
New Member
Jul 1, 2021
Hello. Amazing game. I must add a couple of observations:
- After a fight, the loot button takes the loot but not the guns.
- Is there ever a reason not to take the loot? I don't think it makes any sense to have to click to grab the loot.
- The fighting system is slooooow. Click the fight button. Go and click an opponent. Wait for the sound to reproduce. Hope that you didn't miss. Repeat. I tend to fight to try to kill the weakest opponents first so at least the fight is faster with the last one. I tend to take only winning fights that could be on auto: aim to the guy that has the strongest weapon, fire at him (unless out of bullets, then melee). Even with the slow fighting I don't get to read the full text of the fight, should have a log.
- Also the delay on the transitions on the two screens that popup after each day are not needed and slow.
- Loaded a 1hr-old game when wanted to save, because the save replaces the load button...
- Buying an armor could automatically make it use it.
- The map is quite messy:
-- It's not really clear where one is going when you take the arrows (for example: from Hamilton Sq. to go to the docks, one goes right, then to go back to Hamilton Sq. one should go... up? Why not left?).
-- It's not clear why there are places in the map that can't be traveled to. At this time I get "The docks" grayed out. I go to Hamilton Sq. then from there I can go to the docks...
-- From places like Imogen's Barrow it's not possible to travel to home or to Redhaven directly using the button on the bottom right corner... (for no reason?), but you can still go directly to Redhaven using the map.
-- Places like Kasey's Park are not accessible from the map (why?), I have to go to Imogen's Barrow and then go there with the arrows.
-- There are places that aren't in the map, like Preacher's Pond.
-- 18 minutes from anywhere to anywhere using the map (for example, from Redhaven to Imogen's Barrow... but 1h30 using the arrows to travel as it takes 18 minutes for each of the 5 steps).
- The prostitution system:
-- It's nice that slaves aren't working when worn out/unconscious/unhappy. But that shouldn't remove the assignment permanently (so, I shouldn't have to check on them every time I use the system nor assign them to the task again). The day that they're happy again (for example) they should work again as assigned.
-- It's quite buggy. I've had: slaves that can't be assigned to work prostitution (grayed buttons) even when they should, slaves assigned to escort without having the 40 reputation, etc.
-- Same way it warns you that a slave is to worn out to be prostitute, it should warn you that she's not going to work if unconscious/unhappy/etc.
-- Maybe a vaginally worn out prostitute should be able to offer blowjobs
- After midnight, Furry's tavern is still open (no closed sign), but upon entering, it says it's closed, to come back after 6pm.
- I should be able to wake up a girl and leave her to sleep on the bondage rack (this is useful when breaking them and I don't want her to escape).

I think that's all I can think of. Cheers.


Aug 30, 2020
I don't like destroying the willpower of them. Their personality gets boring. Like mindless drones. What I do is ignore the defiance at the start. And just try to increase their affection. That is possible even if your charm is low. Most reliably by going to the movie theatre. At some point they will agree to have sex after seduction. Best done after they have agreed to a bath so they are a little in the mood already. At that point it is just a matter of time to increase corruption. F.ex Rebecca is at 90+ willpower but undying loyalty and willing to do anything in my latest game (60+ corruption). My focus turned to Aria when I bought her and she was not hard either with this method.

Btw best way to raise anyone to higher corruption is to be good at flagellation. You can whip the girls from 10 to 40 with no issues if your skill is good. But you need them to like you a bit or the roll will fail too often even with good skill. To get it up to 100 a good way is to fuck their mouth in bondage while they are on the verge of orgasm. Then stop it, raise the lust again (by whipping and caressing pussy) and do it again. Reliable 6 corruption per bondage session.

It might even need a nerf because whipping girls to orgasm is very reliable.
The "personality thing" [Dev's choice] is only when they're WP<0; Once positive, that works again. [need option to make them be *HONEST*, at least, & not LIE, but here "broken" by Dev standards, = "lie" to what they think you want" [even if it's not what u really want]

Posted elsewhere about the many reasons to have low WP. Many R temporary----once you "fix" things, you can increase it again.

I've also talked about Defiance b4. Long story short----Hi Defiance = won't do chores [you LOOSE influence] incites others girls to rebel, more likely to Escape, etc I think also increase failure rate [CH/Manip?]
Oh, plus the STEAL [Reb likes to do this!] from you.

