
The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
So been playing Raana too much in the past few days. I've got a list of suggestions, many of which you might have heard before, some of which you might not. Use them, discuss them, ignore them at your pleasure.

  • Combat could use more variety than choosing who to shoot first. My recommendation would be skill-based abilities every 25 skill points or so. These could be healing abilities (from science?), cc abilities (distracting speech from academics?), debuffs (flagellation anyone?), and so much more. Hopefully that'll make combat feel like less of a chore and allow non-combat builds to participate a little more.

  • The combat system might also benefit from more situational weapons. How about a sword-breaker that increases damage or evasion against enemies with melee weapons? A rapier that's excellent against armored opponents, but less effective against those with none? Grenades to damage entire enemy squads, but less to single targets? Once again, combat could really use more variety than it has.

  • While I don't mind dice rolling (especially with a 5d20 option), I could go with a little more certainty in the systems. For instance, why do I need to roll charm in order to maybe get a stat boost off explaining a slave's chores? If I succeed on the charm roll, I feel like I should win some sort of increase, even if the degree or location of the increase is randomized. Academy classes are much the same. I guess what I'm saying is that if I'm spending money, time, or beating dice rolls, I should be rewarded with something in a game where maxing a character could take in game (and maybe real life) months.

  • Ikaanos could really use more non-slave people/factions. The mercenary affection system and house parties are a good start, but in general I'd love to see more characters like Mr. Derwin and factions like Kymanto. Slave girls are great, but I felt like I ran out of people to see and things to do that weren't random encounters unfortunately quickly. Feel free to ignore this comment if this is on the agenda later.

  • Could I get some HP boosts for mercs/slaves? Taking them into combat is pretty rough when they die to two good hits, even in combat armor. Incidentally, I love that a frequently used merc increases in their skills. I've got Aiko to 90 ranged skill... if only I didn't have to save scum to get her through any reasonably challenging fight...

  • There are a number of menu opening and navigation options that burn time when I feel they shouldn't. For instance, clicking on a slave girl burns six minutes even if you don't say a word. Choosing "interact options" burns six minutes, even if you don't interact with your slave at all. Walking outside your house burns 18 minutes even if you immediately turn around and go back inside. There are a huge number of menu options that can burn time in bits and pieces adding up to hours. It triggers my min-max instinct in a really negative way.
Anyway, that's off the top of my head. I had a lot of fun playing and look forward to future patches.
Thanks for the feedback!

1, 2 - The combat system is getting a major revamp in 0.8.5, so there'll be a lot more tactical choices, better realism and other changes that are going to address much of what's currently lacking here.

3 - I'm tweaking stuff like this all the time trying to get a good balance between tedious grind and "too-easy" skill progression. Might see some changes to this now that I'll focus on interactions instead of expanding Ikaanos. However, it's intentional that training a slave takes time.

4 - A lot more is coming on this front with expanded factions, visitable neighbors, more great houses to join/work for and expanded dialogues with current vendors.

5 - The new trait system (goes live in 0.8) can provide the Tough trait (75 Health) or Steel Maiden trait (100 Health) to certain slaves - either randomly or through pre-determined character traits. Those girls will be more valuable as combat maidens and not suffer like their weaker sisters (Rebecca will be able to take more hits than the feeble Lovisa, for instance). Might work something out for mercs too later on, maybe buff their Health as they rise in level.

6 - Also something I'll look into with the new focus on interactions.


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
How do you start the prowler in the depth storyline? I gave the book to Wolf but my quest log is empty.
That's a completely different quest, with some prowler cameos (if we're talking about The Temple of Doom/Yidhra). You need to start the first chapter by joining his course and pick up the book from your brother's shelf.

Then, after completing that quest, you'll receive a letter from Miss Winton that starts Chapter 2.


Aug 29, 2021
How do you start the prowler in the depth storyline? I gave the book to Wolf but my quest log is empty.
You start the quest by attending the "Complete Masters" course at the academy, during one of the lectures you see the pentacle he is wearing, click on the red text in the description and later (next lecture?) you remember where you saw it - take it from there, it is pretty straightforward.


Active Member
May 19, 2020
So been playing Raana too much in the past few days. I've got a list of suggestions, many of which you might have heard before, some of which you might not. Use them, discuss them, ignore them at your pleasure.

  • Combat could use more variety than choosing who to shoot first. My recommendation would be skill-based abilities every 25 skill points or so. These could be healing abilities (from science?), cc abilities (distracting speech from academics?), debuffs (flagellation anyone?), and so much more. Hopefully that'll make combat feel like less of a chore and allow non-combat builds to participate a little more.

