
Feb 9, 2018
It's not obsolete. Training is done by +rolls and -rolls. A fully upgraded training hall, a statue gift from Aria, hiring a trainer, having high discipline, having brawler traits, having warrior traits, having a certain body type all adds to the roll and makes your training successful.

Having demerits like improper body types (petites suck at raising their STR beyond a certain point but excel at raising their dexterity, while herculeans absolutely suck at dexterity training), having already high stat of the current stat you are training, etc, adds penalty rolls.
You know that because you dig into the code itself - which in itself has nothing to do with gameplay. A player can only react and process what is presented by either the game or the help - wiki in this case. To come to a conclusion, as you present it, one has to dig into the code, as that conclusion is impossible to draw by just the info given to the regular player. This is exactly why i used 'obstruction' in my wording. The necessary information to achieve a simple thing or to develop a strategy towards a simple goal is impossible to gather without diving into the code itself at times.

Just to translate your comment into monetary figures: 13k just for the dojo, at least 32k for Aria and being able to end her quest-line. Nothing what you list has anything to do with 'general info' but is yet again another high level strategy answer. For a generic player it is not possible to see the value in the upgrades if results are mostly random thus pure luck. So for them buildings become 'obsolete' as they dont really offer value for result since the rolls are still random. Random means you will get rolls both in low and high. Even with the best bonus there are still lows.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
I still have not started prowler 3 because it has a unique NPC I have to catch and I do not care to have him in my house just yet. I should try it now, kill the beast, and then roll back the save to keep that unique guy open.
I'd get him sooner rather than later, even if you don't care to have him, because you have to keep him in a cell for a week anyways and losing Deadly Enemy is a slow process.


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
Uhm well, now i have to ask, when did you play this game last time..? Because there's pretty extensive explanation to "Head Chef" in the game as it is now. It's under a button placed next to the "Head Chef" job assignment, just like for every other job assignment in the game:
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While there are areas of the game which could indeed use some more info, for the most part i find it self-describing well enough, and much better than many others.
While I don't exactly agree with those other two guys on much of anything they're saying, my big gripe with the game is that it's not properly stated how exactly something like Chef skill is calculated.

Would be nice to see the formulas displayed in the game so that you knew what skills and traits to train or to look for in future slave acquisitions, without needing the wiki.


New Member
Mar 24, 2022
For anyone who wants Tier Change (so you can play the MoR Enhanced start, traits, and quests) + Incest Patch, you guys can DM me since I will not post it because "reasons", I've already updated and tested it on the latest version and it works like a charm. ;)
If you have time could you send me a copy?


Feb 9, 2018
I get the frustration with randomness, i'm not fan of such mechanics myself. It doesn't change the fact the nature of the complaint was frankly, dumb, and based in not understanding how the mechanic works.

I disagree -- it matters quite a bit if your chance to pass the check is 10% or 50%. Even for individual roll, and especially in the long run with hundred(s) of rolls made, which is what this game is ultimately about. If someone says it doesn't matter because it's random then i have to question if they even understand what "it's random" means in this context.

Uhm well, now i have to ask, when did you play this game last time..? Because there's pretty extensive explanation to "Head Chef" in the game as it is now. It's under a button placed next to the "Head Chef" job assignment, just like for every other job assignment in the game:
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While there are areas of the game which could indeed use some more info, for the most part i find it self-describing well enough, and much better than many others.
There is not a single line about what the Chef skill actually is (or better how the game is coming to the conclusion of it being 56 in your example). You have to assign the person or have to click through every single character to have an idea who is best for the job while never getting any idea in-game how the game comes to the skill conclusion. The skill listed here is no skill at all since it is a calculated result of several skills in fact. Which it doesnt list at all in that box. Same goes for the accountant. That also is a combo of several skills and attributes added to each other. Guard efficiency same thing.

With regards to the rolls. Same goes for that argument. Just by looking at the result of a roll doesnt give one any indication how they are made up. The building (dojo) gives you an arbitrary number (+5) in-game without showing you any actual changes in the results due to it being only the end result of the entire roll.


Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2021
There is not a single line about what the Chef skill actually is (or better how the game is coming to the conclusion of it being 56 in your example). You have to assign the person or have to click through every single character to have an idea who is best for the job while never getting any idea in-game how the game comes to the skill conclusion. The skill listed here is no skill at all since it is a calculated result of several skills in fact. Which it doesnt list at all in that box. Same goes for the accountant. That also is a combo of several skills and attributes added to each other. Guard efficiency same thing.

With regards to the rolls. Same goes for that argument. Just by looking at the result of a roll doesnt give one any indication how they are made up. The building (dojo) gives you an arbitrary number (+5) in-game without showing you any actual changes in the results due to it being only the end result of the entire roll.
Many of those calculations are on the wiki, where they're being openly modifed/tweaked pending a more permanent implementation in the actual game as either hover popups or within trait descriptions.

My plan is to build fancier frameworks, especially for interactions/training, starting with homeschooling in 0837.

For now, in MoR's early Alpha state, it's best to use the wiki as a temporary "fix" for the confusion, which I'm totally aware of. :)


Active Member
Jan 21, 2024
Did anyone manage to kill the void beast? I got sorta close but I wonder what the strat is to kill it
Ah, I think there's no special trick to it. Extremely high dex evasion builds can cheese it without taking damage but even a normal fully trained party with high ranged and melee (120-150), as high a strength as they could have, and Duraplate armor at the least can do it powerstriking with greatswords. Train some more if you cannot. This fight's difficulty can vary at the stage of the game you are in. At day 100, it can be very challenging and at day 300 you can probably take it with no casualty, depending on how you play. If you are at the later stage of the game and money is not a problem, check your main combat NPCs in NPC Menu ---> Actions ---> Doctor's Hall to give them health implants. There's two levels and it can add +25 (costs $50,000) and +50 HP (costs $95,000) for a total of +75 HP. Some NPCs (aka the big mercs) may need more affection before allowing you to install implants on them. Without knowing what stage of the game you are in and what you have available, that's all I can help. Well, I could suggest which NPCs you should focus on if you want to minmax so there's that but it can feel very limiting because there's a narrower list for that and it's not strictly necessary for this fight..
You know that because you dig into the code itself - which in itself has nothing to do with gameplay. A player can only react and process what is presented by either the game or the help - wiki in this case. To come to a conclusion, as you present it, one has to dig into the code, as that conclusion is impossible to draw by just the info given to the regular player. This is exactly why i used 'obstruction' in my wording. The necessary information to achieve a simple thing or to develop a strategy towards a simple goal is impossible to gather without diving into the code itself at times.

Just to translate your comment into monetary figures: 13k just for the dojo, at least 32k for Aria and being able to end her quest-line. Nothing what you list has anything to do with 'general info' but is yet again another high level strategy answer. For a generic player it is not possible to see the value in the upgrades if results are mostly random thus pure luck. So for them buildings become 'obsolete' as they dont really offer value for result since the rolls are still random. Random means you will get rolls both in low and high. Even with the best bonus there are still lows.
It is an intuitive train of thought to assume that more upgrades on your designated combat Training Room improve your chances. Hiring a trainer too. Push It is not very intuitive, sure. The mention of Aria's statue is just tacked on so someone would not say "You forgot this", it's not the point. The point is the rolls follow a certain set of calculations and there is a way to game that to your advantage. Could the game be better at informing you? Sure.

EDIT: oh, and grim replied so he's looking into it too.
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 26, 2024
Live hack for those who want to be able to edit save files:
1. open start_game.html with Notepad++
2. Find in the text

if(e==null)return"";var t="";var n,r,i,s,o,u,a;var f=0;e=LZString.compress(e);while(f<e.length*2){if(f%2==0){n=e.charCodeAt(f/2)>>8;r=e.charCodeAt(f/2)&255;if(f/2+1<e.length)i=e.charCodeAt(f/2+1)>>8;else i=NaN}else{n=e.charCodeAt((f-1)/2)&255;if((f+1)/2<e.length){r=e.charCodeAt((f+1)/2)>>8;i=e.charCodeAt((f+1)/2)&255}else r=i=NaN}f+=3;s=n>>2;o=(n&3)<<4|r>>4;u=(r&15)<<2|i>>6;a=i&63;if(isNaN(r)){u=a=64}else if(isNaN(i)){a=64}t=t+LZString._keyStr.charAt(s)+LZString._keyStr.charAt(o)+LZString._keyStr.charAt(u)+LZString._keyStr.charAt(a)}return t

and replace it with

return e

so that the text between the commas looks like this

,compressToBase64:function(e){return e},

3. Now the new saves will be normally readable and editable with Notepad++.
4. For easy viewing of the file, download the JSON viewer plugin for Notepad++, then open the save file and click plugins/JSON viewer/Format JSON