Again, talked about this b4, but Ex, FEMINIST. (often have other bad attributes)
Your chances of increasing Affection, R 1) more likely to FAIL, & 2) more likely to LOOSE affection even after you gain it. [very difficult to get +6 Affection PER DAY (needed to overcome just 1 bad attribute)]

I'd like to see how you raised Aria affection w low charm. [or, was it much higher by then?]

---->>> If you *REALLY* think you method works, try an "Ashes" run; [if u don't have T4, can do Public like the way I did: ANY start, *BUT*, *NO* points in CHARM [hey you say it doesn't matter right?] or MANIP [other way of control] & NO points in Intelligence.
Even those 3 things change the game a LOT.
[you haven't mentioned *ANY* exact stats, but stats do affect everything in this game]

"It might even need a nerf because whipping girls to orgasm is very reliable."----Wow we must live in different worlds!
I've had very hi stats in that, & still hi failure rate. [unless Dev changed it in latest ver?]
EDIT: Specifically, *FLAG* vs *BOND*; Assumes *NOT* Perverted or any traits that make BDSM sessions easier.
*NOT* a "PROCLAIM PUNISHMENT" session. (since prev mentioned Def was ignored)
Generally, Higher #s = more likely success, so we'll say 60? [I don't have exact stats from last attempt]
Since even 1-2 FAILURES make her *DEC* [less arousal/harder to *O*] , likely even 70 (Flag) .
(~1/3 failure rate)
Edit 2: Assumes -0- ZERO Corruption. [Yes, higher "corrupt" = more likely enjoy BDSM] Again, like I say, DETAILS matter!

Again, details R important. (Corrupted girl's get turned on/enjoy it more, Perverted, etc traits)
So, 1st you need to factor in Traits b4 saying how good flag works.
(some of your comments mix sex/Bondage/Flag, but they're separate in code, & actually different methods that have different skills (might have high Flag skills, but suck @ Bondage, etc)
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2020
Update: Version Alpha (+0.8.2 Pre-Alpha) has been released for Tier4+ subscribers!

This is a huge update that adds new NPCs, Eliana from Furry's tavern as an acquirable slave, new house rules clothing options, a revamped end game arena and much, much more.

The Tier4+ subscribers are now also able to try out Masters of Raana's biggest feature, yet and ever; the very essence of a slavery game - Crystal Hills random slave market - which offers the player an unlimited amount of flesh, should he decide to take up the slavery profession for real. This update also increases the slave cap to 19 through a new building (The Retreat) that lies next to The MC's home in Redhaven.

Full changelog .

View attachment 2375876

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View attachment 2375883
Modifiers: Are those *NEGATIVE* [ <0 ] #'s, or, just adjustments to the base line normal stats?
Ex: -5 Kindness.


Aug 30, 2020
Hello. Amazing game. I must add a couple of observations:
- After a fight, the loot button takes the loot but not the guns.
- Is there ever a reason not to take the loot? I don't think it makes any sense to have to click to grab the loot.
- The fighting system is slooooow. Click the fight button. Go and click an opponent. Wait for the sound to reproduce. Hope that you didn't miss. Repeat. I tend to fight to try to kill the weakest opponents first so at least the fight is faster with the last one. I tend to take only winning fights that could be on auto: aim to the guy that has the strongest weapon, fire at him (unless out of bullets, then melee). Even with the slow fighting I don't get to read the full text of the fight, should have a log.
- Also the delay on the transitions on the two screens that popup after each day are not needed and slow.
- Loaded a 1hr-old game when wanted to save, because the save replaces the load button...
- Buying an armor could automatically make it use it.
- The map is quite messy:
-- It's not really clear where one is going when you take the arrows (for example: from Hamilton Sq. to go to the docks, one goes right, then to go back to Hamilton Sq. one should go... up? Why not left?).
-- It's not clear why there are places in the map that can't be traveled to. At this time I get "The docks" grayed out. I go to Hamilton Sq. then from there I can go to the docks...
-- From places like Imogen's Barrow it's not possible to travel to home or to Redhaven directly using the button on the bottom right corner... (for no reason?), but you can still go directly to Redhaven using the map.
-- Places like Kasey's Park are not accessible from the map (why?), I have to go to Imogen's Barrow and then go there with the arrows.
-- There are places that aren't in the map, like Preacher's Pond.
-- 18 minutes from anywhere to anywhere using the map (for example, from Redhaven to Imogen's Barrow... but 1h30 using the arrows to travel as it takes 18 minutes for each of the 5 steps).
- The prostitution system:
-- It's nice that slaves aren't working when worn out/unconscious/unhappy. But that shouldn't remove the assignment permanently (so, I shouldn't have to check on them every time I use the system nor assign them to the task again). The day that they're happy again (for example) they should work again as assigned.
-- It's quite buggy. I've had: slaves that can't be assigned to work prostitution (grayed buttons) even when they should, slaves assigned to escort without having the 40 reputation, etc.
-- Same way it warns you that a slave is to worn out to be prostitute, it should warn you that she's not going to work if unconscious/unhappy/etc.
-- Maybe a vaginally worn out prostitute should be able to offer blowjobs
- After midnight, Furry's tavern is still open (no closed sign), but upon entering, it says it's closed, to come back after 6pm.
- I should be able to wake up a girl and leave her to sleep on the bondage rack (this is useful when breaking them and I don't want her to escape).