  • The combat system might also benefit from more situational weapons. How about a sword-breaker that increases damage or evasion against enemies with melee weapons? A rapier that's excellent against armored opponents, but less effective against those with none? Grenades to damage entire enemy squads, but less to single targets? Once again, combat could really use more variety than it has.

  • While I don't mind dice rolling (especially with a 5d20 option), I could go with a little more certainty in the systems. For instance, why do I need to roll charm in order to maybe get a stat boost off explaining a slave's chores? If I succeed on the charm roll, I feel like I should win some sort of increase, even if the degree or location of the increase is randomized. Academy classes are much the same. I guess what I'm saying is that if I'm spending money, time, or beating dice rolls, I should be rewarded with something in a game where maxing a character could take in game (and maybe real life) months.

  • Ikaanos could really use more non-slave people/factions. The mercenary affection system and house parties are a good start, but in general I'd love to see more characters like Mr. Derwin and factions like Kymanto. Slave girls are great, but I felt like I ran out of people to see and things to do that weren't random encounters unfortunately quickly. Feel free to ignore this comment if this is on the agenda later.

  • Could I get some HP boosts for mercs/slaves? Taking them into combat is pretty rough when they die to two good hits, even in combat armor. Incidentally, I love that a frequently used merc increases in their skills. I've got Aiko to 90 ranged skill... if only I didn't have to save scum to get her through any reasonably challenging fight...

  • There are a number of menu opening and navigation options that burn time when I feel they shouldn't. For instance, clicking on a slave girl burns six minutes even if you don't say a word. Choosing "interact options" burns six minutes, even if you don't interact with your slave at all. Walking outside your house burns 18 minutes even if you immediately turn around and go back inside. There are a huge number of menu options that can burn time in bits and pieces adding up to hours. It triggers my min-max instinct in a really negative way.
Anyway, that's off the top of my head. I had a lot of fun playing and look forward to future patches.
  • combat revamp is already planned. several diff perks and situational/environmental options have already been discussed on discord. new weapons for ranged and melee, low and high tech are on the table right now (my suggestion was a high tech flechette needler pistol. high armor piercing factor, med damage, cheaper ammo, w/laser sight for an acc bonus). more melee weapons as well. Grim already added a perk for high melee skill that allows you to start combat off at close range.
    • prob is, the slave expansion revamp has been consistently clamored for, so its kinda taking precedence right now. the first stretch goal (event/party engine) has just been released, the 2nd stretch goal has already been hit (prostitution/harem expansion), and the 3rd stretch goal (legacy/pregnancy) is now trending to hit very soon. the slave expansion revamp is tied into all three, so hes focusing on that now. after version 8 launches, he may be able to get to the complete combat revamp.
  • the feedback about slow skill gain has been fairly consistent as well, as well as complaints about the game not providing enough (or any) guidance about what potential benefits/drawbacks each action provides.
    • recent changes to address this slow skill gain:
      • 7.9.2:
        • You can now raise a broken/devoted slave's WILLPOWER by encouraging her.
        • You can now raise your Bondage skill during a Bondage session together with a slave, as long as the roll is a Critical Success and your Bondage skill is below 70.
        • You now have a 20% chance of lowering a slave's Willpower with an additional point if her Pain and Humiliation are both maxed at the End day event.
        • Slaves will no longer gain an excessively high Willpower increase from attending studies for longer periods (caps at 80).
        • Increased the Discipline raise chance (10>15%) when explaining chores to a slave.
        • It's now almost impossible not to raise a skill if you hire a trainer during a workout/ranged session - as long as the skill you're trying to raise is below 70.
      • 7.9.1:
        • It's now a little easier to train slaves when you "Include" them in your sessions, if their Discipline is 30 or higher.
        • The Sandbox Difficulty will now add an extra success bonus chance when you Include slaves in your training sessions.
      • .7.9F:
        • Special event added. Asking a non-Corrupted girl (3-12) what she thinks about degrading sex/BDSM now has a 40% chance of giving a temporary curiosity boost as long as your skill roll is successful, her Affection is Friendly or higher, she's not angry, and if she doesn’t have the Vanilla trait. The boost will fade after a couple of hours.
        • Explaining a girl's chores now has a 10% chance of increasing her Discipline if it's 49 or lower.
    • Upcoming changes in Alpha version (from #current-patch-notes channel in discord):
      • GrimDark — 04/22/2022
        ETA (public): June 5.
        ETA (Alpha): May 29 (Tier3+).
        NOTE! Patch notes are added daily. This is not a complete list.
        .. .. ..
        GrimDark — 05/21/2022
        "Are you okay?"
        Asking your slaves how they feel is now more important than ever. Doing so can (if your Charm roll succeeds) raise her Affection, Respect (if it's not too high already) and temporary boost your persuasion attempts in other matters (such as sex). It's a good every-day habit if you want a girl's feelings for you.
        This new feature comes with over 250 lines of unique dialogue - all slaves will respond differently.
        GrimDark — 05/21/2022
        Gameplay changes
        • An orgasm during sex and bondage now has a chance to decrease a girl's Anger and remove temporary resentment events.
        GrimDark — 05/22/2022
        Vendor changes
        Significantly increased the yield from all vendor assignments. Applying a slave at Devious now gives $50/day, Walton almost doubled his generosity and Nika's (surprisingly!) raised his wages by 50%.
    • Grim reads all the feedback he gets, and I help out when I can to organize and address player feedback when I can. One thing to keep in mind is that Grim comes from a hardcore-ish tabletop RPG background, so he didnt feel like the grind was that bad. To him, trying things out/figuring things out on his own was part of the experience.
      Player feedback has shown him that not everyone enjoys that, which is why the Sandbox/Normal/GrimDark play modes were added in. This allows players to tweak the settings to better accommodate differing playstyles and preferences.