P.S. Don't forget to always backup your files when editing something;)
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2018
its the damn retarded dice roll just remove it and let people gain stat normally why the hell training become a gamble. You train in a group of 4, with people around the same stats. 3 passes but then retarded dice roll decides to give one a failure, then you reload and try again now a different person get the failure, repeated that enough of time and you'll probably want to bash the face of the one responsible for that retard training mechanic.
Hit "F5" I think, saves a hard reload


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
There is not a single line about what the Chef skill actually is
You said there was no explanation about Head Chef, not Chef Skill.

(the skill level corresponds primarily to Domestic skill, with Discipline and Intelligence adding to it, which is fairly logical for a domestic job and i don't think a player wouldn't be able to notice the relation between assigning character with such skills and good performance)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
And now for something completely different: a bug, probably.
/* nikas clothes */
<<if _npc.dayblock is 9 and _npc.charisma lte 59 and _lossroll is 4>><<set _npc.charisma+=1>><</if>>

<<if _npc.willpower gte 30 and _npc.happiness gte 40 and _lossroll is 1 and _npc.charisma lte 59>><<set _npc.charisma+=1>><</if>>
The second line doesn't check for assigned job and grants potential charisma gain to anyone in the household, not just to person working at Nika's. Which, given where it's positioned in the code, probably wasn't actual intention..?


Apr 28, 2018
I noticed a lot of posts talking about training, so I wanted to point out that unlike most dice rolls in the game where lower is better, you want to roll as high as possible for training. Probably doesn't matter much though unless you play on Sandbox difficulty which rolls lower numbers.


New Member
Jul 30, 2023
For anyone who wants Tier Change (so you can play the MoR Enhanced start, traits, and quests) + Incest Patch, you guys can DM me since I will not post it because "reasons", I've already updated and tested it on the latest version and it works like a charm. ;)
Could you also send me the link by DM? please


Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
And now for something completely different: a bug, probably.
/* nikas clothes */
<<if _npc.dayblock is 9 and _npc.charisma lte 59 and _lossroll is 4>><<set _npc.charisma+=1>><</if>>

<<if _npc.willpower gte 30 and _npc.happiness gte 40 and _lossroll is 1 and _npc.charisma lte 59>><<set _npc.charisma+=1>><</if>>
The second line doesn't check for assigned job and grants potential charisma gain to anyone in the household, not just to person working at Nika's. Which, given where it's positioned in the code, probably wasn't actual intention..?
As per MoR-wiki:
Charisma increases slowly if an NPC maintains a combination of high Willpower (30 or above) and a high enough Happiness (40 or above). This gives him or her room to improve her own confidence and character when not busy with other tasks (cap: 60).
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
As per MoR-wiki:
Charisma increases slowly if an NPC maintains a combination of high Willpower (30 or above) and a high enough Happiness (40 or above). This gives him or her room to improve her own confidence and character when not busy with other tasks (cap: 60).
Ahh okay. Weird place to put it (in the middle of workplace-oriented checks) but it does seem intentional, then.
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2021
Ahh okay. Weird place to put it (in the middle of workplace-oriented checks) but it does seem intentional, then.
Yeah, I've noticed a bit of that having gone through the code. Happy to be of help since it's usually you illuminating the inner workings of games to me.
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New Member
Aug 3, 2017
For anyone who wants Tier Change (so you can play the MoR Enhanced start, traits, and quests) + Incest Patch, you guys can DM me since I will not post it because "reasons", I've already updated and tested it on the latest version and it works like a charm. ;)
dm me~thank you~
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