I think that's all I can think of. Cheers.
I just know some so will respond to that.
1) "Loot" Button---actually, fairly new, didn't use to be one. Hopefully will eventually yes, "Loot" everything. WIP
2) Fights R supposed to be "turn based" not an RTS; Unless u have a really old comp/hardware, I haven't seen much lag w fights. If player can't select enemies, then it takes away choice, more of an "auto" combat thing. [I think most would be against that]
3) " Even with the slow fighting I don't get to read the full text of the fight, should have a log."----This, I do agree with. Sometimes can't always see for example, who scores *Crits* [critical hits]
4) "- Also the delay on the transitions on the two screens that popup after each day are not needed and slow."----Agreed. Would like to see just ONE screen w ONE continue button.
5) "Buying an armor could automatically make it use it."----Again, would take away choice. [R we talking M or F Armor?] Possible to have MC wear latest/best Ar, but it's a very small thing to change it.
6) Map. Helps to look at the *BIG* picture. [lol!] True though. Everything isn't perfectly aligned, but most R close. Docks R one that could use some work.
7) 2 Main reasons I know of you can't travel somewhere: 1) STAMINA. Travel takes TIME & Stamina. Running low or out limits your options. 2) Some [Map] areas R WIP, & not active/ready to use yet. [these are *NEVER* accessible]
8) "-- From places like Imogen's Barrow it's not possible to travel to home or to Redhaven directly using the button on the bottom right corner... (for no reason?), but you can still go directly to Redhaven using the map."----1 of those "fast travel" anomalies. Never heard a lot of complaints about it, it can be annoying sometimes.
9)"-- Places like Kasey's Park are not accessible from the map (why?), I have to go to Imogen's Barrow and then go there with the arrows."-----I don't know this one [anybody?] but, I'd assume it's deliberate [like an alley or only 1 way to get there. IRL, many places R like this: Must go A -> B -> just to get to -> C. "map" travel is actually more like a cheat/shortcut.
10) Dev has recently changed times----for a *LOT* [!!!] of things. If you can give concrete DETAILED examples, would make it a lot easier to fix in updates.
11) "-- It's nice that slaves aren't working when worn out/unconscious/unhappy. But that shouldn't remove the assignment permanently (so, I shouldn't have to check on them every time I use the system nor assign them to the task again). The day that they're happy again (for example) they should work again as assigned." ----Actually, sounds like a good idea.
Basically, the same thing as the "task/combat" sys [after removed from combat, they go back to prev task]
12) "-- It's quite buggy. I've had: slaves that can't be assigned to work prostitution (grayed buttons) even when they should, slaves assigned to escort without having the 40 reputation, etc."----For this, would need a screenshot, or a copy of your save. Many reasons a girl might refuse "hooker duty" depending on her stats.
Many changes in last several versions---also possible something no longer works properly
13) "-- Same way it warns you that a slave is to worn out to be prostitute, it should warn you that she's not going to work if unconscious/unhappy/etc."----Some of that is common sense [ya I'm not a "hooker expert" but pretty sure that can't work if UNCONSCIOUS].
Just me, but, maybe she should still work if unhappy [how's her DEF score?]----but less $/tips?
BTW, baths/STIMS can help if girl is UNCONSCIOUS. [but good grief! have some mercy & give her the night off! lol]
14"-- Maybe a vaginally worn out prostitute should be able to offer blowjobs"----This is actually where a bit more choice would be good. "full Service" or, "Oral only" options. Besides, some girls prefer [Oral Fix.] 1 over the other.
15) I've posted b4 about "Furry's"; Bars should be [IRL] open past midnight. Again, Dev has changed many time/duration of events, & some "sync" needs to be done to match everything up.
16) "- I should be able to wake up a girl and leave her to sleep on the bondage rack (this is useful when breaking them and I don't want her to escape)."-----Posted about this [long time ago? lol!] Need option to *LOCK* slave in room [NOT BDSM] so she can't escape. Doubt IRL anybody could sleep tied up like that---but current only "foolproof" method to prevent escape