      In the last update, he added in mouseover popups to most of the main buttons in the game, as a test. If it works out well, he may add in mouseover popups to all action/decision related buttons to display possible effects the action will have for the player, so the player can make better educated decisions and have more control over their gameplay experience.

      In short, hes working on adjusting/tweaking the game systems based on player feedback. So keep it coming!
  • Grim already had a roadmap when he released the game here on F95, encompassing a comprehensive world to play in. He has been slowly adding them in with each update, balancing that with player concerns and requests.
    • From discord:
      GrimDark — 05/21/2022
      Yes. The "post-revamp slave" branch versions are 0.8.5 and 0.9.
      One of these "blocks" includes the MC remake, Crimelord update and a huge emphasis on Ikaanos again (Ikaanos will probably be 100% done).
      The other block is a combat revamp, outside cities (visit Lake City, New Tokyo) explore jungles and randomly generated missions.
      I don't yet know in which order they'll be published, however.
  • Addressing HP/Stam concerns will happen with the combat and MC revamp. He's been holding off messing with it in the meantime to avoid creating gameplay imbalances that may cause problems later on. He's been wary of creating a BUFF THEN NERF scenario that would probably cause more displeasure for players than its worth.
    However, be aware that raising your stamina also provides a damage reduction that scales up the higher it is. I'll check with Grim to see if that damage reduction applies to mercs as well. If not, I think it would be a good idea if it did in some form.
    He would rather just do it all at once, rather than dribble out changes over time and possibly fuck things up.
  • Eh, the time consumption thing is tough. On the one side, it would be nice if you could get more stuff done in one day. On the other side, the time consumption prevents players from doing TOO much in one day, and throwing off the economy/progression scale. If you look at one of my previous posts, I can already get alot done in 5 in game days.

In all, some great feedback. Come to the discord, we would welcome further input!

EDIT: motherfucker.... Grim beat me to it. GD-studios, dude. How the fuck are you able to release so much shit and still answer questions on the forums? GET BACK TO CODING, I WANT MY WAIFU HAREM ACTION DREAM GAME!
Last edited:


Active Member
Apr 23, 2020
i was referring to ., which is the latest public release. yours is.7.9.2. i already have access to the alpha versions, as i am already subbed at the max tier. i would never suggest that you post a paid version, as i am a huge supporter of Grim. You can find my name in the credits for the game. he deserves every penny he gets and more.
Thats great dude. You say that my game version is .7.9.2? i think it is . I dont know for sure, I downloaded it from this thread. The title of the thread does state So title is wrong?


Active Member
May 19, 2020
Thats great dude. You say that my game version is .7.9.2? i think it is . I dont know for sure, I downloaded it from this thread. The title of the thread does state So title is wrong?
The game was updated a few days after .7.9.2 was released, mostly bugfixes.

Updated link is in the main post here on F95.
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Nov 24, 2018
Hmm. I can't see the full screen while playing this game on Android on browser or joiplay. Anyone found a way to make it work?
Sep 8, 2017
I'm loving this game, man. I also love the character of Eliana (prostitute/slave at Furry's) I've gotten to the end of her current questline, where she's trying to recruit me to help her escape slavery. I'm hoping you're planning for the story to provide the option for MC to acquire Eliana for himself. Please? Pretty please?


