---& be harder---than even what you did recently. (no Bounties ALONE, would cut a lot $)]

A strategy/playstyle that worked good even in 810, now doesn't work good, or, [Ashes run] needs to be Drastically changed, to MAX EFF.

Already talked about LUCK b4---If you can get $2k+ PER DAY CONSISTENTLY, i don't see how yet
[Some days---yes, but it's not CONSISTENT---2 top tier Mercs are over $700/day, *ALONE*, so, you need consistent income, or you can easily go broke!]
Charm fail [BRIBE--Bounties], etc many things can add up to costs--so, fighting also most *EXPENSIVE* route!

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
Didn't use to B, but now in 812 [BOUNTIES!] & (811) Changes to Merc/fight sys [Nobody (allies) Dies---need fewer Mercs (Less realistic!) but, now more Stims to heal;]
if you:
-do BOUNTIES everyday [u mentioned this in your "Ashes" run] ---Still getting used to this, not possible prev.
-REALLY manage your time/stamina well (WIP) Even when did soldier b4, never "cleared the board" [or tried] everyday b4 D100 [BOUNTIES make *HUGE HUGE HUGE* Difference!]
[An "Ashes" run in 810 would look a *LOT* different,---& be harder---than even what you did recently. (no Bounties ALONE, would cut a lot $)]

A strategy/playstyle that worked good even in 810, now doesn't work good, or, [Ashes run] needs to be Drastically changed, to MAX EFF.

Already talked about LUCK b4---If you can get $2k+ PER DAY CONSISTENTLY, i don't see how yet
[Some days---yes, but it's not CONSISTENT---2 top tier Mercs are over $700/day, *ALONE*, so, you need consistent income, or you can easily go broke!]
Charm fail [BRIBE--Bounties], etc many things can add up to costs--so, fighting also most *EXPENSIVE* route!
Ashes runs will be getting harder, I suggested to Grim Dark that he cut plunder cash drops in half for the Grimdark setting as it was too easy in my estimation, he agreed and it ought to included in the next update.

Of course you need to change your strategy when new opportunities arise and when conditions change. Forget about luck, play long enough and either it evens out or at least you've the satisfaction of knowing you prospered when conditions were tougher. You don't need good luck to succeed, you just need perseverance in this game. None of the worst outcomes are truly debilitating.

The Ceilor Forest Raiders, the Highwaymen of Darkmere, the Freebooter in Watery Eyes and the Bandit/Freebooters of Stokke Hills (lower left) provide a consistent income. Every three days, or whenever you get the starting day message that the Ceilor Forest Raiders (or the other guys) have taken Stokke Hills, go out and clear them all out, skip some if you just did them the day before. Every ten days you'll have six shots at a Coilgun dropping, three or four at an autorifle, about twenty chances at a rifle and should average at least 8k in cash at minimum in addition to merchandise, melee weapons and the occasional shotgun. Keep yourself a little cash cushion and you won't have to worry about going broke.
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Nov 28, 2021
The game is great but
The organization not the bet
You go forth and return for some command.
can this fixed or that problem is for me only
And i have other problem
I can't see full Walkthrough for this game. Yes there are but not completed
I can't find hidden task
I can't find best way to increase some talent like will
I can't find way to unlock hidden map
I had to win two matches to increase my score in arena from plus 50/100
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4.50 star(s) 136 Votes