Aug 15, 2016
The "personality thing" [Dev's choice] is only when they're WP<0; Once positive, that works again. [need option to make them be *HONEST*, at least, & not LIE, but here "broken" by Dev standards, = "lie" to what they think you want" [even if it's not what u really want]

Posted elsewhere about the many reasons to have low WP. Many R temporary----once you "fix" things, you can increase it again.

I've also talked about Defiance b4. Long story short----Hi Defiance = won't do chores [you LOOSE influence] incites others girls to rebel, more likely to Escape, etc I think also increase failure rate [CH/Manip?]
Oh, plus the STEAL [Reb likes to do this!] from you.

Again, talked about this b4, but Ex, FEMINIST. (often have other bad attributes)
Your chances of increasing Affection, R 1) more likely to FAIL, & 2) more likely to LOOSE affection even after you gain it. [very difficult to get +6 Affection PER DAY (needed to overcome just 1 bad attribute)]

I'd like to see how you raised Aria affection w low charm. [or, was it much higher by then?]

---->>> If you *REALLY* think you method works, try an "Ashes" run; [if u don't have T4, can do Public like the way I did: ANY start, *BUT*, *NO* points in CHARM [hey you say it doesn't matter right?] or MANIP [other way of control] & NO points in Intelligence.
Even those 3 things change the game a LOT.
[you haven't mentioned *ANY* exact stats, but stats do affect everything in this game]

"It might even need a nerf because whipping girls to orgasm is very reliable."----Wow we must live in different worlds!
I've had very hi stats in that, & still hi failure rate. [unless Dev changed it in latest ver?]
EDIT: Specifically, *FLAG* vs *BOND*; Assumes *NOT* Perverted or any traits that make BDSM sessions easier.
*NOT* a "PROCLAIM PUNISHMENT" session. (since prev mentioned Def was ignored)
Generally, Higher #s = more likely success, so we'll say 60? [I don't have exact stats from last attempt]
Since even 1-2 FAILURES make her *DEC* [less arousal/harder to *O*] , likely even 70 (Flag) .
(~1/3 failure rate)
Edit 2: Assumes -0- ZERO Corruption. [Yes, higher "corrupt" = more likely enjoy BDSM] Again, like I say, DETAILS matter!

Again, details R important. (Corrupted girl's get turned on/enjoy it more, Perverted, etc traits)
So, 1st you need to factor in Traits b4 saying how good flag works.
(some of your comments mix sex/Bondage/Flag, but they're separate in code, & actually different methods that have different skills (might have high Flag skills, but suck @ Bondage, etc)
I didn't start with any points in charm in that game. And it was from a double hunter start. So my intelligence was not high at all. They will not try to escape or steal if you don't piss them off. Just don't push their limits until they like you. So f.ex when trying to seduce and you notice that they are on a negative trend just end it before they end it and it will not end up with them getting angry. I started with Juno and Rebecca but soon went over to focus on Rebecca and Sofia to get a decent combat crew. Then Aria. I had no problems with any of them and they are some of the hardest girls in the game. This was on grimdark. I am not a patreon or on the discord much so I have no clue what you mean with an Ashes run.

For the whipping thing it seemed to me that when the girls were around 10 depravity they got more depravity from successes than it went down from the failures. Of course girls that are vanilla or absolutely hate bdsm might modify this. But Aria is feminist and it worked on her. My skill were around 70ish.

Also your posts are hard to read. Please try to write them without the capitalization mid sentence etc. It doesn't help getting your point across.