The Budman
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
I'm loving this game, man. I also love the character of Eliana (prostitute/slave at Furry's) I've gotten to the end of her current questline, where she's trying to recruit me to help her escape slavery. I'm hoping you're planning for the story to provide the option for MC to acquire Eliana for himself. Please? Pretty please?

Oh yes, she's a planned slave. coming later, after the 0.8.0 release.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
playing this game for couple day, it kinda grow on me... kinda understand why support its really grow on you... enjoy slave..

question, can you terminate slave(over torture)? and can you sex with mercenary?


Apr 28, 2021
V07921 I noticed that bondage sessions with both Juno and Rebecca resulted in corruption score getting lower, dropping from 41 to 36 for Juno. The girls orgasmed several times during the session and each time lost a corruption point. I might be confused, or it might be bugged. Is that how it's supposed to work, because it seems to me like the corruption score should go up.


Aug 18, 2017
I played the game now fresh from the start again, without any cheating. I started a more brainy character. Saddly it seems, that in the end it does not pay out very much. You have to skill out physical attributes and skills, to advance in the game. And there I am with the point of annoyance, the characteradvancement. Maybe it is a mostly a problem of transparency. The player simply does not know, how the characteradvancement exactly works, the wiki is rather vague about that. There you can learn, that on a critical hit you get a skillpoint. But what about the other times you use the skill? I would suggest a system, that is similar to the 2nd edition Mechwarrior RPG. There you have two kinds of experiencepoints adventurepoints (AP) and skillpoints (SP). To advance a character you have spend 10 skillpoints and [wantedlevel] adventurepoints. Example: you want to raise small arms from 3 to 4, so you will have to spend 10 SP and 4 AP. It is possible to advance a skill without SP at the double AP cost (3 to 4 = 8 AP) and without spending AP for the price of ten times the cost of APs (3 to 4 = 40 SP). The character gains AP by completing missions/tasks and roleplaying etc. SP are ganied by critical success and critical failure. If there are times in the game without missions the character gets a number of SP according to his learning attribute.
I think a similar system would work fine here too. SP might be awarded at the end of each month according to the int-attribute, critical success and failure, as reward for training sessions and bookreading. AP would be an award for completing tasks, for example a shopowner wants to get some pelts etc., another one wants that the player teaches some gangmembers a lesson (kill a number of gangmembers etc), completing missions for your house etc.
The benefits are quite obvious. The MC get's more control over the characteradvancement and more important, he can see exactly how characteradvancement works.
At the downside, I have no idea if it is possible to implement such a system in a htmlgame...


Active Member
May 19, 2020
playing this game for couple day, it kinda grow on me... kinda understand why support its really grow on you... enjoy slave..

question, can you terminate slave(over torture)? and can you sex with mercenary?

Player / Slave / Merc Death
There is currently no mechanism for the player character to die in the game. This is done by design. According to GrimDark, permanent death forces players to rely on save-scumming and is not an enjoyable gaming experience. As a result, if you are defeated in a fight, your stats will suffer a minor penalty. Stats that are lost in this way can be quickly restored by increasing them during training or through other means.

Slaves are likewise subject to this rule. Slaves who are defeated in combat do not die, but instead get a stat point penalty. These losses, like the player character's, can be regained by training and other means.

This rule, however, has an exception for slaves. Slaves can die if their health is ignored and they reach -30 health. This can happen in a variety of ways. If a critically injured slave is not healed over time, she will die. Leaving a slave bound for a few days will almost certainly result in her death.

So, take care of your girls!

Finally, defeated will perish at the end of the combat encounter. You will not be able to heal them if they lose all of their health during a fight and fall. As of the 7.7 update, all mercs except for a few are unique and therefore will be permanently removed from the game if they are killed in battle. So, make sure to protect / heal your favorite mercs! Mercs that will respawn after death are the following:

  • Peasant rifleman in district by the Market.
  • Swordsman at the Warrior Hall in Watery Eyes district.
  • Rifleman at the Warrior Hall in Watery Eyes district.


Affection currently doesn't do much BUT it is used to determine how much of their background a merc will reveal to you, along with some flavor text. Merc interactions will be fleshed out in a future build, allowing for sex with the female mercs among other things so it'll play a larger role then
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4.50 star(s) 136 Votes