Aug 15, 2016

Here is his stats now. Looks like I started double hunter and took academics. Manipulate is still terrible but charm has risen from all the carressing.

Here is Aria as an exampe of being corrupt without ever getting willpower especially low.



New Member
Sep 25, 2017
I don't like destroying the willpower of them. Their personality gets boring. Like mindless drones. What I do is ignore the defiance at the start. And just try to increase their affection. That is possible even if your charm is low. Most reliably by going to the movie theatre. At some point they will agree to have sex after seduction. Best done after they have agreed to a bath so they are a little in the mood already. At that point it is just a matter of time to increase corruption. F.ex Rebecca is at 90+ willpower but undying loyalty and willing to do anything in my latest game (60+ corruption). My focus turned to Aria when I bought her and she was not hard either with this method.

Btw best way to raise anyone to higher corruption is to be good at flagellation. You can whip the girls from 10 to 40 with no issues if your skill is good. But you need them to like you a bit or the roll will fail too often even with good skill. To get it up to 100 a good way is to fuck their mouth in bondage while they are on the verge of orgasm. Then stop it, raise the lust again (by whipping and caressing pussy) and do it again. Reliable 6 corruption per bondage session.

It might even need a nerf because whipping girls to orgasm is very reliable.
It does not need a nerf anytime soon, there are numerous other things that are pressing than that.


Aug 30, 2020
I didn't start with any points in charm in that game. And it was from a double hunter start. So my intelligence was not high at all. They will not try to escape or steal if you don't piss them off. Just don't push their limits until they like you. So f.ex when trying to seduce and you notice that they are on a negative trend just end it before they end it and it will not end up with them getting angry. I started with Juno and Rebecca but soon went over to focus on Rebecca and Sofia to get a decent combat crew. Then Aria. I had no problems with any of them and they are some of the hardest girls in the game. This was on grimdark. I am not a patreon or on the discord much so I have no clue what you mean with an Ashes run.

For the whipping thing it seemed to me that when the girls were around 10 depravity they got more depravity from successes than it went down from the failures. Of course girls that are vanilla or absolutely hate bdsm might modify this. But Aria is feminist and it worked on her. My skill were around 70ish.

Also your posts are hard to read. Please try to write them without the capitalization mid sentence etc. It doesn't help getting your point across.
Sometimes if I post too tired/not feeling well more likely make typos sorry. Some I proofread more than others

"Ashes" run stats attached. Got idea from GR. I started similar one. (most important low stats: CHARM/MANIP/INTEL; but others also R skill etc impact)
Not sure what u mean by double hunter?
Reb's good example of one who's stolen early on-----WITHOUT EVEN TALKING TO HER! [caps 4 emphasis]
So, yes, i disagree on that 1.

I don't normally try to seduce early on---esp w poor Charm. But ANY FAILED INTERACTION [CHARM] can upset them.
Going by memory here since try to avoid this anymore---but I think it's AFFECTION? [yes caps 4 emphasis]
Help me out here Dev--don't think it takes high anger 2 escape---even Def [yes it's proper to Cap abbreviations] doesn't have to be very high;
I assume u mean Corruption, not depravity?

Would help 2 know EXACT stats, [not just MCs, but also girls]
GR did a lot of combat w slaves, got *VERY* high RESPECT [caps 4 emphasis] Was trying that in latest run.
-->> hi *R* is 1 more factor can help mitigate lower charm. [1st thing to ask, if 1 run does better than another, is exactly WHY. Many stats factor into success/failure]

Aria's a good case example. What EXACTLY were MC & her stats when:
1) successful bath [w everything; 2nd option: everything but BJ] Bath is 1 of thing can affect WP. Also, HOW [normal/Dom]
2) BDSM: [was this a "Proclaim Punishment?" (no extra penalties for higher Def #) Again, her stats & yours.

I don't have her yet in this run---so if I can figure out "better way" may try that. Common 4 her 2 have mult bad traits though.
BTW even *70* Flag (or Bond) hard to get from untargeted start ("Ashes" etc)


Aug 30, 2020
View attachment 2376900

Here is his stats now. Looks like I started double hunter and took academics. Manipulate is still terrible but charm has risen from all the carressing.

Here is Aria as an exampe of being corrupt without ever getting willpower especially low.

View attachment 2376902
Thank 4 the post!
[have to admit 79 Flag is impressive, don't see how could get that on this run]

Did u do combat w Aria? What's her *RESPECT*? Traits? 61 Ch should give *some* success; [better than 40!] But even 50% 1/2 failures, add up.
So how did you get her *AFFECTION*, *KINDNESS* [b/c I know that factors in] , & *HAPPINESS*, so high?
[I assume Hi Corrupt = BDSM; ]
Also a case of " chicken & egg" [what came 1st]


Aug 15, 2016
Yes when I wrote depravity I mean corruption. Sorry about that. There seems to be corruption thresholds on bondage actions so I don't think whipping a girl that has 0 in corruption works no matter how good your skill is (all failures). For me the needed level seemed to be 10+ but I haven't checked the code or anything.

The start of the character was hunter family and I embraced it. Then border wars. Then I chose Nerd (that I have not used at all on this character) and two other perks that I can't remember (I didn't take notes). But I know it was nothing that increased charm or manipulate. One might have been brainy cause the intelligence and willpower is not bad on this character even though I haven't tried to raise it at all. Then I chose the two bondage perks as his starting sexual perks.

Then I got the girls happiness up to neutral by asking them how they are doing and how I can help with their issues. Doing what they want there (day off, visit to maket etc.) is an easy way to get an unhappy character up to neutral. I also compliment them and encourage every day. Failing it has no consequenses and if you are lucky it increases affection and if you compliment intelligence it also increases kindness. Then I took them to the cinema until their affection were at about friendly. At that point Rebecca actually started accepting baths (even though her defiance was at arrogant and my charm was terrible) and I was able to seduce her and she accepted doing oral. Then at a point later I did bondage with her (as proclaimed punishment) and she got so horny by being whipped that her corruption went up to 35ish just from the whipping. Aria was a lot easier because my charm was better at that point but basically the same thing. Cinema until they like me a bit. Also upgraded bath then so talking to them when they bathe with you gives affection. I don't try to manipulate much at all. I did combat with them so their respect were around good? 20-30ish.

They don't get more rebellious by failing normal charm attempts. Like compliments. Or asking to join bath casually. The bad behaviour starts when you try harder stuff like pushing them for sex and you fail that Or by being manipulative and failing it Then they get angry and it is then you get escape chances etc. They can be arrogant without it having any negative effects.

I think my first bondage with any of them was proclaim punishment but as I got rid of all the defiance in that first one I only did bondage with them when they accepted it in a casual request after. I don't try to push it by demanding it because that will increase their anger.
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2020
Yes when I wrote depravity I mean corruption. Sorry about that. There seems to be corruption thresholds on bondage actions so I don't think whipping a girl that has 0 in corruption works no matter how good your skill is (all failures). For me the needed level seemed to be 10+ but I haven't checked the code or anything.

The start of the character was hunter family and I embraced it. Then border wars. Then I chose Nerd (that I have not used at all on this character) and two other perks that I can't remember (I didn't take notes). But I know it was nothing that increased charm or manipulate. One might have been brainy cause the intelligence and willpower is not bad on this character even though I haven't tried to raise it at all. Then I chose the two bondage perks as his starting sexual perks.

Then I got the girls happiness up to neutral by asking them how they are doing and how I can help with their issues. Doing what they want there (day off, visit to maket etc.) is an easy way to get an unhappy character up to neutral. I also compliment them and encourage every day. Failing it has no consequenses and if you are lucky it increases affection and if you compliment intelligence it also increases kindness. Then I took them to the cinema until their affection were at about friendly. At that point Rebecca actually started accepting baths (even though her defiance was at arrogant and my charm was terrible) and I was able to seduce her and she accepted doing oral. Then at a point later I did bondage with her (as proclaimed punishment) and she got so horny by being whipped that her corruption went up to 35ish just from the whipping. Aria was a lot easier because my charm was better at that point but basically the same thing. Cinema until they like me a bit. Also upgraded bath then so talking to them when they bathe with you gives affection. I don't try to manipulate much at all. I did combat with them so their respect were around good? 20-30ish.

They don't get more rebellious by failing normal charm attempts. Like compliments. Or asking to join bath casually. The bad behaviour starts when you try harder stuff like pushing them for sex and you fail that Or by being manipulative and failing it Then they get angry and it is then you get escape chances etc. They can be arrogant without it having any negative effects.

I think my first bondage with any of them was proclaim punishment but as I got rid of all the defiance in that first one I only did bondage with them when they accepted it in a casual request after. I don't try to push it by demanding it because that will increase their anger.
you might be right about the Corruption thresholds. [Been a while since tried a Flag-> Corrupt, but possible that might be an issue. ] 10+? I've had some keep dropping [ver problems?] so bad that they'd drop faster than I could raise them! [what's the opposite of a Nerf?]

There's [Literally!] so many factors, that it's quite difficult getting everything to work! [worked last run, but not THIS run..... (?)]
When you add in changes from multiple versions [BTW, speaking of which, what Ver did your run start on?]
Not sure why, But I've had better luck---w similar stats---Getting Bond. to work, & less luck W Flag.
Seriously though, it's hard to compare apples to apples. [closer would be apples to Oranges! lol]

Nerd---INTEL---impacts a whole bunch of stuff---training, books, etc. (hence 1 of things mentioned Ashes run)

I'd need to try it on a new hi WP char---but, isn't "Asking" 1 of those many things, that FAILURE make worse?
IDK why, but complimenting Intel, seem especially prone to failure. [like 3/4 failures! (& u can only do it 1x per day)
Since I found out how important it was, try to do it a lot.

Hunting----did you do a lot of combat, or, how did you make your $$$?
1 problem I've had---more than once--there's a very limited time window for events [movies R ex] & it's easy to miss, if you're out & busy.

luck plays a part too! I've had *LOW* Def # [like 5%] try to escape on me! It doesn't take much.

The "affection w Bath" thing is actually a *CHARM* roll, ----which of course, often fails if low charm etc.
More often than not, only found bath helpful for lower WP [which you say isn't important]
Aria (FEMINIST!) + (?) [need to ck traits] more than 1 I think that make BSDM hard---& more likely, FAIL, -> they hate you. The "P Punish" thing helps you get -> TO BDSM w/o penalty, but doesn't help corrut or Flag/Bond success.
Anything special w those? [yes I've had BDSM scores in 70+, that still failed a *LOT*, Aria was case in point. ]

This run:
Bond: 46
Flag: 26

Will B hard to get even Bond up to 75+ [like you had it] w/o books, & low Intel means books won't help much. (I think already tried some)
[INTEL was 1 of the 3 very important stats IMHO on Ashes run]

W/o the low WP, you need a lot of stats just right for it to work.
How did you get your Flag # up to 79? Books? M Devious course? [don't think hunting did it! LOL]

The few times I had #'s up that high, planned @ start. [just like you did]
W/o that benefit... Nearly impossible I think.

"I did combat with them so their respect were around good? 20-30ish."----That's actually a *LOT* of combat! [harder to get anything past 20]
--->>> Should help a *LOT I think too! [*R* =30, ~ = to +30 CHARM!]
So, did you wait do do Bath/BDSM/sex/etc until *R* >30?

Given all my other problems, & low stats [includes BDSM stats----if those poor, much harder to Corrupt] HIGH RESPECT is maybe my best option left.
Takes quite a while though.

Got Reb @ start, JUST NOW, took ~ 70+ days, to get her to 30 Respect!
[anything past 20, is "Random/LUCK"; I've had many many combats where nobody Inc respect at all.]
Worst "problem" girl, is @ 21 *R*; [she refuses to do anything yet]
I can do the "Pro Punish" thing w her, but, [low BSDM scores] turns her OFF, more often than not. she hates it like normal

Don't have Aria yet, but if this holds, mean need to wait *70* + days, *AFTER* get her, to do anything?

-->>> Sidenote: It's *MUCH* much QUICKER, to drop WP, & *THEN* raise affection/happy/love etc. [vs, *R* in say, 40's...]
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Aug 15, 2016
That game was started in the last release here. So the latest public release. That characters flagellation and bondage started at 50. I remember now that I read the books after. All the bondage books. So I guess I focused this character at being as good at bondage and flagellation as possible. I didn't do any courses though. I made money by combat on this character. Killing the respawning raider and bandits and later clearing the fort in Stokke Hills when the combat crew was good enough. Yes if Aria has feminist + another trait that makes her hate bondage even more it will of course make it more difficult. In my game she only had feminist as a negative trait.

I agree that there is so much to do and very little time. Especially as you should self train twice and then also train a girl twice every day. I skip a lot of that at the start to get time to go on theatre dates and upgrade the basics of the house.

I am not saying the way I do it is the only way to do it of course. There is probably a way to target their willpower at first to lower it (by being a good manipulator) and then raise it again after.

But being patient and just trying harmless charm rolls is a way to get a girl to like you and then accept doing more with you without breaking them.
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Aug 30, 2020
Ashes run:
Hope it's worth it! [rather than get Aria *NOW*, got the +150 health [30k!]] -----doing *TONS* of combat [ugh!] just to get that *R* high...
Ex: 3x DURAPLATE ya, they kicked ass enemies----& every time MC goes down, lose hard to get stats.
+ Repair AR/stims cost $$$......

Oh, & [bad luck] right when had those Dura (*^*(&^(!!! ran out of Coil ammo! [took too long to take them down!]

In all the runs I've ever done, *NEVER* done this much combat. [NOT my thing, don't enjoy killing, sadly, only way 2 raise *R*..... 63 Charm now, but still fail a *LOT....

Looking forward to doing run where don't have to fight near as much...
Is Doctor [job] /medic working latest Ver?


Aug 30, 2020
That game was started in the last release here. So the latest public release. That characters flagellation and bondage started at 50. I remember now that I read the books after. All the bondage books. So I guess I focused this character at being as good at bondage and flagellation as possible. I didn't do any courses though. I I made money by combat on this character. Killing the respawning raider and bandits and later clearing the fort in Stokke Hills when the combat crew was good enough. Yes if Aria has feminist + another trait that makes her hate bondage even more it will of course make it more difficult. In my game she only had feminist as a negative trait.

I agree that there is so much to do and very little time. Especially as you should self train twice and then also train a girl twice every day. I skip a lot of that at the start to get time to go on theatre dates and upgrade the basics of the house.

I am not saying the way I do it is the only way to do it of course. There is probably a way to target their willpower at first to lower it (by being a good manipulator) and then raise it again after.

But being patient and just trying harmless charm rolls is a way to get a girl to like you and then accept doing more with you without breaking them.
50+ BDSM stats [@ start] help a LOT. Don't have those this run----started at..... [what's normal? 25? 20? ]
Pretty hard to get 70+ BDSM w/o books;
I do miss the runs w higher Charm/Manip/BSDM; w/o that, *MUCH* much more difficult to "bend" girls...

For a MC w no major stats advantage, *Combat* is really only option left---& that's still a long, hard, difficult road!
[just ask those DuraP... B...s!]

The whole [NEW] "Bounty" thing, really can't be matched for $$$/Inf! [most other fights don't pay much]
No other job even comes close!
If u want to afford the top end Mercs [Ayden, etc] not much choice.

Maybe next run can do something BDSM focus, *NOT* combat? [last time tried that, best was Scholar--science etc]
Any working ideas???

Gunner Rey

Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2018
I look forward to being able to capture people, because it annoys me that we can't enslave the little punk from the intro Red Devil mission.
Cute little Mae? Apparently she doesn't get killed when you take out the Red Devils, she runs off with your taste in her mouth and your cum in her belly and gets captured and enslaved. She'll be available to bid upon when you access the Crystal Heights auction. It was within a few days, but not immediate.


Aug 15, 2016
A small trip report from a Rise of the Ashes run. Thanks to Gunner Rey I am able to try it this version. And I feel it is appropriate to report a bit to thank him for his generosity. This is just the start of the game. I think I will spend quite some time on it.

Currently it seems much of the same as a normal run. The problem is of course that you start with lower stats and no perks at all. So it will be much harder to get good bondage skills f.ex. However the most important skills (charm, ranged combat and stamina) is trainable without a huge hassle.

I am running around as a murderhobo killing everything in sight that is easy while doing lv 1-3 bounties. Trying to upgrade the home to a decent level. I got rifles on myself and Rebecca + the mercs so with some upgraded armor I will try to do the level two Kyamanto Quest.

Here is my losers current stats


The two slaves I have picked up is Juno (hey she is free don't judge) who looks like this


With these traits


The second one is Rebecca (have to have a reliable combat girl)


And these are her traits


Since both the girls are advocates I will focus on getting them to like me and be happy before bringing in other girls. It is easier to focus on two girls at the time at the start anyway. It is fun so far :)
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